Chapter 7!

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yuki smiled he caled "uh im fine im just about to watch serey-bear fight" she said "okay send em" she said his sisters sat down by them some sat by her megan walked over sitting by her she was shocked they sat around her they followed mega big sis smirked she girnned "heh been wanting to see her fight again for a while" megan said "is she good" she asked shyly "shes more then that shes awesome" his othe sister I knew said she smiled born this way began I stood there mom eyed me I ran at her my brothes stoped our punchs cclashed we flew back I jumped off it and grabbed her i slammed her down I ddid a offensive plan I fliped back she ran at me after recoveing we di tiajutsu u saw no peice of us his sisters watching me megan seeing it in other vision she sighed megan looked at her and whispered it she changed to it and saw us going them all watching on tha vision I id the kick I kicked her down it was so fat and swift daddy wathing on the balcony with concil members she flew back and flew through the brick wall I got in my flawless stance she fliped up "heh" she said we ran at each other i Punched her she flew back with a yelp of pain I grabbed her and threw ehr i yankd her by my chian and then i looked I got her down I looked and bended it it whiped her up "how" megan whispered about that I ran for her I fliped up and skated up I di a new attack she flew down I swirled around I kicked off her landing I looked up she crashed down with such force it made yuki jump megan eyed her "its good yuki" she said she nodded I continued fighitng mom "my beautiful daughter is strong i see why they wanted me to fight her" she thought we continued it was intense we flew back I flew back I threw kunai lathcing on I swung up disappearing to qiuck it went bom she flew back she hit the wall she turned and saw my sword there I smirked "heh she beat mom in seconds thats whoa" big sis yeled we bowed in respect dadd smiling thy claped "who was she" the concil member asked about me "my youngest daughter serenaita" he said they were shocked "beautful and an fight"  one of em said they jumped down yuki them ran over "u were awesome" yuki yeled i laughed "yuki come on we gotta go" megan said they got on "il go with u guys" I said "mm can we come" val asked al of us girls went we rode down his parents were outside watching the guys spar he walked up they turned swiftly at all the hoofes thinking it was an attack they were shocked it was just us megan smiled they rode down "later serey" yuki said "see ya tonight yuyu-bear' I chirped she smiled noding I rode off him in shock "who were those girls" his mom asked her "oh wellll sereys sisters" she said megy grinned at her "haha did u see her battle"his sister asked walking out "yeah it only tok a few seconds but she was smart what u think yuki" she asked "she was she knew what to do she knew if she drug it out with her mom shed never win that way so she mae it quick" yuki said getting it they got it to "brilliant" megy said "mmmm hey guess what' his sistr said "what' they guys chroused "HAHA YUKI SPARRED AND SHE WON"megy yeled "u did" he yeled she nodded "they all called it yuki gave up and well serey as yuki cals her cale it her win beccuz she says yuki knew when to give up how she sees it u give up at the right time and make em think ur weak when u give up so they throw u in then u wait for the right time and strike" megy said "mmmm then shes a smart girl" his dad said "mmm mmm' yuyu said grinning I was sleping I woke up and got my dress we all got ready when they walked in we cant make it we got other balls" val said "its good" I chirped they noded and left eary I washed my hair and got ready I looked breath taking so so so amazing I walked down doing my hair and makeup I smiled and then I walked out and in the girls turned I was shocked "the guys- "thye barely gotta do anything we got jewlery makeup hair dress" valy said I Nodded and chose I put it on and the jewlery we all went down one puled up for me I shwoed em the invite he shook his head soon this huge ass expensive limo puled up i showed it he shook his hed soon my limo ame up valy them was stunned 'serena" the driver asked i walked up he gasped and opened it I got in and it shut his brother was in here he tied somehting he was unconious instantly valy saw it to she began alughign 'good ol rere" val said teling em they laughed soon enough we pulled up I got out walking inside smiling i walked up showing it he nodded "princess Serenenaita" he said yuki tuned I walked down bag in hand she was awesruck "serey tht u" yuyu said "mmm mmm yuyu-bear" I said she giggled we hugged then I caught a kunai i threw it it hit the assain megy laughed pointing to me I pointe back yuki giggled we had fun I was in awe of all the powerful ppl "man theres alot of powerful ppl here no wonder dady was shocked" I sid "wheres valy them" megy asked "they had to go to our bals hubbys and wifehs" I said she nodded "it bugs me" she said "mmm me to but i get over it" I said soon i looked around I waddled up 'can I sing" yuki asked "no he said I walked up and punched him he fell with a huge thud she was shocked megy saw it she began alughing about it "did she just punch that guy" his dad asked "yes" his mom said yukis parents in shock ppl all saw it "uhh he flel" I said waddling down them laughing about it yuki smiled fireworks began it was off of my album she sang it "omg this is off my album" I sadi to megy she nodded she sang it and boy can she sing I was in awe i swayed my hands switching my hips ppl eyeing me I waved em I puled megy up she eyed me I waved a lighter she joined in me his sisters waving em she smiled soon pl joined in she sang it him in shock she sang megy mouthed this is off her album pointing to me she was in awe she sang it soon I began dancing to it megy watching me fistpump he was watching me laughign her giggling about it and continued singing it I swyaed my hands and had fun with the song i pued megy over we danced around teens watched us then i did the moonwalk by the bakround of her song we di the disco behind her seh turned she giggled and backed up we jumped she joined in she mouthed sing with me I pointed to myself she noded "a heh no its ur moment wave hi" i said pppl read my lips she blushed she sang it with me i pumped my fist up they jumped up and had fun she smiled she eyed me pleaing i sighed and megy threw me a mic grinnign I glared at her I sang it ehr eyes lit up in awe of my voice I sang it she joined in megy took a mic we sang together i held it we were rocking the stage together waving our hands them with us having ufn daning around and waving their hands I held it yuki in awe like megy we sang backround her voice amazing we scurried off "yuki next time I no help hu" I said she whined "but ur voice is so pretty in the album" she said I sighed "oi thats why u got tickets" I said she laughed megy laughing also I giggled they went in I walked off and put on party rock anthem instead of dat crappy shit u saw me behidn stage doing the running manthey began alughign I stoped yuki with me we waved our hands megy slid in we did it I did the moonwalk out yuki skiped out megy thrusted out "what the hell due" his friend siad then yukis face fell he was kissing a girl my jaw droped I ran down i took a bat from my bag I beat him with it while doing running man megy laughed with yuki as i was chased by he eyed me snaping "hm bold" he said I put my thumb up and whispered it she nodded we danced to it soon I puled pl up soon everybody was dancing I was roking it I whispered to yuki and meggy and his sisters "lets do it then" yuki chirped they were shoked they nodded we had fun they heard it in their they walked in t see us having fun nothing dirty t all we had fun and was silly I did the bounc eand rock onstage yuki giggled at me "shes so hyper tonight' meggy said she got on we began shuffling onstage we were kiling it we di the bounce and orck meggy them got on "hey" meggy yeled the parents wondernig what wew ere doign we turned we began shaking it they stoped and watching me and yuki shake it we got so fast him in shock of her we continued we wlaked forwarrd we got so fast we fliped off they cheered we had fun dancing around laughing about it we highfived the parents smiled watching us have fun he danced with her me shuffling on a table soon l watched me kil it i droped back and then i came up shuffling i ws low shuffling i stood up shuffling "haha go rere" megy yeled I continued killing it then i did the runningman WHOA"  yeled I fel with ahuge thud at the end ppl began laughing her laughign him chucling holding her I stoood up grinning hands up they cheered I giggled and hghfived meggy it wa a fun night the parents came in tlking about some powerful guy who was supose to be here alot of pl had ditche yuki sad about it I fumed I stormed off he saw me walk off I looked and got ther phone numbers I began lieing my ass off soon they showed up yuki eyed me an saw me leinig into the phone he was just watching to watching my ass lie to ppl into the phon to get em here "dont trifle with me i know ur lieing" a guy said "U OLD ANYWAY" i yeled ahgning up so fast "who di u cal old" his brother aske me "some kingdom callled idk tamikamaka" I said his jaw droped "U CANNOT DO THAT THEY WIL KILL U" he yeled "then my big ppl jump in an daddy aka kain erza noah luna jay- I went on with bgi as hel names 'zane dante blade" i said his jaw on the ground "we cant even get those big pl here" he said I caled luna "hey luna im bored can u come to yuyu-bears ball" I said I sent my invatation changing it she walked up he gasepd at luna and ella and ariel here ariel had became big like her big sisters 'QUEEN LUNA AND KING JAY" he said ppl gasped kneeling "QUEEN ELLAPHINA AND KING KAIN" he said they looked in respect his parents and yukis in awe kneeling 'AND QUEEN ARIEL AND KING DEX' he said they were shocked she flashed a smile waving her ring hand they grinned hugely liek thats awesome they walked down "rere" ariel caled I hugged onto her coming from the shadows they gasped she hugged me back yuki yanked me away 'dont do dat u can die" she said "nahs as I said I sparred with luna and ella and me and ariel were close were all bestys liek chu and me" I chirped luna walked up "yep" ella sang happily hugging me I hugged her back ppl in shock "who got them here hey di u lie to them to" he asked me "nah she knows us" ella said jay walked up "hey rere" they hcorused "sup duuuudes" I said they chuckled ella them giggling I giggle shrugging we had fun night ela them left to deal with something aka sex sex sexxxx yay thats ellas mind then luna and ariel oh wells them in shock "so u coulda made em stayed if u said stay" megy asked me I nodded shrugging i ddanced awayI had an amazing night yuki was in awe of me dancing and having fun being myself "hahahahha skittles taste da rainbow' i said about a girl after putting a ptoion in her drink she was rainbowed color she screamed rurnning out I was laughign silently about it yuki eyed me "what did chu do" she asked me I waved