chapter twenty eight

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We were running through the maze corridors as fast as we could when a horrible sound came from behind us. Of course! We were almost there! I thought to myself. We all whipped around to see a griever standing tall over all of us ready to kill us.

"Go and enter the code!" Thomas screamed, making eye contact with me. Assuming he was talking to me I took off running grabbing Chuck and Gardner's wrists as we ran towards the cliff getting ready to jump.

"We have to jump!" I screamed. They both nodded eagerly to get out of there. I let both of the boys go first, watching the battle happening behind me. I thumped into a dark room that had a dusty computer sitting on a table on the other side of the room. That was the only thing that was lighting up the room. I ran over and frantically typed in the set of numbers and letters that Thomas had made me memorize. I wasn't sure what this was going to do, but I was hoping it would save my friends. Nothing changed within the room beside a click when I entered the complete set of letters. I looked over at Chuck and Gardner. Both of their eyes were wide with fear of what would happen next. Suddenly Frypan came crashing into the darkroom. Then Newt, Minho, Thomas, Winston, Jeff, Clint, and 5 other boys. Gally was nowhere in sight. Newt saw my face when I found that Gally hadn't survived. I collapsed with ragged breaths.

"Willow.." Newt trailed off. "We need to keep going." He said with a soft voice. I knew he was right. I nodded and stood up on my shaky knees. A door had cracked open in the process that I hadn't noticed. Thomas led the group through the door that was brighter than the room we had emerged from. Glass was scattered all over the floor. That's when I noticed the blood along with it. Then not far from the blood was the bodies. My breath hitching in my throat from the sight of the lifeless bodies everywhere. We finally approached a large screen that was the only one that was not cracked by gunfire. A lady's large face came up onto the screen. First, she congratulated us. I was very confused at the time.

"You are helping us with a deathly virus called the Flare" She stated. I dazed out as she explained that we were all apart of an experiment. I became furious. They killed Gally for an experiment! My body shook with rage. Before I could do anything with my anger, yelling filled the room. People in black clothing and large guns came in telling us we must follow.

"We are the good guys!" They shouted at us.

And that is where we are today. I refused to go through the Scorch Trials. I am currently embedded in the Wicked headquarters. I am going to destroy this system from the inside out. I had found shortly after we had all gotten out of the maze that Gally in fact had not died. He had staged his death with wicked. He is now in on my plan of trying to end this game that they are playing with teenagers' minds. Thomas, Minho, Newt, and the other boys from the maze are currently going through the Scorch Trials as I tell you this. I am keeping a very close eye on all of them to make sure nothing happens to them. Chuck and Gardner are also here with me in the wicked headquarters. And I believe that this is the end of my story. I will succeed in taking Wicked down.


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