10. amelia

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To make things short, Amelia didn't want to get out of bed.

Her body felt sluggish and empty, her face was stained with the tear stains from the night before, and her head pounded from her over-active brain making up hundreds of scenarios that could come from the visit of her father.

Father, she thought. As if I could even call him that.

All her bitterness from the night before suddenly reemerged at full blast. What right did he have to suddenly come back into her life after she had so carefully put together? What right did he mother have to allow him into their home without first getting the consent?

As soon as the rage had hit her, it was gone, and she was left feeling worse even worse. Slowly, she dragged her body out of bed and got ready for school. As she forced herself down the stairs, she was met with the guilty face of her mother. Amelia ignored her, and the giant pit in her stomach, and went to make a bowl of cereal.

Her mother said nothing as she ate, as if she didn't know what to begin with. Their silence continued until Amelia was finished eating. Just as she was about to walk out the door, she felt a soft hand on her bicep.

"I-I'm so sorry Lia." Holly began. "I should have know it would've gone south. I just-"

"It's fine." Amelia cut her off. She couldn't help but forgive her when she used that nickname. The one she'd had since she was four. "Your heart was in the right place, I guess." She turned completely and smiled at her mother. "I'm fine, honest."

She knew her mother didn't believe her, but she still returned the smile and gave her a tight hug. "I love you Lia.", she whispered.

"I love you too, mom."


The bus ride to school was just as loud as it always was. None of Amelia's friends rode her bus so she was left with plugging in her headphones and scrolling away through her Tumblr. Not that it bothered her any.

When the bus arrived on campus, a group of kids shot up and were already out of the bus the second the doors opened. Amelia rolled her eyes at their antics and extited the bus after everyone else had gone. She thanked the bus driver and walked up to the school.

And as usual, the school was watching the arrival of their prince and his best friend.

Amelia paid them no mind and continued on her way to her locker. Just as she had finished putting away her things, she felt a hand wrap around her arm and roughly drag her away. The unknown person kept pulling her along until she found herself inside one of the staff bathrooms.

Amelia yanked her arm back from her capture and glared. It was boy, a rather attractive one in her opinion. His skin held a caramel tone and his hair was a rich dark brown. His jaw definition was that of the male models Amelia's friends are always gushing about. His eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown.


As soon as she entered the trace, she pulled herself out. She didn't see it at first, but she knew exactly who had taken her away from her locked.

Landon Brown. Captain of the basketball team. Best friend of Brooklyn Quinn.

Amelia inwardly rolled her eyes. Great, She thought, just great.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He spat out.

This time Amelia actually rolled her eyes, "I have no idea what you're talking about." She said innocently.

Landon obviously didn't find her amusing. "You think you can just publicly humiliate people like that? You think you're above everyone else?"

Amelia shrugged, ignore her pounding heart. "I mean, I'm entitled to my own opinion."

He stepped even closer to her to the point where they were almost touching. "I'm only going to say this once, leave Brooklyn alone. Don't talk to him, don't talk about him. Hell, don't even look at him."

Amelia could hear her heartbeat in her ears, whether it from fear or nervousness, she didn't know. "Or what?" She breathed out.

Landon's face took on a deadly look, "Or I'll make Hell seem like a little girl's tea party."

And with that, he moved past her, purposely bumping into her and leaving the bathroom. Amelia took a fee calming breaths, holding her things close to her chest, and left as well. Once again, she felt the stares of her peers as she walked down the hall.

Then it hit her.

She had just came out of the bathroom with one of the school's most sought after guys with her face bright red. And that guy happened to be the best friend of the person she embarrassed in front of everyone.

My life just keeps getting better and better.

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