a potion she laughed with me she whispered it 'thehn she said skittles taste da rainbow" she said he was laughing so hard at that he told his sistesr and brothers them laughig so hard they highived me i highfived megy with a whoop like her we had so much fun that night I laughe so hard at a guy doing the moonwalk in only his button up it was truth or dare  "hahah okay true or dare" she said I was to busy checking this sexy ass guy out "who' i asked he was in it he was checking me out "chu" she said "dare" I aid "dare u to maek out with hmm- he got angry at that she pointed to him he was shocked "wait wat" we chroused in shock "yeah amke out kiss- she went on ith it in other languages he leaned over kissing me when I was going to say ill kill u I kissed back they cheered us on yuki began banging on something they joined In he puled away I was in shock I turned away a red tint on my cheeks "haha u enjoy it" she asked me "u enjoy having sex with ur husband" I said "touche" she sadi yuki laughed about it we had so  much fun with truth or dare he anted to kiss me again he payed a guy to dare us again "dude u cant pay ppl to kiss a girl" he said "haha i jut did now bak off" he naped at him "okay um serena right' he said i Nodded "truth or dare" he asked "dare' I said "u always hcoose dare" yuki said "haha i nkow right i like dares I can do stupid shit and say it was a dare" I said they laughed "dare u to kisshim again" he said noding to him I leaned over we kissed again it was so many sparkes like last time he puled me on his lap ppl watched shocked at us I puled away and shoved off him "done with the dare okaaay my turn" I hirped yuki dragged me off "megy u can have my turn make that guy do somethign stupid" I said and she did pl were dieing laughing about it I was laughign about it also she was lauging "chicka u cant trifle wih that ugy u know hes dangerous" yuki whispered I shrugged "its ony a dare yuki its not liek hes gonna want to marry me" I said she looked nodding "hey I wanna see them to make out see how bad it gets so dare u to make out with her" a guy said "wtf is this 7 mins in heaven" I asked he kissed me instantly i Kissed back it got worser they began cheering about us his arms aroun my waist he puled away pecking my llips i blushed and stood up "okay third time" yuki said I blushed "wy not play this 7 mins in heaven it sounds interesting" he said "well whos married' I said ppl arised their hands after taking their wifes or husbands hands "okay bakc out whoever is married back out cuz uhh we dont need u guys geting mad and divorced" I said they backed out I madea closet appear a few closets "okay it goes like this- I went on they put tihngs in bags I took his bracelet out he had charmed it to kiss me "uh okay whos- he stood up "wow" yuki said he mouthed take it off he shook his head mouthing mind ur business he lead me in we made out for more then 7mins yuki opened it to see us just going at it ppl wathed my leg hitched on his waist "wow" pl chroseud we turned I blushed removing myself I inched out and dragged megy them off I sat down again blushign megy took out his bacelet I felt mega anger he took her in I just sat there drinking a beer "hey Im going home early" I said his eyes widened "umm why" he asked "cuz I wanna wat are u my dad y husband myy fiancee no so butt out" I snaped at him then I got my bag yuki dragged me away "chicka dont leave if u leave he might et angry and I dont need thaat he charmed the bag to kiss u and he payed guys to dare u to kiss" she said my jaw droped "just to kiss me" i asked ""yeah im guessing he dint take it off intime and those two had to kiss if thats why ur leaving' he said I shrugged he was talking to megy to piss me off "fine il stay" I said he read my lips "ya" yuyu-bear siad i sat down yawning soon he got me again I leaned there he walked up "nope" I said turning away he fumed "why not" he said to me "becuz" I said turning away stil not liking the fat he kissed megan he fumed "u know i can always get megan again" he said i fumed and slammed him so hard "I hate kissing u anyway" he snrled "is that why u charmed the bag and payed guys" i snaped he shut up then "heh yeah keep talking sa a comment biatch" I snaped he shot up kissking me foreculy pinning my heands soon I ggave up and began kissing back "they got another 7 mins since they were arguing" yuki said making more mins we went at it my hands slid up his shirt he shivered and continued e kissed on my neck I moaned a ltitle to loudly nad his name at that they cheered outside we continued kissing soon they opened it to find us layed back tonguing my hands up his shirt their jaws droped ""wow shes gotten far" megy siad we turned swiftly I stood up and walked out I sat down sheepishly him in a daze i took out his bracelet everytime we got each other wed go from where we began oooo he was a mega good kisser they oened it to see his shirt off their jaws doped "wow just umm wow" yuki said "shut the door" he roared me laying there looking sheepish and guilty it slammed shut as he used his powers he snapped it locked from the inside we continued they got another closet "how long htey been in thee' yui asked we made out the whole ball hey guys time to come out their gonan come in in a few seconds' megy said I stoo up puling away him loooking at me lust in his eyes I walked out he sighed and shto up following me like a loesick puppy I sat down soon he walked up and sat beside me I got on his lap we began kissing again soon they cale dme "wha" I said as he kissed on m neck "umm yeah illl come home soon" I said he fumed at that hanging up instantly "dotn go" he said my eyes widened "I have to go" I said he eye me 's'tay here with me" he whispered in my ear m eyes widened I dont know wh but i was weak with him "okay" I said yuki was shoked we made out the whole night I stood up when pl were leaing I got m bag "yuyu-bear im going home" I said he turned and ran up to me turning me aroudn he smirked at me I blushed instantly he smiled brushing m hair bak his parents watchign in shock I looked up "wha" i said he chuckled and handed me his number 'coem over soon' i said handing him my address and number he nodded I smiled and he acked away our eyes ocnnete he left with his brothers them howling in hthe car "Dude u made ot with the girl all night" he said "so what she was an amazing girl and kisser" he barked they shut up I leaned there my back to the wall in a dreamy daze megan smacked me I looked up 'sorry" I said blsuhign I looked and smiled "adn dont telll that hapened or i tell ur hubby" I said she blushed noding i left "srory yuyu wanted me to stay longer i didnt htink it was a problem" I said "okay its fine did u have dinner" mom asked me I emmebred we nsuck off and went else wherefor edinner "yeah" I said in a dreamy tone val noticed it all the girls did I went upstairs I woke up and got ready I went down silently val turned with the girls leaning there "where ya headed and wat was that lat night" val said my eyes wide "umm nothing just umm out" I said they eyed me "where' they said "I met a guy last night and umm megy dared me to kiss him and i di dthen he payed a guy to dare to kissme and another guy then we played  mins in heaven emmber I told u about it and umm well I got him alot he got megy once but thats cuz he charmed it and then umm we stayed in there til the parents came and well I was at a table he came over and well we kissedd the rest of the night and he took me out to dinner instead of staying and when we got back we sat at the same table and continued kissing" I said their jaws on the ground "wow" val said "leave go we wil cover" she sadi I walked out and rode off I lookedknocking his sister anwsere she opened it silently taking me up he had payed her to uhh keep it a secret she opened it I walked in his eyes lit up she shut it and then we began from where we left off last nght it was intense we made out all through it he pinned meon the wall giing me ahickey I gave him one in return or uhhh three we continued his brother wakedin "wtf" he said we turned swiftly dude get out" he roared "dude why is the bal hcick here" he asked after he nodded out "cuz umm I gave her th adress and her names serena member it' he growled at him "what about alice" he said I heard I looked heartbroken then he heard shuffling he walked in to see me hop out the window swing on the branch then get on my horse and take of "SERENA" he yeled not caring I walked in tear streaking down I knocked onv aleries door she opened it hicka wats- I looked at megy in the orom iw alked in hes a jerk" I cried she eyed me "u went over his house im guessing" she said "yeah hes with some girl named alice" I said they looked at me "were sorry" big sis said I hung aroundd he called me I anwsered 'serena" he said my eyes widend I Hung up instantly "was that- I nodded they sighed "lets go to the beach then huh we can surf" val said "oka does yuyu surf' I said megy nodded she invited her we met up we surfed I was killing the underworld waves having fun when his sister saw me she took a picture of me and left instantly megy shot up yanking her back "Where u going u see serena wont be found by him" she snaped and deleted the pictures and threw her away and the cell she broke it incase and sat down highfiivng val them she shot off "hey" she yeled wlaking in he turned a mess doing paerwork but couldnt forget me "I saw that serena chick" she said his eyes lit up he shot up "where at" he yeled "wel I was hanging at the beach with my friends and next thing u know she tels me to look at the hcick killing th aves and its that serena girl then that megan girl yanked me back and dleeted the photos as proof to u she has this huge ass monster group of girls protecting her I bet u" she said "how do u- "i saw alot of girls yelling go rere-cub and her waving at em everytime they did" she said he shot up and left for the beach he saw me he leane there wathing me I ran up highfiving yuyu laughng I went back and met his eyes leaning on the tree I looked and sthot up "leave now" megy said turning to see what i was looking at "not til i tlak to u serena" he said i looked at him shaking my head no "why not plz" he said "whos alice" I said his eyes widened "my umm- "ur what huh fiancee" I said the girls eyed me weapons out I snaped they walked away 'tel me" I said them in the woods waiting on me we had shifted or ran here it was fun he walked up "my umm yes fiancee but i dnt want her when I saw u it was liek u only mattered to me u were all that i cared for" he said I looked at him then he realized it 'I imprinted on u serena" he said my heart stuttered "ur leing" I said to him truth was i imprinted on him to "serena im not lieing look when we kissed there was something about it somethign that made me wanan kiss u more and ore and everytimem it got better and better and with alice I dont feel that I want u serena" he said I shook my head he took out his celphone and caled her "alice the wedings off I dont love u" he said ooing in my eyes I was in shock hed do that "wat" seh roared at him "the weding is off do not trifle with my