part 9

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Blood Rose's POV

'What were those dreams about' I wondered, sitting up. What I saw wasn't something you would normally see. I was in some kind of Asylum room with a black and white tiled floor, it was bloodstained as well. I looked around again before getting on my feet. Once I did so I walked over to the door, looking around once I saw my staff and pepper grinder on a table next to the door. I quickly grabbed the two bigger weapons and headed off, out into wherever the hell I was.

I ran down the hall way of the building before running into some doctor who grabbed me by the arm.

"Da fuck is wrong with you mate?!" I questioned, pushing the doctor away from me. "Oh Rose you don't remember me?" he questioned as I stared blankly at him. "No I don't, bye" I stated, running off. Well that was most certainly weird.

I turned around the corner, running into two people in which all three of us were knocked down to the ground. "Oh sorry" I said looking forward to see Eden and Millie. I shot up and grabbed my pepper grinder and my staff. "Becky?!" Millie questioned as I made a 'peace' sign with my right hand, "yo~" I simply said.

"Becky come on!" Eden demanded, running the direction where they'd coming from. "What happened?" I asked, running after the two, "It's kind of bad" Millie replied.

I stopped just after Eden stopped, I saw Kulsoum and Arachnid protecting something. "What happened?" I asked again as Arachnid turned to me. "It's Ottawa, he's been drugged by something, I think it's a drug that effects your memory" Arachnid stated, "and now what?" I questioned.

"You have to help him get back" Arachnid stated, "I don't have to kiss him do I?" I questioned as Arachnid shrugged, "whatever it takes to get him back" she stated as I started to think.

I paced around for a moment until I got an idea. I took the Rose off of Ottawa hat, Arachnid's coat and one out of my hair, I put them near Ottawa's nose for a moment until his eyes shot open. "Rose!" Ottawa yelled, pushing himself off the ground, "awesome levels just got raised bitch" I laughed to myself as the four other girls stared at me. "How did I not think of that" Arachnid cursed to herself, "cause you're not as awesome as me" I laughed as the other trio sighed, "and there she goes again" Millie mumbled as I laughed.

"Don't worry, not everyone can be as awesome as me" I stated as they all, including Ottawa, face palmed. "Enough of that, we have to get out of here" Arachnid said as a purple portal appeared under the six of us.

We were teleported above a large field of green grass, oh yeah and when I said above, I literally meant above the field. We all ended up in a big pile, "fuck!" I exclaimed, "at least the swords didn't land on your head" Eden stated, "that reminds me, where are the swords?" Kulsoum thought as all of our eyes widened.

"Move your head" Arachnid yelled as a sword came down from the portal, landing a millimeter away from my ear, two more swords came down as well, but they didn't cut anyone. "Shit!" I cursed, looking at the sword next to my ear.

"Rose...." Ottawa caught my attention, "yeah" I responded, "where's your pepper grinder?" he asked as my pepper grinder bashed and bounced off of Ottawa head. "Ouch!" Millie said, "a big ouch" Kulsoum added as Ottawa rubbed the back of his head, "fuck my life" Ottawa cursed under his breath. "Can you five get up?" Arachnid questioned, jumping off the pile of us, "yeah thanks, we totally never thought of that" Eden grumbled getting up from the ground, just like the rest of us.

I stood up on my feet and looked into the distance, "guys!" I half yelled when I saw a building in the distance. "What?!" they all questioned, staring up at me, "there's a building in the distance, come on, let's go!" I explained, grabbing my pepper grinder and staff and running, "Rose wait!" I heard Arachnid called as they all ran after me.

We ran for about half an hour until we got to the house. I never realized what it looked like. We all stared up at the house. It was....

"The house of cards" Arachnid mumbled as everyone looked back at each other.

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