Chapter 2.

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  • Dedicated to Asialyn Landrum

It was January 15th when we ordered our tickets, and now it was time to order our merchandise. Asialyn was crying.

" Why are you crying?" I asked her.

" I don't want to give up all my money!" she shouted, holding her lock box close to her.

I grabbed her and shook. " This is for MAGCON! Get ahold of yourself!" I shouted.

She wiped away a tear and handed me the box. " Okay, fine." she moaned.

" That's the spirit!" I laughed and sat both our boxes down.

After I bought everything the totals came around 290.00- 295.00 so we were pretty happy to have extra money.

" Now let's go clothes shopping!" Asialyn said as she grabbed my arm.

" Why?" I cried.

" For Nash and Hayes. Duh." she squealed.

" But...We..." I was interrupted.

" No buts Sky, Now let's go!" She said and sent me out the door.

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