part 4 (FINALLY)

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Anyway I'm back will this story

sorry I couldn't think of what to write until now

so lets start

(oh yeah and another reason is because my STALKER friend wanted me to finish this, well i did to but well, she's been stalking me)

(bloodrose's POV)


"hm...I wonder" I thought out loud. "What?" Ottawa said looking up from my pepper grinder which he practically toke off me to 'check' it out, he's just jealous of me for having a cool weapon when all he has is a knife. "I'm just wondering about the 'outsiders' that Arachnid talked about earlier, that's all" I explained staring off into the sky and the thought of the outsiders. "Speaking of Arachnid, where the hell is she?" Ottawa asked, looking around, "I haven't seen her for like an hour." I stared up to where he was staring, "no clue, but I know one thing, that this wind is annoying the crap out of me" I laughed as Ottawa just glared at me, "You're just thinking of when I was tiny, aren't you?" he questioned as I giggled, "maybe a little" I teased still giggling. "Well just keep an eye out" Ottawa said just before we heard a horror movie scream coming from the east. "Arachnid!" I yelled grabbing my pepper grinder out of Ottawa hands and running to where the scream came from as Ottawa followed behind.


"Do you think that was Arachnid?" Ottawa yelled from behind. "No, but It must have something to do with her" I stated speeding off with Ottawa straight behind me.


I was right, Arachnid was there, even though she most likely didn't scream, but there were three others though, all three in dresses, red green and blue, with swords and looked incredibly scared. "Arachnid!" I yelled winding up my pepper grinder and running up to her, "Blood Rose?! Stay behind me" she yelled, with me strongly disagreeing. "No can do" I snapped back, firing at the enemy, the dust blocking our sight from them. I thought they were gone until the one came running up to me, sword ready to swing at me, until she stop and I realized it was one of my friends. "Becky?!" she questioned stepping back, "Eden?" I stumbled, instantly realizing the two other girls were my other friends, Millie and Kulsoum, "b-BLOODY HELL NO, this is just a dream! why are you three here?" I asked, unable to hear my answer after a hand came around my neck. "O-Ottawa?!" I yelled, confused, "Just stay still you three" he demanded as Eden tried to move, "I said to stay back!" he yelled as he held a knife in her face. "JUST STAY STILL!" I yelled as he walked back next to Arachnid. Standing there for a moment, Arachnid held up her hand and a purple orb formed around us as we disappeared.


Finally Ottawa let me go, falling on my face, I was now on the group, knee locked together and feet turned in, I just wanted to stayed down forever and die.


"Blood Rose" Ottawa said, "What?" I shouted with my head still face planted into the cold metal floor. "Your underwear is showing" he answered, "FUCK!" I shouted again pulling my dress down and planting my head back into the floor, starting to cry, "HOW THE HELL DID I DESERVE THIS!" I cursed into the ground. "What do you mean 'this'?" Ottawa asked. I lifted my head up quickly and shouted, still crying "YOU!" was all I said before planting my head back down, felling a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw Arachnid. "It's okay, I understand" she said staring down at me with a motherly smile, pulling me into a hug. I couldn't find anything to say, I'd never really cried about anything before, it was so strange to me to cry about anything before but it was nice, nice to stay still and not worry. But all good things had to end, I knew this when I felt Arachnid grip loosen, I didn't want to look up but I had to when I heard a scream. "Arachnid!" I yelled seeing her being dragged away by a thick black wire into the darkness. I just stood there for a moment until I heard another yell from Ottawa, "OTTAWA!" I yelled trying to grab his hand but failing once I lost sight of him. "Damn it" I cursed under my breath, grabbing my pepper grinder and winding it up, ready to attack whatever toke Arachnid and Ottawa. But I wasn't ready, another black wire came from behind me, gripping around hip and pulling me away from the metal floor, no, it wasn't going to take me. Remembering the knife Arachnid gave me, I gripped onto the handle of the knife and sliced the wire, making me fall onto another metal platform, on my face, again. I just lied there, on the floor, knee locked and feet face in. "Hell" I moaned pushing myself up and sitting on my knees, "where the hell am I now" was all I could think at that point, looking around seeing lava and many other metal platforms. I stared into the darkness on top of me as I felt another tear drop fall from my chin, "are you really gone this time."

Blood Rose returns to Wonderland: Blood rose 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang