I hate fakers (Chapter 1)

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Chapter 1 - I hate Fakers

Yay....First day of school....First day of school....

I know I sound crazy, but I am really excited about going to school today.

Why you ask? Is it because I love education? Don't be so dense :)

Today I get to show everyone my baby!

Vince... My babys name is Vince.

It has been really difficult not taking Vince out, but today is the first day of school, and my baby is definitely going with me.

Nothing, and no one can ruin this glorious day for me....

I cant wait to see everyones faces, their reactions. Its gonna be awesome!

Plus it will work perfectly with our plan - mine and my best friend Kylie's. I smile as I remember her expression when she first found out about my baby.


"O.M.G" Kylie gasped when I went to her house and had shown her. I just smiled in return and let her catch her breath.

"No way" Kylie whispered as she tentatively reached out her hand to touch my baby.

I just couldn't contain my joy any longer and started jumping up and down like a 5 year old, high on too much junk food and soda.

Being the bestest friend that she is, Kylie joined me and we laughed until our sides were sore, faces tomato red and blotched with happy tears.

"You are so lucky Ali" Kylie murmured.

"I know" I replied simply with an ear to ear grin.

***End of Flashback***

I have the perfect outfit picked out as well. Me and my baby will be matching. I love matching outfits and highly recommend it.

Today is going to be perfect.

I put my ipod (aka Sid) in its docking station and shuffle Britney Spears greatest hits. Ok, I know its weird that I name my gadgets and stuff, but I don't care. Me and weird have a long standing relationship :)

I then think to myself, what the heck, and jump up on my bed while belting out "Hit me baby one more time" and doing my crazy funky dance.

I love my crazy funky dance and if Kylie were here, she would totally be doing hers too.

Who cares that it is 6.30am, I don't. Im way too happy to care.

When the song finishes I flop back on my bed and let out a contented sigh. My little performance will probably wake my father up. Woops!

My father isn't a morning person, which is weird because hes kinda old. But oh well! I love him to bits.

There are 4 really important things in my life:

1). My dad - hes the best

2). My baby - Vince

3). Tyler (hes my older brother and is going away to college - which means FREEDOM). Ok, he is really irritating because he is so overprotective, but I still love him. Its going to be a lot easier to love him, now that he will be 1000 miles across the country. Seriously, he cramps my style.

4). My PDA who I call Pam. I lost Pam one day in the mall, and let me tell you that was not a very good day for me. My friends thought an old aunt had died or something. But I found Pam. My Gucci hand bag had swallowed her (literally).

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