Cemetery Weather. (I Need Somebody)

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I saw the color drain out of Michelle's face when I told her.

"W-Where is he?" She asked.

"Santa Monica. He works at Guitar Center and goes by Julius Soto. Jonny saw him yesterday and recognized him, but he didn't let him know that he knew who he was, but he did give him a piece of his mind about what he thought of Tony and what he did to you." I said.

She slumped against the building. "At least he's not dead." She said.

I hesitated.

"He's not, is he?" She asked.

I sighed, "Jonny saw it in the paper this morning. Suicide. Bullet." I said.

She started to cry uncontrollably, "I can't believe he would do this to us!" She cried.

I hugged her, "I know, I'm sorry." i said.

"He's going to be buried at home in San Diego, the police department has already contacted Janie and Tomas." I said.

"Poor Janie. First Marisa, now Tony. That poor woman can't catch a break." Michelle sobbed.

"I know, I know." I whispered, cradling her in my arms.


Janie and I talked on the phone for an hour, me apologizing, and her telling me to stop it.

"This is my fault." I said.

"No it isn't. You didn't force him to put a gun to his head." Janie argued.

"I may as well have, he did it because of me, and don't try to tell me he didn't because I know he did." I said.

"He loved you, and that's why he left. I just wish he would've found another way." She said.

I asked Janie to take Madison to the funeral, but not the others, because they were too young.

"I'm not taking Madi. I'll leave her with the other kids at Caroline's. She doesn't need this kind of trauma." She said.

"If you think that's what's best for her." I said.

"I know it is Michelle. It's best if she doesn't see him. She'd basically forgotten about him anyway." She said.

"I have to go. I have to get ready to play." I whispered.

"You don't let this get you down too much honey. Go out there and play the show I know you're capable of playing. Tell Vic I said that as well. You take care." She said.

"I will Janie. Thank you." I said.

"I love you." She whispered.

"I love you too Mom." I said.

I'd become like a daughter to them, and after all this, they practically adopted me, even asking me to call them mom and dad.

So, I needed parents, and they needed a child for the two that they lost.

Fair trade.


Michelle half-heartedly played her show that night

I watched from backstage.

Ben could tell she was having a hard time as well.

When their set ended, she ran right into my arms and sobbed.

"I know babe. I know." I whispered.

We went out for dinner, but she picked and shoved her food around her plate.

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