part 5

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"Are you really gone this time" I wondered, sitting up on my knees, looking up into the darkness. It was quiet for a moment until another wire came from behind me, dragging me into the darkness. Still unwilling to let it get me, I cut the wire with the same knife and rolled, hands first, onto another metal platform, finishing on my toes and finally standing back up. 

I had to move, move and get out of this place, but first my pepper grinder, damn it it's on the other platform, how the bloody hell am I suppose to get there. I was thoughtless for a moment until the platform started moving downwards and the platform with my pepper grinder started moving upwards, a thought ran through my head to jump, jump over bloody there?! "like that was ever gonna happen!" I thought until I realized I was already jumping over, missing the platform by that much, but luckily grabbing the edge of the platform with saved me. "God damn it" I cursed under my breath, pulling myself up, "I should really have taken fitness seriously."

After my little fitness exam, I finally pulled myself completely onto the platform. Grabbing my pepper grinder, I decided to jump with a running start from now on, jumping from my curtain platform I ended up onto an even higher platform, after running and jumping for about five minutes of course. Standing there, I saw an old-ish person sitting in a wheel chair, I presumed controlling the whole place. I hesitated to talk to them but I had to find my friends and get out of here. "Excuse me sir" I shouted, seeing the....RAT?! turn to me, damn it this is getting creepy. He stared into my eyes, "Yes, little girl" He questioned, seeing my creeped out face, "I'm am looking for the way out" I finally got out. "Oh" he grinned, "I can take you, but first your name?" that was what creeped me out the most, the way he asked me that question. "M-my name is.......Scarlet" I lied, remembering what Ottawa told me. "Oh okay, come now child" He replied, waving me over as I followed him, pepper grinder still in hand, into a room with a big chess board center, with made my bad sense practically punch me in the gut. I was lead to the center of the, what seems to be, the whole place. 

"Wait why am I here?" I questioned seeing that rat wheel himself away. "Go get her boys" he yelled as over 10 teapot like creatures dropped in and surrounded me. "I may look stupid but I know the Blood Rose when I see her selfish, greedy and heartless face" he cursed spinning his wheel chair around to face me. "B-but what did I do to you?! What did I do to you to make you say those things to me?!" I questioned, seeing him smirk as he throw a piece of shattered glass at me. The whole room turned into whiteness as I started to see a flash back.


"Ha ha, come on Ottawa" A little girl in a black and red dress laughed, pulling a person? with her. "Aw no, I'm scared of outside monsters" the other one yelled, holy crap was that Ottawa? Oh shit it was. "Come on Ottawa, It'll be fun" another little girl, who was probably Arachnid, pleaded pulling on Ottawa's blue dress.

"Oh fine, but if a monster comes, Wrose will have to fight it off" the little boy replied, pointing to the girl in the black and red dress, who looked! "It's Blood Rose, Ottawa" Arachnid chuckled, walking into the grass of....MY wonderland where I was originally before Ottawa dragged me away. She stopped when I heard Ottawa saw a rat and screamed. "Ha ha, Ottawa you little baby, don't worry I'll kill it" the younger version of myself laughed, stepping on the bottom half of the rat, which must mean.

~flashback over~

"I disabled you" I looked over to the rat who was completely frozen, same with the teapot creatures. I looked behind me seeing that bloody cat again. "What do you want now" I yelled, he just looked up at me with his catty grin. "I don't want anything but I know what you want" I answered, "which is?" I questioned. He looked around the room and back to me. "A new weapon, and information" he smirked. I wasn't totally into this but I couldn't decline, "Okay what cat face" I groaned, crouching down so I could be at eye level which him. "Okay news first, serious talk, your friends are in danger, their here and they need to leave" he stated with a serious tone. "Yeah Like I didn't know that" I said looking away. "And you are the only one who can get them out" he glared at me, finishing his sentence. "Oh" I responded, "but onto the weapon" I added into the embarrassed 'oh' and stood up. "Ah yes, the weapon, you'll need this" he stoke as a staff, much like Donatello's from teenage mutant ninja turtles, appeared. "A...staff?" I questioned puzzled, gripping onto the stick like object with one hand, "this looks like Donnie's staff." 

"Use like well, Blood Rose" he smirked, disappearing into the darkness of the room. "Oh and just blink hard to get the room back to normal" he reappeared behind me, ending up with me looking around to room before blinking hard and seeing everything start moving again. There I was, about to take on an army of teapot monsters and a rat life a lifelong desire to kill me.

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