Chapter 3

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*The next day, Sylvia is laying down in her bed. Riley sits in a chair next to the bed to keep Sylvia company. Sylvia has regained her normal color, and the circles under her eyes have started to fade, but she is nowhere near energized enough to do things by herself*

"Are you really going to keep me in bed all day?" *Sylvia's tone has also returned to her normal annoyed ways*

*Riley glances up from her phone and looks at Sylvia*

"The least you can do is engage in conversation rather than staring at your phone."

"I can't help it I get bored easily." *Riley shrugs*

"And I'm not? Watching you surf tumblr is not exactly the most exciting thing in the world to do. Astaroth is probably the only one entertained by it, but that's because he gets to actually see what you're seeing." Sylvia complains.

"Actually he's kind of in a sleeping state at the moment and i'm not searching tumblr. At the moment i'm on youtube."

"Well, you should interact with me. Not your phone. I am after all the one you are forcing to stay in bed."

*Riley sighs and turns to Sylvia* "Fine. do you want me to pull it up on the T.V. so both of us can watch?"

"You obviously havn't noticed that I don't have a television." Sylvia explains to Riley.

*Riley looks over to where a T.V. would be* "Well, then I guess I need to go out and get a T.V. You're missing out on great and horrible T.V."

"No! You are not going to leave me here by myself with nothing to do!"

*Riley sits there thinking for a little bit*

"Oh no. You're thinking. Alright. Tell me what it is that has your mind so busy now." Sylvia says horrified.

*Riley looks over to Sylvia* "Just thinking, if I could get you a babysitter."

"Would it kill you to engage in an actual conversation? There has to be something you're interested in."

*Riley sighs* "Fine, what do you have in mind?"

"Well, I'm assuming you're not going to move out anytime soon, so why not just start asking questions about each other?"

Riley says bordely."Alright then, let's start with some cliche questions then. What's your favorite color? Stuff like that, to start off with."

"Alright. My favorite color is blue. Yours?"

"I have many, but my favorite color would have to be black or red." *Riley says as she balances her chair on the back two legs, and folding her arms across her chest*

"I feel like that's an obvious answer."

"Well, you can assume some things are obvious about me."

"That's true. Is my favorite color really the most interesting question you can come up with though?"

"Alright then. *Riley stops leaning in the chair and sits forward with her elbows on her knees* How did you fall?"

*Sylvia's expression changes. Only for a second does it show a bit of pain.* "Um, Well, I, uh. I sort of broke a rule."

*Riley looks a little surprised* "To be honest I did not expect you to answer, but can I ask what rule did you break? Or is that to hard for you to explain?"

"I suppose it's been long enough. I should probably tell someone. Though, I never expected I'd tell a demon." *Sylvia takes a breath before starting to explain* "In paradise, there are very specific rules. It's quite easy to avoid violating them if you know how to find the loopholes. I was known as the one to come to if someone wanted something done, but didn't want to break any rules. One day, I was on a job to clear out a group of demons that was bringing quite a bit of chaos to a little town. I was able to expel most of them, but one of them demanded parley. Not very many demons have the nerve to request parley, because it requires said demon to enter the kingdom. No demon wants that. Weird things happen to a demon in paradise. Anyways, I brought her up to the kingdom to have console with the higher ups. However, without even caring about the rules of parley, they threw the demon into a cell and left her to die. I didn't exactly agree with that, so I did what no angle would ever even dare to think about doing. I helped a demon escape the cell, and return back to hell. Not long after that, the gates to paradise were closed on me forever." *As the story went on, Sylvia's expression got more and more grim*

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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