I Rejected the alpha storys

217 11 2

Ok so i am sitting here on my bed reading about how a girl rejects her alpha mate but doesn't want to be with him AND how somewhere in her life she is with him married with kids.

Like really though you just said you didn't want to be with him because you got used or raped or don't wanna be hurt again and then you want to be with him.If i was one of these girls in these stories i would reject him and move on with my life and then all of a sudden he marks yo ass and then you all of a sudden love him.

I WISH an alpha would mark me i do not give a fudge if you are the most highest rank of the pack or that your so hot that every slut in the pack wants you to make them a luna like i know my heart would be broken but i would just shake it off almost like lint on my damn shirt.

Maybe she don't want a mate that is always so possessive and ties her down and wont let her run alone in her wolf form.I mean dang a she-wolf gotta do what a she-wolf gotta do and if that mean i gotta sneak out the damn house just to get away from yo ass then that is what i am going to do.



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