Blood Rose returns to Wonderland: Blood rose 2

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Hey guys, i'm back with another 'blood rose' story, oh yeah, it's says wonderland because it's kinda my wonderland. It's kinda like Alice: Madness returns so yeah

And also, I may not get this done because on Wednesday i'm leaving for the UK, France and Possibly Belgium.

And please read the first one, Blood Rose, before you read this, thank you loves.


I sat in my normal class on Thursday afternoon, getting bored with two of three of my school friends sitting next to me. Class was so freaking boring today, it wasn't because I didn't like the teacher it was just boring today for some reason. I stared down at my wrist with the same 'Blood Rose' tattoo on it, still very visible to me but to no-one else, it was really weird to me though, no-one but me could see it, what a strange life for me to have. I still thought of Ottawa and how he died by poisoning, I wish I could see him again instead of sitting bored all day in a high school.

"Right class, your tests are back so please have a look before you go" My teacher said with a big, joyful smile as the bell rang. "Oh Becky, Good job on the test" my teacher said as she handed me my test. B- really, if it was a good job I would be getting an A or A+ not just a B-, but it was normal to me, I got worse grades before. "Thank miss" I replied to the teacher as I returned the test sheet to her and walked out of the class with my friends.

"So Becky how'd ya go?" My friend asked looking up a me because of my height. "Oh yeah, I got an alright mark" I replied. "What did you get?" my other friend asked starting to walk a little faster because of my walking speed which for me, was uncontrollable. "B-" I stated bluntly staring off into space as my friend yelled one other friend over, who wasn't in my normal classes, "Hey guys" she said making a 'Spock' sign with her fingers and shacking my other friends hand with a 'Spock' hand shack as I drifted off into space again.

My friends looked at each other with concern, like they've done for a couple of days now. "Becky" they all said, I tried staring off but it didn't work and with a sign I responded, "what?" I said getting ready for whatever they were going to say. "Where were you really on Tuesday?" they asked staring at me with concern. "If I told you the real story you wouldn't believe me" I answered walking away. I walked off as they just stood there, looking at each other and back to me. "Something happened, didn't it" I heard one say as I just kept walking not wanting to even look at them because of my shame over myself.

I ran to my locker and quickly grapped my bag, tomorrow was the last day of school and I just wanted to leave. As I started to leave I saw my friends running towards me in the corner of my eye, quickly moving away from the school crowd I couldn't make my escape, one of my friends was way to fast so I just had to ignore them. As they started getting closer so I had to run, I really didn't want to talk about what happened so I just kept running, as I ran at full speed I stumbled upon a black hole? It was just a square, a square of blackness, but a big square of blackness. As my friend ran to me she tried to stop before bashing into me but she failed that mission, she knew this because of how hard she crashed into me, making me fall forwards, into the darkness of the hole of black. I screamed, loudly and quickly as I fell down into the hole, I really hope no-one else is falling after me.

As I fell, I felt something strange happening to me, my dress was changing into another one, it changed as I fell through the sky, playing cards falling upwards and white clouds passing by. Before I hit the ground I started to slow down and contract speed, thanks to the new dress I was wearing. I slowly landed on the ground, perfectly even, I looked around to see wonderful trees, plants, flowers, fruits and animals around me and I looked at the beautiful geography with it's cliffs and landscape, beautiful green grass and water flowing through the stream. I took a look at the new dress I was wearing instead of my normal blue, striped school dress I normally wore on Mondays to Friday afternoons. The dress was Black with blood red frills on the end of the knee length dress and at the end of the long sleeves, a white apron, black finger less gloves and a blood red rose on the right side of my chest. Underneath the dress was a pair of black and white stocking, two weapon holders and black quarter length boots. I looked down at my refection seeing my hair undone and a bit messy but still quite nice, my face was also completely free of makeup, lucky. 

"Hey blood rose" someone yelled from behind me. could it be, was it really Arachnid again. I turned around automatically as I saw her with OTTAWA?! 

"O-ttawa?! Is that you?" I asked standing up as he smiled. "Yeah, the one and only" he replied smiled even more at my shocked yet happy expression. "But I thought" I started. "You think a lot of things Blood Rose" he stated pulling me into a hug. "You died?" I finish my, unanswered, question.

"How'd you come back and why am I here" I asked releasing from the hug. "North London, Scarecrow Girl and Chick brought me back, with all their magic, but there very ill and weak now" he started.

"And why am I here" I asked a second time.

"You have to save your own wonderland" he answered bluntly grapped my wrist.

"And remember this" he asked showing me the same 'blood rose' tattoo I saw half an hour ago. "Yeah" I answered staring at the two. "This is going to be seen by everyone here so keep it hidden" Ottawa said covering it up again and letting go of my hand.


"But why me?" I asked looking straight up at them with confusion in my eyes. "Because it's your wonderland" Arachnid stated bluntly staring at me with her dark brown eyes. "And also" she added. "Yes" I said, "Your going to need these" Arachnid answered handing me a cook knife and as Ottawa handed me a pistol. I grinned as I slot the cook knife and pistol into the holders under my dress. "Right lets go save my wonderland guys, save it before it's too late" I said looking off into the distant, "We'd better start moving."

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