chapter 5: Date

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"Are you ready to go to school babe?" Alex whispered in my ear. He was rubbing my back gently, his head on my shoulder.

"Mmhh... I don't want to go..." I mumbled, hugging Alex and putting him closer to me. I opened my eyes slowly when I felt him stare at me. I loved the way his hair was in the morning; he looked gorgeous, more than usual.

"Like what you see? Take a picture it will last longer." He said winking at me which made me blush. I kissed him slowly before biting his lips playfully which earned a loud moan from him. He pulled away, panting hard, and his eyes half closed.

"Stop that... We have to go to school. But we can continue this amazing moment after school, if you want." He said with a smirk. I crossed my arms against my chest, giving him a dead glare. When I noticed that he would not change his mind, I huffed then I walked into the bathroom, slamming the door loudly to show him I wasn't happy about his decision. I wanted to stay in bed all day with him! It would have been so much better than this stupid school!

I took a warm shower before brushing my hair, and I went back in my bedroom with only a white towel around my waist. Alex was already ready to go to school and he was obviously waiting for me. I turned my back to him, smirking to myself for the great idea I just had. I dropped the towel so he would have a beautiful view on my ass before putting slowly my clothes on. Once I was ready I went in front of him with an innocent smile.

"I'm ready, are you coming? Or you may have a little problem... I would love to help you, really, but I wouldn't want to miss school. Priorities you know." I told him with a smirk. He glared at me while he was trying to hide the obvious bulge in his pants.

"I hate you..." He mumbled before getting up and putting his bag in front of him, to hide his little problem. I busted out of laughing and kissed his cheek before walking down the stairs happily with Alex behind me.

"Sweetie, are you alright? Why are you laughing?" My mother yelled from the kitchen.

"Alex is here. We're already late; we don't have time for breakfast, thanks anyway." I replied, getting out of the house quickly. I didn't want to see her worried face, not today.

The day at school went on quickly. Alex and I finished the project without Denis because he was too busy making out with one of the most popular girls at school. Oneday one of these girls will end up pregnant, I was sure of that.

"Do you want to go somewhere tonight... I've something for you..." Alex murmured with a slight blush on his cheeks. It was the first time ever I saw him blush. I nodded with a smile and he took my hand leading me somewhere. We were in front of a beautiful, small wooden house with purple flowers all around.

"Where are we?" I asked with a frown, my hand still clasped in his.

"My grand parents' house. They died years ago but my mother bought their house. Come!" He replied with a bright smile which made me smile back.

When Alex turned on the lights, my eyes opened in shock. It was amazing! In the middle of the room, there was a big table with candles and roses petals everywhere. While I was looking at the beautiful decoration, Alex lighted the candles. In the background there was some French music that I never heard before.

"Want to dance?" He asked giving me his hand. I gladly took it before putting my head on his shoulder. I sighed happily. (Music here ~~~>

Oh ma douce souffrance
Pourquoi s'acharner tu recommences
Je ne suis qu'un être sans importance
Sans lui je suis un peu paro
Je déambule seule dans le métro
Une dernière danse
Pour oublier ma peine immense
Je veux m'enfuir que tout recommence
Oh ma douce souffrance

Je remue le ciel, le jour, la nuit
Je danse avec le vent, la pluie
Un peu d'amour, un brin de miel 
Et je danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse
Et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur
Est ce mon tour?
Vient la douleur...
Dans tout Paris, je m'abandonne
Et je m'envole, vole, vole, vole, vole,
Que d'espérance.
Sur ce chemin en ton absence
J'ai beau trimer, sans toi ma vie n'est qu'un décore qui brille, vide de sens

Je remue le ciel le jour, la nuit
Je danse avec le vent, la pluie
Un peu d'amour, un brin de miel 
Et je danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse
Et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur
Est ce mon tour?
Vient la douleur...
Dans tous paris, je m'abandonne
Et je m'envole, vole, vole, vole, vole,

Dans cette douce souffrance.
Dont j'ai payé toutes les offenses
Ecoute comme mon cœur est immense
Je suis une enfant du monde

Je remue le ciel le jour, la nuit
Je danse avec le vent, la pluie
Un peu d'amour, un brin de miel 
Et je danse, danse, danse, danse, danse, danse
Et dans le bruit, je cours et j'ai peur

Est ce mon tour?

Vient la douleur...

Dans tout Paris, je m'abandonne

Et je m'envole, vole, vole, vole, vole...

"That was beautiful, thank you." I whispered before kissing him tenderly. He kissed me back hungrilybeforepullingaway.

"I hope you're hungry, there's lasagna and red wine." He said as I sat down on one of the chair around the table.

The dinner was excellent. I was feeling a bit dizzy because of all the red wine I drank. I wished this moment could last forever, it was just perfect. During the evening I sent a quick message to my mother to tell her that I would spend the night with Alex. I couldn't believe that he did all this just for me. It was just amazing; I loved him so, so much. I truly thought he was the love of my live.

After the dinner, we took a long, warm shower together before falling asleep on the big comfy bed.


"Shut off this fucking phone before I throw it out of the window." I groaned before putting my head on Alex's chest without opening my eyes. I was so tired; we should have been to bed earlier.

"It's not my phone, take it yourself." Alex mumbled without opening his eyes.

I opened my eyes slowly, looking quickly at my boyfriend, he fell back asleep! Ugh, so nice of him... I took my phone angrily before answering it.

"Finally! The school gave me a call; you already missed your two first periods. Where are you?" My mother asked. By the tone of her voice I could imagine she was not happy about the current situation.

"I was asleep; you just woke me up... I'll get ready... Soon. I promise I'll go at school this afternoon, right now I just want to sleep..." I mumbled yawning tiredly, before looking at Alex who was sleeping peacefully. How much I envied him right now...

"My best friend and his daughter are coming this afternoon. I want you back at home after school. If I learn that you missed afternoon's school, I swear you will be punished for the rest of your life." She said and hung up before I could respond.

I sighed and I let my head fell on the pillow with a groan.

"Ehh, I'm here you know."  Alex mumbled in my hair. Oops, I guess I didn't fall on the pillow. I gave him an apologetic look before kissing him. I could feel his smile against my lips.

We kissed for a couple of minutes before heading to the shower. The shower was supposed to last only ten minutes but we stayed in it for about one hour, too busy making out than actually taking a shower. 

"Well, we will just be at school for the afternoon's periods." I sighed, finishing dressing myself. "Thank you for everything, Alex. It was more than perfect. I'm so lucky to have you."

"You're welcome, babe." He answered giving me a small peck on the lips before heading to the car.

The afternoon was okay, I guess it could be worse. Denis was looking at me with a strange glint in his eyes and a cruel smirk. I didn't know what to do, he scared me! The way he behaved made me think he was going to do something soon. Something horrible. 

Alex brought me back at home at the end of the day; he left, giving me only a small kiss as a goodbye. I entered in the house, without making any noises. My mother was speaking with someone, surely her best friend. I could only hear my mother but I didn't like what I heard.

"Something is wrong with him... I don't know what to do... He told me I mustn't tell him the truth but I don't know how many time I can keep it secret..."

What was she talking about? Was it about me? What secret was she talking about? Was I crazy?

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