family" he said "but I love u" she whispered he looked at me then at the phone I disapeared he saw me shadow off 'IF U GOTTA CHOOSE THEN NO" i yeled I looke and shifted we darted off I waked in in tears again my brothers turned "wats wrong" jack asked they told em about the ball and shit and why I wa sad and heartbroken thye hugged me and comforted me "what was his name" jack said "hm his name was umm- they eyed me wat" crimson yeled i giggled "kiding" I said softly they eyed me "his name was danny"  I said they eyed me 'd-ddanny stone" they asked me i nodded "hes higher then us no rank" big sis yeled i was stunned i shrugged soon enough danny breezed in "why di u break it off with alice' his mom yeled "becuz I dont love her i love serena i wanna marry serena not her' he roared and went to his room in tears he shut the door alice turned she fumed "whos serena" she roared at me 'serena is gonan be my fiancee il egt her back now leave" he roared at her "but d- "no leave go to my brother u love him not me" danny yelled at her she eyed me "another reason" she said "yep" danny snapped she went to his brother he broek it off to be with herr  instantly they held each other he layed there in tears he ha figured it out a while ago that alice was using him to be with his brother more often they were sleeping together and then he met me and he wanted me to be his queen his qife I sat there crying about it like dany soon his mom walked in showing him pitures of other serenas she showed him one he gasped and saw it he looked and rememebred my eyes he drew em coloring me in he showed her "oh u mean serena takushi hansai" she said he was shocked "shes a hansai" he asked seh nodded "shes availble for mariage her dad is throwing her a balll tonight for her ot hcoose a husband they sent u an invtation also" she said his eyes lit up he got ready and waitd and waited then it was time I looked more then gorgeous yuyu was here also I looked guys all downstairs "STONE FAMILY" he yeled my heart stoped he went on "PRINCE DANNY" he yelled my heat stoped yet llet iin so much joy I got more gorgeous then ever I walked up "PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT WEILDER OF THE FOUR SWORDS OF FIRE ICE- he went on wth it "AND SHADOW" he said ppl gasped at that "PRINCESS SERENNAITA" he sid u knew it was me he turned his eyes lit p heart leaping in joy at the sight of me i walked down I mingled and danced with all the guys it made anny more and more angry oson loving you came on danny tape my shoudler i turned hs hahnd out I looked up into his eyes I looked down my arms crossed dad sighed "dance with him" his dad roare dit shook I fumed at that and fliped him the bird eveyrbody was shocked i walked away he ran after me he gabbed me back "plz serena" he said to me out tin the gardden soon I eyed him I sighed "dance with me" he whispered comamnded relay I was feebele when he di that I took his hand his face lit up we slow danced out in the garden soon his arms wen around my waist that alie girl saw us she fumed about it his brother turned "do u love danny or me choose alieina" he said he eyed danny then me us slow dancing soon my amrs awne around my neck 'danny" she said she shot over an went to attack me danny took his sword out shoving me behind him I was shoked hugging onto him in fear "danny im sorry I love u not him" she said eyeing me wanting to get at me I glared at her and mothed hes mine she fumed shaking her head no hes not I wglared and she was bllew back with a srheik I smirked he saw it was me I looked and took a step back she eye me gettgint it "chose danny" she said to him I stood there it was the end of the song his brother looking at her in pain and love he looked between us then he saw his brother looking pained at her being hurt I looked at her standing there then the moonlight hit us both I was more beautiful he looked at me and was awestruck 'danny choose' I said softly and seductively byet my voie was to amazing his breathing was ooken away at it "once again another guy to dislike me nother guy that I fel for is tooken away" he read my thoughts he realied he id imprint of me soon he lokoed betwen us her eyes wide mines shwoing none of that sadnessshwoing I was a true women I was strong "alice" he said my heart broke then and there she smirked at me he walked to her holding her i shrugged like its fine I walked off into the woods and sighed i sat under the tree tears streaking down val fumed yaning him back "good choice the girl ur brother loves and the girl that slept with him when she coulnt get in ur pants" val snaped "serey" yuyu said pl got it I was hurt and heartbroken all the girls went outside I knew em all best friends til the end they found me layign there bleeding they gasepd "SEREY" yuki shreiked out he shot out ike hte ugys "NO NO NO MY BABY" mom yeledthen I saw em take down them I looked getitng the kunai out "dad behind uu" I thought he turned around kicking him he flew i looked at the swod they got it they gasped I looked my eyes  sgetting heavy "NO SEREYS TAY WIHT US" maka yeled they got ice I stayedawke I stayed strong my eyes got heavy but I dint let them shut I looked up "lena im hurt im hurt im down" I thought her eyes shot awake she gathered em 'serenas in trouble hustle get ella up here now get EYS ON SERENA" lena roared they got eyes on me through daddys camera a portal opened girls got weapons they had em out ready and pissed they ran through they shot for me a new portal several shenu girls were around me "art ella luna heal her now" lena sai they did I lstood up and then I looked up pissed off the sky turned dark red I screeched the trees blew away unhiing em  the assasains that was taking his family out knowing they would protect yuyu "U PUT A KUNAI IN ME IL KILL U" i roared I took em all down with one move kiling em I chuckled darkly anny in shock I walked inside snapign the girls ran in I switched my hips showing i was alpha girl in that bitch I stood there I changed outta dresses I danced with many guys it made danny moe angry soon he was sick of seeing guys kiss me and hug me nad shit he jumped down skipping ot "GECOKA FAMILY" he yeled scared as a mutha trucka! they tuned in shock he walked down "u ur m fiancee" he siad to me "wait whoa whoa hold the fuck up DUUDE" i yeled their jaws droepd danny in shock "haha wow" valentine yeled about it valeries jaw on the ground pl in shock of me "U GOT ANOTHER THING FUCKING COMING I DONT TAKE GUYS WHO CHEAT WITH HAREM GIRLS' i snaped he was shocke "I DONT TAKE GUYS WHO ARE UNLOYAL AND WOULD CHOSE ANOTHE GIRL FRANKLY I CAN SEE UR BOTH TYPES U ONLY WANT ME AS A BACK UP" i roared he was shocked i knew the girl he loved was angy at me now "so go on back" i snaped shoving him and her together "NO" her dad yeled I was behid him sword to his throat "this sword kiled my ex stepdad let em be or else u will deal with me" I snaped "haha girl u dont know who ur messing with he said wind broke it I bsmirked it stoped and then I baked up and blew out fire twirling arround it took all his guards out them in shock of em dady and mom smirking at this soon all the elements gathered around me anything and everything gfloated around em I blew out fire shwoign i was dragon born my mark shwoing to him shaking in fear I cut him he screamed ot "poison now let em get married and ill gie u the cure otherwise ur gonna be a rela dead mutha trucker" I said "trucker hehhe" yuyu said they heard it I laughed hearing it "choose u lose ur life or u let ur daughter mary id hurry up u will die in teminus 10 seconds" I sadi "9" pl counted down he was feelig really weak "OKAY U CAN BE WITH HIM" he yeled I took out a paper he signed it "meaning if u brek ittt and try and hit meee or break it of in other ways the contract wil glow and u will be exhiled to the shadows one of my uh own invventations other then that ur good" i sang out and poured it down his throat he sighed and she eyed me him in shock id do this "have a nie bal" I chirped walking down mom laughing about it daddy smirking at this "meetmy youngest daughter everyone" he sadi I walke out and smirked "shes a- they went on "rare one my beautiful daughter is now u shall choose put ur hand up if u wanan marry my daughter" he said alot of guys eyed their parents they raised their hans alot of ppl I was cold and i was gorgeous yuyu in awe of how many guys "il take her" a guy yeled we turned a guy was leaned down dady kneeled the girls and guys did to he was behind me he circled d me I went to punch him he caught it leaned down "heh" he said I was in shock my eyes wide my heart lept he chuckled and shoved of it I twiled aroudn kicking him he fell and was hsocked he had a mark dad in shock "u think I wouldnt hae a backup plan circle me agin like im some ucking meat" I snaped at him he smirked "mmm" he said "i want her also" big big familys shwoed up many big familys wanted me then it shook violently "to late" dad said I was in shock 'WHAT HE FUCK IS THAT MAN" i yelled jack them busted out laughign ppl laughing about it I looked some haking their heads thiinking its wrong "shake ur head go ahead ill killl u guys first' I snaped they stoepd instantly knwing the sword "so u mean shes his now" danny claed alice on his lap "yes" daddy said "NO" val screamed out "NO NO NO NO NO DADDY TAKE ME" miki yeled the ones that were married was butting in their husbands in shock theyd do that "babae dont u love me" vals asked "I love u but i cant let him get my baby sister DADY TAKE ME TAKE ME" val yeled shaking her head sobbing about this I was blinking "ddo I get fried chicken" I said yuyu looked "can I get fried chciken to if i said take me" yuyu said "probably" maka said "TAKE ME" shechired wanitng more frie hcikcen "yuki" he whispered heartbroken he eyed me "babe im just gonan take the fried chicken I wont mary him" she whispered in his ear with a chibi look he looked at her "HAH ID DO THE SAME YUYU-BEAR' i yeled she poind i did to us laughing about it "fried chiken is gooood TAKE ME" eni yeled the shenu girls butted in with take me soon I looked fried chiken appear in their hands each time 'TAKE ME DOUBLE" yuki yeled after finishign her chiken thye turned they were shocked to see her done with it him chuckling at this her with chibi flecks and greese 'take me" I caled fried chicken came in my hand "yeah TAKE ME 5 TIMES" i yeled I got 5 more buckets "ohhh yeahhh" I said grinning hugely val them in shock I di that just for chicken liek yuki "so ur oing this for food" alie yelled like wtf "yeah fried chicken goooooood" valerie said eating hers i looked "im done with mine" I said wih chibi flecks and grease I was picking out stuff wwith a sharpened chcken bone like yuki she old em ho they did the same "I wanna taste it" a girl yeled 'den says it" I said into the mic daddy in shock mom ins hok to like wtf girls broke out into its and began repeating it just for more fried chicken "TAKE ME" i roared so loudly and then I got a stack load of pizza and fried chicken "HEL YEAH TAKE ME" she yeled she got chekers she grinned hugely noding we tore da fast food up "okay im done" I said then I burped loudly guys began laughign "excuse me" I said with a chib cute look guys swooned over it "ur excused" the guys chorused I giggled Mom in shock "u r not excused" alice said 'shut up women" a guy roared she hit the wall danny lunged he had his sword to dannsy throat "shes excused right" a guy snarled haiving alice "YES" Sshe yeled scared he took it away them all swooning over my cute chibi look I wavved giggling they waved back a guy shoved his friend waving to me I giggled and llookedd down daddy in shock "wow" yuki said "yep' valerie said lena them eyeing each other "kat who she gona mry" lena whispered "that guy whos sppose to rightly have her den dey gonna begin arguing den dey gonan sex each other" she siad "last pat ur joking igh" jack asked "yeah" kat aid laughng them giggling like wow he nodded she shook her head no they scoffed "soounds like her" lena said she giggled soon it broke three a guy and his family caem through hisportal he turned he saw me glow 'shes his pincess get her sized for her weding dress" the guy said 'wait wat" I yeled my jaw on the groudn I looked around "wtf is going on" I yellled "take me" yuki yeled soon alot o checkers came on she snaed guars waked up 'get these home for me" she said keeping three huge ass bags of burgesrr they did him in shock they yeled it and got shitlaods thye did the same "take me" i yelled I got a huge ass laod o burger king them eyeing us I ate a burger "get me some more burger king and il go' I whispered with a hcib look towards the guy he got me more burger king "come on lets go get fitted' I chirped eating burgers andd fries them just wahicng "WHAT THE HELL" crimson yeled and I did get fitted they had a shit laod of burger king on my couch I was chibi staring at em like im in heaven "heaven" I whispered they were stunned at that the fitter girls began laughign getting it soon I was done they wnt off I was eating burger king I wadled out I was using a new spell I llooked around "so mom am I going to hogwarts this year' I said "yes u r" she said geting a plan "okay can we come" valerie chirped hapily "OOOO BABE CAN I GO TO HGWARTS WITH SEREY" she yeled he looked d"do u want that my queen" he siad "wait queen" I yeled she turned like oh shit "yuyu-bear arent u a princess' I said she shook her hand "sweet" I said she was stunend "u still wanna be around a queen" she said "yuy-bear i like u cuz ur like me u will be ursel shy or whtever' I said blinking she huged me I hugged her back daddy sighed 'whhy does my daughter have dangerous friends" mom asked "cuz i spidergirl" i chirped "I batgiirl" yuyu-bear chirped next grinnign we ha grins we put on masks we made I climbed up da wall she used a grapple and swng into the limo megan laughign about it I climbed in my window "GOODNIGHT BATGIRL WHOO" i yeled "batgirllll she sang as they drove away they al began laughig I was laugign also him the main one laughing about it I was giggling in my room valerie them alguhign on my bed as I repeated spider girl and snaked my head "okays when hogwart'" valerie said "TOMMROW" I whooped "wlel lets go get oour stuffs guards" she yeled guards came in I hadned him my old list and then i looked "spideygirl go to hogwarts to lt dumbledore know" I said i saw yuyu-bear outside at the ight time with emgan them valerie them jumped out I looked and shot out a web I swung down their jaws droped she grabbeled we swung there them laughign and following us I stoped "da da da  da da da da daa batgirl" yyuu said I sang da spiderman theme song and webbed in I swung into dumbledores office on a web snape al of em in there they looked at me like wtf then yuyu-bear grapled in they jumped in "spider girl" I ssang after yuyu-bear dumbledore let out a huge laugh knowing about spiderman mcgongall eyed me "a superhero charcatar" mcgongal asked i Nodded grinning yuyu-bear giggling we discussed it and got our barothers in and her husband and I set own a list of ppl and sent out lists I swung in and sticked on dannys sister window she turned over all of em in there they grinned hugely and then yuyu-bear grappled down we waved to em they let us in I swung in them laughing "omg u guys are so funny" his sister said alice waddled in in his shirt I was kinda hurt "wtf u two oing here danny" she yled he ran in sword out shoing her behind him his stance had a itny flaw "wha' yuyu-bear said he fumed "what u guys ding in my fuking house he yeled  "so id we get in" his sister chirped "spidergirl says yes" I said they giggle with us I handed em it and told em to tell their guards to get it vampy guars "wle we gottta go SWING haha get it swing" I said thne I webbed out on a tree I swung around outside they began alughing watching me I swung up andd landed I was on da tree "we gotta go make another delivery" I chirped we swung off we went to megy thems mansion I swung on and hit it i was on it the girls turned the guys to "Wtf" his brother yeled yuyu-bear grapled down she waved I grinned waving "spider girl" I mouthed hse mouthed and bat girl they began laughign "IS THIS WHAT U GYSY WERE HIDING OPEN THE WINDOW FOR MY YUKI" he yeled they did she swung in with her grapple I webbed in and hit the window then I slid down and waddled in them laughign about me "hahah uh oh" I saidd hen my cel rang doing the spider girl theme song they busted out laughing "omg" megan said laughign so hard "thats the funnyest shit i ever heard" his other sister yeled their crew ran in "u guys are ins" I chirped "whe- 'tommows' I said their jaws droped in shockc "that- "welll yeah albus was getting rid of things and cleaning up so tommrow is da day and just say u know me if a slytheran messes with u say I knwo alura on da train kk" I chirped thye nodded I looked "spidegirl gones I got a person to save- then I hit my ringtone it played as i webbed out them in shock I webbed away the girls laughign and cheering me on I webbed in and hit valeries window they turne swiftly I looked and shook  my head i grinned hugely and slid it up grinning they laughed so hard and opene the window I clibed in and was upside down on the wall when the guyswalked in they looked around "where is she" jack asked i landedd "spider girlll" I yeld they sreamed jumping i Laughedto hard them laughig so hard withme THAT SHIT IS NOT FUNY" jack yeled i laughed "u guys got in now spider girl gotta go to sleeps" I said I webbed out then u hear a crash "im okay" I yelled they an out and saw me pop up and web away them wathing "WTF HOW DOES SHE HAVE THE WEBS" ian yeled "I dont know its lury" jack said they nodded I shot out a web and kicked dere asses like spida man I kicked jack he fell with at hud their jaws on the ground then htye began laughing I webbed away waddling in yuki grinned "batgirl snuck out" she said I gigggled their sisters climbed in valerie them ran in the ones who were imotant was here then dannys sisters climbed in we had gotten so so close when I came by and said sorry and at the ball then alice hoped in "why the hel is she with u" valerie said "uz she caught us and said she wouldnt cal in danny if she could come" she said "DAMN WHOS ROOM" megan yeled "mine" I said she hoped over da rive then they noticed it they were in awe "u di the lake" big sis askedme i Nodded we al hung around alice not saying anything i turned "why chu no talking" I said "becuz ur kinda weird to me" shes said eyeing me "wtf am not" I whined "u webbed and hit their window and said spider girl" she said I giggled "its for jokes" yuyu-bear said I put it on and then she got it she giggled a tiny bit I elbowed her putitn gon batman then she got it she began laughing about it now we were all laughing i looked "lets go and mess wiht ppl as super heros" yuyu-bear yeled we all made outfits and then alice waddled in as thor I giggled we all left I grinned "No I got this" i said they hid invisable I came down upside down liek fucking spider man when he kissed that jane girl! "u looking for trouble punk"I said he turned with his crew "wtf" he yelled funny shit was it was jacks crew "huh" I said "wtf is this u aint wtf spidergirl or some shit' he yeled I laughed "no" I said he eyed me i sldi the mask off "WTF LURY" he yeled them laughign about it he began alughign I laughed also they ran out "need hel" yuy-bear yeled with her bra as a weapon she had her hamor giggling about me "wtf is goign on with u girs" he said "noting we gonna just go mess with soem ppl u said u wanted to beat some freaks up we wil do it for u" I said they eyed us "why should we- "I wanan beat someone u thats why haha I alreayd beat up big bro them" I chirped "oh shit comfloage" dannys isste yeled i went up my web so fast she grappled up she jumped up they hid al around them like wtf jack them showed up "sorry alura beat us up saying shes spidergirl" ian said "it soundded fnnny" kade said walking up tey ohed jack thems crew looking for us then u saw me web down I looked at em his best friend saw me I went up as they turned I was in the chair then she showed up I yanked her back "I wanna be spidergirl u can be catwomen" she said I sighed "why Im haivng fun with my webs"' I whined quietly she sighed 'catowmen u got actual neo ears that are blaxk an sexy at night" she said i sighed noding we changed the girls watching yuyu-bear giggling "haa catwomen is awesome u also specialize in whips" valerie said i Nodded I had my whip I looked I whistled they dint htink nothing of it his best friend looked i took my mask off he was shocked then he saw it was me lury his jaw hit the gournd he hit them they looked he pointed to me with m neko ears looing at em my tail waving with a sexy purr "wtf" he mouthed I disapeared as they turned hearing da pur "so fucking fast" his besty mouthed thye nodded "u guys hear a purr" jack asked "no" his besty said as he saw yuyu-bear with a tazer they saw it "nope" they chorused leanign there big sis howled they all showed up I grinned hugely nodding "hey punks" yuyu-bear said they turned "looking for us" she said coming down on a web they turned he was gone "hulk gonna smash" u heard val roar "THOR BITCHS" alice yelled I eyed her llaughing about it silently u saw me whip they turned I disappeared but his besty saw it they let their superhero charactars be known "wtf is going on" jack yeled "heh hulk smash" val roared smahsing it up I had unlocked it it broke up 'wtf" ian screamed thye turned val was laughign about it alice slammed her hammer own she fliped away I looked and latched on with my whip they heard it I swung over and then I had my hel on the tip of the wheel but it was catliek an sexy how I had it them ins hock of em I looked "hey" i said "wtf who ae u guys wtf is wrong with u ulook like my nooo" jack said peicing it together "haha yes" val said in her natural voice them sliping the ones who had masks off or coming into light "ctwomen wannabe" big sis said I looke and crawled down my face was showing now that iw as in the moonlight "WTF LURY UR CATWOMEN" ian yeled 'i switched with big sis" I said she came down as a web 'u called kittycat" she said "kittycat whip yo ass" I said "get it whip" I said thye laughed "wtf is wrong wiht u girls tonight" mark yelled "haha aot" yuyu-bear yeled as they zoomed in we dispapeared it shocked em at how fast "sorry im late i was lookgin for my yuki" he said "batgirl gonna get his ass" she mouthed i put my thumb up she grpled it and was on the tree on the graple hooks they turned yuki swung into light giggling "YUKI" he yeled other of their siblings showed up danny zoomed in we hid again them in shock then alice looked "THOR BITCHS" she yele dand fliped down off the roof I purred and then I used one of my cat liek abiltys to help ehr she had danny under her boot heel hammer out "WTF ALICE' he yelled I walked on the cabel line 'DUE LOOK" yuyu-bear's hubby yelled they turned i was on it like fucking catowmen "WTF GET DOWN LURY" jack yeled i fliped down and landed on all fours I stood up prowling over liek a fucking cat "she plays catowmen good though and shes kidna sexy so she fits it" one of dannys friends said I was behidn jack "looking for me' I said the turned I was in the behind cirson "haha cant catch us" alie said disappearing we played with em then we came out the windows laughing about it thye turned wes tood there me prowling up them in their charactar modes "wtf is wrong with u guys tonight" danny yeled 'we just wanna beat some fools up and mess with pl" val said shrugging "SO MESS WITH US" ian yeled "yeah sounds about right" miki said coming down in an sexy ironamn outfit "haha awseome miki" I yeled she fistbumped me "haha wait u became catwomen" she said i nodded 'she plays it better then spidergirl" val said i shrugged giggling "we can be these for haloween" alice chirped being nice danny smiled at that "omg thatd be so awesome hahahahahhaha serey walking on cabel lines then she comes down and yuki graples up and was lie tricker treat and then next thign u know shes behind him sayign give us candy or il kick ur ass" val said "oh yeah thatd be awesome i get to kick somebodsy ass if they dont give us candy HELL YEAH IM IN" i yeled "u just like beating ppl up dont u" jack said I nodded they chuckled shaking their heads "their coming" danny said "hide now" jack said we looked "why" we chorused 'HIDE" he yeledat yuki we di what they said me hiding liek fucking cat on a cable line they were shocked "wow lury does play that well" big bro said they noded waiting with their weapons leaning there I was in the tree now I felt dannys friends ass I licked his cheek the girls jaws droepd I disappeared he knew it was me danny saw it was me "omfg wtf chicka" yuki whispered alice laughig about it silently "haha it was to fu oh shit comaloge' I said as they saw us we dispapeared so fast i whiped up and sprung up I hit it i zoomed up and was hanging on it like last time in higher places "heh so what u guys doing out jacky dearest" the leader said "why helo" I mouthed they laughed silently "looking for u guys" danny said "mama likeee" u heard alice purr they look around danny chuckled silently I giggled silently mouthig behave she mouthe no promises and disappeared I disapeared "u hear something" he whispered I looked controlling crrickets they only got that the guys got the joke of mine they laughed silently danny laughign silently they hit jack mouthing control lury before we alugh our selfs to death he looked "lury stop makign jokes and be quiet" he thought "so whos lury" a guy asked reading his mind his head shot over "huh" jack asked "u thought lury stop makig jokes nad be quiet whos lury" he asked "nun ya" big bro barkd mark glaring at him them all glaring at him them in shock i was hidden big sis them glaring at their sisters 'whos lury robyn" his sister asked big sis "heh like were teling" she snaped jack chukled "who the hell is lury tell us" he siad my eyes wide they mouthed wtf I mouthed be quiet adn wait they eyed me noding "ppls" danny said after I controled him but robyn knew I did she smirked msugly "smart lury" she said through the bond blokcoing her mind "heh learned it form u big sis" I thogut she chuckled darkly they turned jak eyed her she eyed him liek it was lury he chuckled next they got it was me them chuckling I grinned then ians eyes went to me walking on the building dragging my whip them in shock then I disappeared like it wasfucking natural "badass" robyn thought sending iit to jack them they smirked liek yep "hah lury lury lury lury so whos dis lury huh lury hey" he yeled he came out my eyes widend yuyu took him out he sa he was shocked she eyed me I cuaght her grambling hook yanking her up she ladned we disappeared they were shocked a that they mouthed nice we smirked and disappeared she came down on her web she went up after putting it on she put her thumb up "man i think we shoudl go" we played it slyly "why whos the leader" he said she mouthed get it to rere alice hit it to me they hear it robyn caught it and thrw it slyly I I threw my whip and grabbed it that way thye were shocked jack chuckled at that I used my manuplating skillls to get the sisters away they zoomed off then I mouthed I cant anymore their gona think something of it jack eyed me liek okay I hit it off and threw it alice hit it val took it out "hulk" she said in the alley her husban chuckled they turned hearing it she was gone liek the wind I smirked and bent down "lury stop messing with em" robyn mouthed I ured and disapeared "why u looking for us jack" he asked then his sister looked bak in time to see yuyu-bear graple by she stoped thye turned looking she zoomed up "somebody else is hiding there in the meeting" she said "howd ou- thenshe pointd u saw me catwalk by into a shadow "wtf somebodys watching em" she whispered "big bro" she thought his bestye yed jack like they got caught sooon miki played it good "what" he said 'somethign isnt right they would speak up" she thought "speak up" he mouthed "heh we wanna kick ur ass thats why" jakc barked at him they turned he eyed em liek they are they took off home U saw me use a new catlike move to go down and circle his crew member then I wne tup when he turned they were shocked I walked on the cable line then yuyu grappled by u head a tiny blink they heard it the other crew didnt she looked back and smirked and disapeared instantly she pased as hulk girl we made it known we were stil here and waiting on em "heh why would u wanan do that u know u wil lose" he said "no we wont u fucked with us that one night brah u took their baby sisters gift" danny said "what this" he said tossing it I saw it my eyes lit up I eyed jacky 'ijacky I want it" I thought he chuckled "guys lets let uh lury come out and get it LURY" he yeled I looked whiping i tilted my head u saw me in the tree 'WTF" he yeled I fliped down my girls beside me I prowled to him "gimme it' I purred in a seductive voice he eyed me "no who the hel are u" he said "wel im laying catwomen for a few nights so u gimme it or we whip ur ass' I said "u have our gifts also" he said "my batgirl he has ur- he whispered it "GIMME IT" she roared them in shock "ur fucking nuts who the hel are thes chiks jack" he yeled our sisters wifes nad girlfriends sister in their case" danny said noding to jack them "whos ur sister in this bunch" he said lury" Ihe said I smirked walking up "u must be the youngeset' he said lunging I smirked andclawedhim he droped I prowled around it was like the ufcking movie me kicking his ass she oomed in I looked yuki grppled and yanked it she flew up she webbed grabbing her she hit her then miki blasted herr with her irongirl powehssss us chuckling wanting it them smirking I fliped or em and was just liek catowmen kiking ass I twileda around and kicked her I had my boot heel on her I twisted it ina previous wound she shreiked out i smirked and put it up a knfe slid out and I slowly pushed it in her she screamed out "BIG BRO" she yeled out he shot up 'NO" he yeled I laughed bout it "gimme it" i said hand out he looke at her she nodded het hrew it I whiped it and we shot of and disappeared soon thye went for jack I purred they stoped hearing it they turned we her cape flying as she stood by me then she webbed down from the tree he saw her us in the shaodws hiding our faces yet u saw us u heard her hammer banging on something they turned and saw her glaring em down banging on it u saw miki do hers it was to badass I whiped showing the main badass one was here they looked and left we fliped down "WTF KICK ASS' robyn yeled i highfived her laughing "i do admit tht was cool lury" jacky said I laughed "laters' I said we disappeared u saw her web off u  saw me walk of on the cable lines i threw my whip and swung on it I swung up and disappeared them shocked at my exit yet loving it "haha wow our wifes and girlfriends are badass" danny said "what about our baby sister" ian said hey fistbumped and left we messed with ppl for fun then we went in I slid in jacks window they turned "haha here" I said thowing it I sliped out he caught it "hell yeah thanks lury" he claled "haha cal me catowmen" i said seeing me jump and landed on all fours on a thin tree branch we disappeared them in shock of our exit he cale alice "oh yeah at yukis" she said we were in this huge ass seprate room we weent to sleep with our bags lal here her parents walked in to see us around asleep our outfits packed in case we wanted to mess with ppl or go out and kick ass as a group they were stunned "have u seen my baby girl" mom asked at yukis door worried jack them was behind grinning they walked in and up waking us we woke up we were in sleeping kiminos nad pjs "mosm daownstairs with yalls parents freaking out" jack said we waddled down "hey mom" I said they turned they latchedd onto me "what was that last night' dad yeled at me "sorrry I came over to yukis we gathered the girls we told him we would have a sleepover" I said yuki gving him that poutty look he nodded "yeah they did" he said "uh sorry" mom siad i Nodded "hey lets go get our stuff we gotta be on the road soon" i said they nodded we got ready I went down looking stylish he turned "uh were oging to durmstiring" he said i huckeld 'see ya" I said we al left with our bags we had fun howling i yowled and went in the limo and we uled up to badass cars jak them zoomed by they stoped and went back they saw em ooking at these badass cars theyd kil to have I got in robyn got in we all oomed out I jumped jack he was shocked i fliped out the bird he knew it was me cuz I would at times do that to ppl and then we drifted through a portal another opened "durmtring boys" we thought sending it to em they laughed and went through I zoomed in they zoomed after me we puled up and got out ppl gasped at us after we changed "man we lok sexy as hell" alice said "hed kil to bang me in this" yuki said I laughed "ish I could gt laid" I said standing there "wanna" a guy yele d"u wish" I caled turing he chuckled "YEAH I DO WHEN IM MASTURBTING' i said guys cheered "wooow" valerie said wanted much" miki asked mei blushed "mega badly okay go to the back i gotta go see lena them" I said they went back they turned "out mud- "we know alura" yuki sadi they ran out so fast it made no sense "wtf" alice said 'guess aluras known huh" robyn said leaning there they were older but they were goign to the college they sat around soon we di the prank i walked in laughing about it "lateaaaas chickaaa" lena said I laughed switching my hips guys drooeld as I passed I swung my hips with a whoop "HELL YEAH" i yeled they laughed we sat down whn this sexy ass slytheran came in damn" robyn said i hit her laughing "hmph alura" he said "sexy thng" I purred he chuckled "member who dumpped who alura" he said "kinda regret it now'" I said he hcuckled "u should" he said 'hell u know u sitl want this" i said my claok droping "hmph I miss it eveyrnight" he said "mm bet u ddo' I sid them in shock he chuckled "man ocme on stop flirting with tat gryfinndor goddess" he said "hey u never now she can be my sex goddess again man" he yled "hmph I might" I purred he chckled and backed away leaving cathcing up shoving em they laughed "DDAMN U KNOW DAT" alie yeled I laughed "danny wont liek that why hello sexy thigns friend" yuki said "and uhh andy wont lie that" alice said she roled her eyes i laughed about it "and yes we dated" I said 'DAMN" they all yeled i laughe "lena them said the same thing when he asked me out "hey alu- "DAMN" i yeled finfishign it they busted out laughing "I swear the did it and then hes like okay alura wanna go out and im like sure next hting u know I find out hes a slytheran and ppl looked at us with disgust when we kised and shit I was a tiny bi- "lury" robyn said "I was fat as hell" I said they eyed me shocked "u fat" alice asked I showed em a piture "wow" yuki said "heh then a few years pass she comes back as a thid year all we know is dumbledore says i like to welcome back a great sutpid with high grades she is now a shenu and was in gryfinndor ALURA SHENU" he said "and pl were LIEK WHAT CUZ SHE WAS SO FUCKIGN CUDDLY" robyn said "next hitng u know this sexy ass girl walks in and she looks around and guys re liek thats not lury and then draco is like fuck me and then she says her signature line for all guys she rejects and eveyrbody knows its her cuz onl she could get the acent right as hell and make it funny yet cruell and ppls jaws droped net thing u know he walks in and trys lury and shes liek heh u wanna date me now dont u rave and hes like who r u I would akept u and shes like im ur lury ur old lureeeehhhh and how he would cal her lureeeh was so fuckign seductive every girl wante to fuck his ass even though it wasnt their name" robyn said "haha yeah true now rave is all up on her again" big sis said "and they flirt liek before but noting really she says she gona- she whispered i "omg do it do it now" alice said "go invisable' i said thye nodded I wandered around and saw the erfect guy I used my powers not single damn I went for one and he was single I smiled and it was his enemy helllooooooo he was sexy to I smiled he grinned at me I sat on his lap "can u take me to my compartment" I said to him eh chukled noding he led me out his buddies took several pictures of his arm around my waist leading me me looking helpless hugging onto him heh luy got gameee their jaws droped "damn lury got swagger" lena yeled thye looked out at me I turned winking at em thye howledd he chuckled I smiled and we kept waking "tank u" I said looking down he chuckled nad leaned in kissing my cheek his buddies got that i leaned up and kissed him their jaws droped they got that mega shots I made it look liek he kised me though I walked in they though he kissed me though thye ran into raves huge ass hang out of a compartment "wha man" rave said heh guess who I just saw walking tiwht sixx" he said "who" rave snarled at his name "ur lureh" he said 'wait repeat" he growled "yeah she got lost and he walked up to her and was liek lost and shes like yeah next thing u know their wlaking by us and im like come on dude lets follow then after that he kisses ur lureh" he said he shot up "SIXX' he roared and I made him think he kised me I looked "ooooo i think he knows" robyn said "invisable" I sang we cloned and went invisable walking up "SIXX U KISSED MY LUREHHHH" he yeled he chuckled "yeah sexy thing she is" he said "ill kill u SHES OFFLIMITS" he roared lugning at him they fought over me I looked and we went in "lets interupt" robyn siad we stood up waliing out me texting lena them then his buddies saw me heading their way "so lurreh heard sixx kisesd u" he siad i Nodded "im going to lena to start the prank" I said as he asked me if I was going to his cmpart they follwoed "lena im heading ur way make it like were goona begin the prank" i thougth "okay u tel us after" seh thougth we walked in nobody knew about the shenu talking ways i walked inw ithe m whooping I hit the top grinning they laughed we shut it puling it down "okay whats up" lena siad ater making it her spell they ran off rave kand sixxx flew back sixxs fangs came out his fangs came out they went at each other "LUREH IS MINE GET THAT SIXX NOW" he roared at him "WHY HUH" he roared laughing pnning rave "heh ur not- he di a cheap shot roling up us watching with the shenu girls new jutsu "who u cheeirng ofr" kat asked ava "that sixx guy" she said "haha team rave on dat side team sixx on dat side" she said i went to team rave they howled loudly i laughed shrugging "rave could always plz me at times hed uh give am touch in a special area' I said they eyed me jaws on the ground I eyed it they howled so loudly I laughed 'so do u miss it' yuki asked it came off yeah I miss raves kisses and touchs so wat he doesnt want me hes slytheran im gryfinndor he broke up with me for that reason it wasnt me dumping him" I said "ouch wait its off put it on again" robyn said we di his friends smirked running off rave wiping the blood off smirkig about beaitng sixx's ass "man we were waaiting on it and well the spell came off liek we planned and uhh u know what we hear lurehhh say" he siad he looked raising his eyebrow "does she want sixx" he asked "no she says" he clicked a tape "so do u miss it" yuki said "yeah I miss rave and raves kisses and his touch so what he doesnt want me hes a slytheran im a gryfinndor he broke up with me for that reeason" I said his eyes lit up he shot up "u serious" he yeled he nodded he took it off listeing in he heard us talking about him "what u miss most about him" robyn asked me "nun ya" I said "bet its somethign sexual thats what arty says when shes hiding some shit" ava said "so what i fi am" I said they howled I laughed about it "tle us seriously at least one thing" he said I told em one thing he liked doing to me fingering me they howled "U DIRTY GIRL" robyn yeled i laughed so hard then he put it back on he smirked and walked off "I wil get u alone lurehhhh" he thought smirking he went in a girl turned "uh sorry" she said "go get ur man chicka a chicks about to move in" she said I changed I passed his buddie hit him I looked around for it i ws in something difirent with my bag in hand he turned his breahting stoped he saw me run off near the girs bahroom he walked out instantly and then he phased in as I changed into the mini sirt knkwoig he was in here he turned invisable his hand slid in he turned visable my eyes widened as his fingers entered "lurehhhhhhh" he whispered in my ear his way my eyes widend 'r-rave wt are u doing in here' I said he smirked snuggling my cheek and he began rubbing at vampire speedd I moaned softly clenching onto the sink he saw me clinching on "r-ra-kun" I moaned out he smirked missing that he continued he looked making it soundproof "I miss u lurehhh" he said in my ear my eyes wide I had been mesing with adnnys friend and he was like another danny if he knew hed kill ra-kun soon robyn turned invisable she looked her jaw on the ground she took a pic for the girls and phased out runing in she sat down with em "what hse doing" lena asked she showed em the pic of his fingers in me me clenching on and then the next one was me kissing him their jaws droped "damn go baby sis" val said after they walked in and they showed em I looked he kissed me back we were goign at it him sill rubbing he turned ampire he changed 'areu cared' he siad i showed mine 'are u" I said he was stunned he chuckled and he got at a fast speed it tookyears to get that speed he continued it felt so good "ra-kun ur gonna make me I let out this sexy shreik going he smirked and went own he slid em off cleaning me with his tongue he stood up and grabbed my ass and leaned in "soon lureehhhh we will see how much i can pleasure u" he growled in my ear my eyes wide he left robyn had taped it alll with ehr camera he breeed out not seeing her human again he walked in shutting it with a pleased smirk them all knowing he was in his own happy little pleased world he only got that looked when wel we messed around that way "think he and lurehh went at it again" his buddie said sixxs guy heard "of course only rave can please her hes not afraid to get shit done" he said he chuckled fistbumping him they walked in shutting it it was offlimits I walked in they eyed me "ra-kun huh" lena asked my eyes went wide I watched it my eyes wide jaw on the ground 'U GUSY FUCKING TAPED ME" i yeled thye laughed so hard "omg this is ur own sex tape atleast part of it imagine wat dannys budide wil do u know hes curshign hard on u lury" robyn said ra-kuns buddie recorded that he shot in "heh id get ur girl make her urs again rave" he said sitting down "why" he said seethign with anger thye disturbed his thoughts he ut it on "what dannys friend gonna do if he knows u miss rave" robyn asked 'haha I knwo dannys rfriend hes gonan rip ur rave apart" alice said "haha hes at durmstring and I dont want him anyway" I said "chicka he can maek u urs i seen him do it to girls so u better uhhh hold on to rave if another grl wants him" she said 'thats what my fucking gocks are for" I said then u heard a gun click and them aughign "ur so fucking violent serey" yuki said he was no doubt shocked I had a gun "heh id bang him" kami said "kami u know what i do to competition" u heard her say "yeah i do" she said "i tear em to shreds an rip all they live for away heh just liek i di that last girl that tried me and raves reationship' I purred he was shocked that was me "wow rave ur not only th eplotter" his brother siad lsitening he smirked thinking thats sexy to me he hit him he laughed shrugging "heh what did u do i wanan know all I hear is u hear that girl asked rave out next hting u know tt girl disappears liek that leaves hogwarrts" she said "heh well u never knwo where she could be now in a lake down in a ditch burried alive heh I got alot of ways of making pl and their files disappear" i purred happily they laughed "heh u did that to one of my exs" mii said "and arret u glad i did mimi" I purred "mm I am" she said they all let out dark laughs me laughing "im serious though if he found out that rave guy would probably be history" alice said "heh as i said thats why i got glocks hello" I said loding it they began laughign then it shut off "wow dude shes twisted" his brother said he huckled "and sexy that way" rave said 'so whatu gonna do about this danny guys buddie if he goes after ur lureh' his brother said "heh" he said he was more powerful then anything he showed a shadow balll their eyes widened "man alll of lureh shes a gryfinndor u a slytheran cuz ur cunning and sly shes not" he said soon the saw me be grabbed up by a teacher they turne vvamp to listen "but professer i did nothing listen" I said hitting a tape with this sly smirk they knew sly smirsk when they saw some I got him in trouble I put it in his bag while standing outside I put it on hm so fast i chuckled "3 2 1" they heard me say it went off "success heh I aint going down snapeh dearest" I said with I showed em I was sly and cunning right then I walked off laughign about it u heard them laughign "nice" u heard alice purr he got a daed loko I felt it "heh catowmen got ways hahaha" I sid thye laughed "lets go mess with some hufflepuffs minds or we can mess with uhhh ur exs cuz there here in hogwarts" "u know what though" I said they eyed me "th sexyest ex ever was the ex that rode a motorcycle through hogwarts with me on it" i said they laughed "OMG WE REMEMBER THAT EVERYBODSY LIKE WHATS THAT next thing u know he comes in in a motrocycle riding it with his crew behind him u on it hugging onto him aand ur liek sorry im late to class haha and he leaves and drives into his next class with it omg shit was so awesome" lena siad "right hey id get back with him if i ould do that again whoo hoo" I yeled on my seat raves eyes turned red then i ntoiced him pass I looked away before he noticed me loking liek oh shit i made it soundproof "rave heard" robyn said walking in "howu know" I said turning "haha he was like if i find hat ex ill kill dat ex then hes gona be an x off my fucking list" she said "wow u knwo thats kinda sexy to me but im twisted so yeah I said thye laughed "u truly are sometimes serey" yuyu-bear said I laughed shrugging "im sorry but im just syaing it was sexy to me riding on it" I said as he passed again "hahaha u knwo if ur uhh rave heard that he wouldnt like it' lena said playing it "so what he wouldnt do it hes not that bold thats one thing i can say about rave" I said "really" he snarled we al heard it he stormed off "chicka what u up to" lena said after our minds blocked came p they thought it was girl stuffs so they let it go "heh welll rave likes a challenge so imma be a chalenge" i thought they eyed me shocked "how that boy already fingered ur ass and we al knwow hat it means' robyn thought I blushed badly "and wat else robyn" yuki thought not phased "he made her cum" she thought they all eyed me "what come on of course im gonna least I gave him a ride" I thought looking away "haha ur a slut baby" ava said i whooped she highfived me his budie heard "wtf thats not good" alice said "sluts for us means sexy awesome girls who liek to take it a fast pace and likes it rough and likes it fa- "shut up lena" I yeled at her she laughed "u know thats true u like it at a fast peace u sid if u did sleep with a guy or fuck him as we all cal in in that case u said ud want it all not just that hod back that shows hes a real man to u hahahhahaha but u said if i ever fuck a guy i want him to be roughhhhhhhhh bitchs then u said u like it fast aka u like it fast whe ur- 'LENA SHUT UP" I whined she laughed "its true u di dsay that' kat said "u said u like speed and we al know what u were talking about" eni said I looked "so what if I did" I purre him tpaing it eyes wide in shock 'wel ur a slut then" lena sid "okay im a slut baby" I yeled out they howled alice them was laughing about it "omfg ur nuts" eni said as i began dancing on it helooked and got him to get rave he pointed in he used his vampire visoion I sliped my top off throwing it down about to give them a show they knew also "put this on" I yeledthey strip her and rave get into it soon she yels at him to choose and cals him a pussy for caring she shows him he rules it and she gets orbyn in there showing not to trifle with her rave is in shock of her new attuide I nsaped it changed my seat was more badass dumbledore eyed me I shrugged lenas was like that her eyes shity kamis to and yukis and alices shwoing dey gryfinndor goddesses the ones who were gryfinndor goddess hadchairs like us but u cuol see us stil I ha my feet ddangled over laying back sucking on a lolipop changed loooking more sexyer then befoe soon ehg ot a peek heg asped in shock i dresed like that my peircing showing my snakebite in I began chewing gum and yuki took my lolipop guys drooeld about that on I tu in earphones blasting gimme more a guy drrove a car in I sat up at that he got out "damn" I mouth dto eem they howled I laughed about it pointing lena laughed "behave urself rere" lena said I laughed "NO PROMISES" i yeled then I stood up sliping my top off the car guy turned at his bduies poiting to me I threw it off howling girls joined in guys banging on it I sat down she laughed about it dumbleore had went out to tlak to the durmstring headmaster about the guys "um yes they shot of and their missing" he siad thenn their heard glass breaking "oh shit" yuki said they turned and saw jack them and my ex I looked "o shit mike is here' I mouthed "u mena the pyscho mike who di moe shit to u then rave" robyn said rave knew she knew cuz she caught him fingering me and punched him offf me "yeah" I said his eyes widned he shot up and walked ovr twith his crew girls drooling i sat there 'so what did mike do to u" he asked me pissed off eyes red tips dark black on his beautiful snowy white hair he eyed me "huh" he roared ppls eyes on us "rave  back off" I snaped at him 'NO WHY" he yeled at me "WHY SERENA" he roared hteir heads shot over "serena" jack mouthed I glared at him 'RAVE I TOLD U I DI WHAT I WANTED NOW GET OFF MY BACK UNLESS U CHOSE NOW BACK OFF OR" i said I snaped pverybody stood up wands out il make u" I said lena smirking at this he fumed "fine u want this huh" he yeled kissing another girl kissing several he made out with my enemyshe sliped his shirt off he slid hers off my heart shattered I stood up and wlked out quickly in tears the gilr shot up and saw me dart off and shit tearing through the woods his brother was shocked he ran in he saw the our family sybombl he yanked her off "shes a pricneses shes from down there rave' his buddie said seeing it "wait who" he asked 'ur lur- "MY LUREH IS NOT THAT SLUT" he yeled "UR LURY WAS PUSHING U SHE WANTED AN ANWSER U THINK SHES REALLY GONNA DO THAT' lena yeled girls behind them "is she okay" pansy asked they all looked for em I landed "im fine lets go" I roared and stoped beieng that cool girl I was in wat i wanted I was gonna eb myself i dint care of jak them was here so i was in what i wanted I had burned my cloak and my ahir was straightened I looked like a sex goddess in person they nodded they breezed in other girls hsot up "u find her' cho asked lena thye turned I walked up i blew out fire girls turned I eyed the two tabels on gryfinndor side "UP" i roared at guys they shot up running off girls sat down I was at the top of the gryfinndor table like lena at the bottom "shes in there man" his budie said "and shes back to herself hapy day" avva said passing I walkedin she stormed up "so u sad" she asked me as they walked in I stood up and punched her she flew across the room I had her pinnned "im the head bitch in this fukcing kingodm u wanna be im gonan be myself the self that came back to hogwarts and was as dangerous as my sister robyn yet was never trifled with os trifle with me go the fuck ahead see what hapens go ahead sit on raves lap to get at me but guess whatbitch u wil never.. be me"I said so coldly it made raves sister flinch away pansy laughed sitting with em all the slytheran girls at a table alguhign I snaped another table formed instantly they sat at it "hehheres ur table" I prued snaping the same min table I eyed her she stormed to it and sat down with her two lapdogs I smirked nad walked away I sat down they howled I satt here listenign to my ipod jack thems jaws on the ground at this "wtf serena" jack yeled i was to busy b lasting my music ndoding to it mouthing along chewing gum I looked around I pointed to that car guy he was one of raves arch enemys draco pointed he turned I fingered him over he wass tunend he shook his head I whistled guys shoved him up him in shock he took em down I grinned and was behind him I leaned on him "can I sit on ur lap" i pured in his ear he chuckled "that wat u want" he asked me "yeah" I said he led me over I smirked and shook my head he turned as I got out I fingered him he got a dazed look following me  he sat down I ws on his lap chewing gum he leaned over popping it with his tongue we began kissing gils cheered banging on the table us not giving a damn "uhh dude" his borther said he looked he nodded over he turned his heart broke he shot up and threw it he  slashed his sword I was wathing i sititng on his lap snuggled into his chest it broke he was stunned he fumed and stood up he leaned down "u and me over my lurehhh" he said "hthis sexy girl on my lap" he said he glared "lury get up" he growled at me "no" i said 'GET UP" he srreamed pl starring at him I was stunned I leaned in his eyes widened no" I said jack yes wide he ran over yanking me up dragging me out "STOP TRIFLIGN WITH RAVE DAMN IT U KNOW HOW POWERFUL HE IS DOWN THERE" he yeled at me "so what i was dating him since my first year thne we broke up on my second dont tlel me what to do jack u can tel me at home and at bas but here im boss bitch aka i can have ur ass out in that lake im sick of being nice and getitng screamed out so try me biatch" i snaped ian them shocked at me robyn behind em whooping about it he fumed noding i walked in "lets go robyn" I yeled she followed me like a puppy like her crew we sat down soon dumbledore sat the est began i ate they slid it to me she used her powers it stoped and I looked it flew and hit her she was ocovered in it I turned noding pansy cursed her she shreiked out i made a bubble over it i glared at her she sighed and yanked me up she drug me out "chicka u need to see this and stop ebign abtich to me" she said I eyed her she clciked it on and it was rave and rave now plotting "imma fuck her up im sick of her toying with me" he said his brother laughed "uckedher up first year to then u broke her hearrt it was funny" his besty said I was shocked I looked at her she eyed me "I was trying to tel u that when he kissed me and u thought of it and u left that first year nad then came back a year later nad was boss bitch i was stil trying to tell u" she said i looked it wasnt edited I was so hurt "so hes trying to get at me" i said she eyed me noding "he cursed me before he kissed me" she sadi I looked and tok it off it was a powerful spell "hm he gets angy though when ur with other guys" she said I smirked "heh now that i know im not gonna be his puppy that hwat that text mean he joked with me now imma joke with him" I said I smirked and caled in alot of sexy guys  is mirked "u single though right" I siad she ndoded 'good another school is coming and its full of sexy guys" I said seh highfivined me 'aka wat" she said "aka sexy wizard vampre dangerous princes I know ur from another family so i aint dumb on ur powers" she said she laughed "so we good" she said I eyed her bring her in I snaped a chair appeared at a table "in it and theres another gryfinndor goddess" I said ppl turned "HAHA TRISHAAAA' i yeled swinging my hips on a table dancing wildly she was stunned she eyed lena she smirked eyeing the seat she sat in it in shock her lackys jaws on the ground "so u told her' she said she nodded "what he- she whispered it they eyed me I eyed seats at a big bithc table they sat in em I sat there shades on noding to msuic as dumbledore went out soon he sighed "we want to welcome more pricnes thye are powerful and have temeprs do not trifle with them" dumbledore siad "WE CANT SEX EM UP" trisha yeled "WHAT WE CANT" i yeled shotoing up in my  seat girlslaughed sielntly guys chuckled "ndprincesses" he said trisha eyed me like wtf I put my tfinger up "also one of our as u call her now gryfinndor goddesses knows em all" dumbledore said "which ones" draco yeled "the princesses she knows alot of em" she said then the girls came in which inluded maka them maka fliped in birds up HEL YEAH BITCHHHHHHHHHHH IMMMMM DA BTICHHHHHHH AKA im aluras fined heeeye rere" she sadi I laughed 'sup maka" I yelled sshe looked "about to sex up my boyfreidn in textsss helo" she said i laughed pointng she pointed back them all whooping birds up all the girls shwoing I knew em all then she walked in "nobody knows her" luna said she stoped em they turned and she put her birds up "RERE BITCHS" she yelled i whooped "HELL YEAH MY GIRL MY FUCKING GIRLL SHE DA ONENEEEEE SHE DA ONE" i yeled up standing up in my seat pinting girls banged on their desks I snaped anoher table they went to it their two girls who leads em aka maka and aura sititng there "married odnt try it" aura said I shto a gun pl tunredI contineud shooting it pppl stunned "SHOT DOWN" i yeled they busted out laughhign guys laughing also "pwned' jack yeled they laughed he stormed out "usssy" I yeled in dracos voice "mr malfoy" dumbledore said his eyes widened I laughed silently bu his brother saw it was me "no  it was her"" he yeled "what now what rere do now.. hahaa get it jack now" I said he began laughing with the guys the ones who knew me to be trouble laughed also maka them laughign maka eaned over fistbumpig me truth was trisha was a slytheran but was always my firned umbledore sorted her "SHES A GRYFINNDOR RELY" draco yeled "yeah" she chirped "now shes turly a gryfinndor GODDESSS WHOOP WHOOP" lena yeled soon thye noticed them gone "where is rere" cho said lena smiled noding liek wait they left i chickend out and blasted peice of me lenae yed em I shrugged liek i cant she shook her hed giggling i walked down I flied on the teacherst able I danced on it freely the girls stood up and danced to it one wlaked in late laughing soon a slytheran girl ran in scremaming her hair full of snkaes I began laughing he turned hearing me laughign about it "HEY MEDUSA" i yelled she turned shreking 'PAYBACKS A BITCH AND I DINT EVEN TOUCH U... heh yet"" I said her eyes widened I blew it went of she was turng colors her hands huge as hell her head chiib sized and then it shrunk nad shehad a huge head she shreikd as it bit her she dragegd her head out screaming about it I laughed highfiving ava he was shocked at that spelll "guess were not the only ones who does epic pranks huh boys" the leader said I got low I messed with a guy I kicked him away he was stunned at me I laughed having fun "hey" yuki yeled pl turned we went up and grinded on each other he sat up interested we had fun he turned and wathed me he taped his shoudler 'DUDE" he yeledyuki was stunned he was eyeing me "hey man" he siad turning away her eyes iwdened "I saw it lets give them a show make em ook' i whispered she nodded we really got dirty "due look at yuki" his brother siad he turned us egtting dirty as hel on each other guys enjoying it I went up and came up my hands going up aher waist I puled her closer we grined on each other facing each other his eyes wide th leader watching bitign his lip we ksised at the end he shot up yanking yuki away we howlled I highfived lena them I had fun I was being myself not giving a damn about rave watchign me I walked up to mark and da coldest one drew I pointed at drew the guys gasepd eyeing em he looked up "what" he snaped angry at me "dreweh chu not nice' I whined waving my hands he eyed me "i still aint- a guy went for me "HYE BACK OFF MY ABBY SISTER NOW" he roared at his arch enemys crew who used girls their jaws droped ppl in shock "not by blood but i grew up with him he stil my brothehhhh right duuude" I said he eyed me u gottta sayit dont u" he siad "yeah duuuuuuuuude" I siad he began laghing "whatcha need" he said "welll I want u and ur band to go on and do some screamo so i an break a table" I said eh began laughing and walked off caling his band he got on soon he eyed me i ws backstage "I cant do this solo its impossable" he said "well she can" my bass player said eyeing em "a heh no" I said as he grinned at me "come on il do it if u do the solo" he said "fine fine" I said "and a song this element" he said "okay fine but i also wanna do rock and roll" I said he nodded he walked out I hid as rave came back wit his buddies "dude choose man i been seeing u watching serena angry when any guy went near her do u want her or not" sixx said them all around "welll serena is serena she may be wild but shes not that sweet girl" she said i walked down then robyn ran in whispering about it I shot out they saw me tey wandered out to see me shove a slytheran away a big tall ass guy to from beating up yuki who got into this mess cuz she said no she was maried she had a balck eye I touched it healing her she eyed me blinking with it "what else" i said she looked "he broke my arm" she said whispering what he di to her "wat else was he tryign to do" I siad shaking saying it slowly she eyed me "I ont wanna get u to angry" she said to me "wat else" i said slowly "he tried to rape me" she whispered my eyes widened I turned nad beat the hel outta then I slamemd his head on the floor and threw him he flew through the gryfindor doors and hit the table 'U TRIED TO WAT' i screamed and shot through I grabbed him and beat the shit outta them I stood on him I looked up and looked around at the healers "pansy cho episky now" I said they healed an got her all heale up he used somehow used chakra i grabbed him up "try me again' i snarled at him he looked hands up "I wont I wont" he yeled i pinned him "try me again u hear me go near any of grls and try to do what u di to yuki and u will die" I snaped shoving off the walll walking to yuki I healed her broke arm a soft look on my face them in shock him stunned she ran up to him hiding behind him I stood there my sword slid out my gun cocked at his big brother he lunged I aimed and shot at his feet he jumped back "U PYSCHO BITCH" he elled i shot his arm off hen anything he did to yuki was done to his big brother i gave hima black eye and broke hise nose with such force it was hanging offf "ur gonna be like ur fucking lord" I said riping his side showing his darkmark they gasped at it he chuckled he picked me up I looked and ws swift I swung up and and threw him with my elgs it was so badss hwo I did it also showing I knew combat I hit his fiends i was taking em all out then he gaspe and then belatrix rode in I lunged at her and dodged a spell getting her off i pinned her smirking 'bellatrix bellatrix bellatrix" i said she wiggled and saw the orpes they came visable "u werent smart coming here" i said "get dumbledore now" a older said I had her pinned percy looekd "bellatrix bellatrix is in the greathalll serena has bellatrix" percy pblurted out they all shadowed down dumbledore saw me the only brave one casting spells then some more big death eaters came in and then harry them jumped in lena them did to throwing curses yuki blew out fire and tooook one down she eyed me winking i grinned and continued I looked it few out belatrix laughed getting free I turned and used my finger and shot out a spell they gasped at that I stoped using my finger and began suing spellls without my finger or a wand hogwarts spell I use da sell to heal harry he shot out a spell with his wand i saw it I looked and blew out my wolf from my mouth which was mega cool yet powerful my wolf had a deatheater I used it around then they looked and shot out I panted and llooked running over turning they had them shit!!them lena touched my shoulder 'good-  turned and hsot out a seplll saving dumbledore they all cheered for me slytherans looking down like goodo job also I blushed shrugging and looked dumbledore smiled noding I grinned at him "I should get sam" I said lena nodded I shot out and saw jakein the claws of belatrrix I shot out a spell it hit her she shrreiked out and I kicked a girl newborns shot out I took em all down with one spell they eyedme in shock jake knew it was me his baby sister he shifted back mega hurt I ran over "jakey" I yelled in shock this happened I began trying to heal him I sighed and shut my eyes "plz" I thought soon my hands sparkled and glowed rainbow he floated up and landed on his feet i looked up he grinend and shot over huggng me tightly i Hugged him back as rave caem out "haha nice going baby sis' his best friend heard as rave ran off hearbtroken he chased im 'ddue thats her big brother" he said in their commen room he turned "what' he said "yes that was serenas big brother I went through her mindd he lost his memory of her ever being his sister the pack was stunned but hse told em to them to leave it aloen til he rememered bily was stuned but at thaat time thye were arguing badly and she just left where he stays" the past seer said 'i wonder what  power she has" he said when bellatrix came in I felt it and shot off with lena them we opened it walking in we saw them choking em I blew it out and then she flew back lena them had went to get dumbledore thye turned and rave sighed "im osrry" he thougth and then he turned on me we were shooting out spels he reflecting em "RAVE WTF IS GOING ON" i yeled his brothers shot out pell I sheilded myself anaita felt me using the other spells "shit somethign sup lets go" she said they shot upstairs and saw him shoot out the spell I screamed out in pain and felll he continued with the unforgiveable cruse rave that is m eyes showed love "NO SERENA" sumi yeled they went for em erza and noah showed up and took em down they saw rave grab me nad jump through a portal I woke up in a cage I was stunned I looked up belatrix skiped around me they tortured me til he got here voldemort walked in my eyes widened 'stop" he said rave flanking him he saw me laying there alll tortured marks on me newborns had at times fed on me so I had fang marks and orochimarus soundnin beat me up cut me badly he had orochimru with him and sasuke his eyes widened "come on sasu-kun" "ur so hyper at times serena ur liek another naruto" he heard his younger self said I layed there weak I looked at him and smirked "hey sasu nice to see ya" I said he eyed me "mm serena" he said "awwy i prefer rena sasu gosh ur stil so serious and emo" I said weakly he chuckled "always could pick em huh" he snarled eyeing rave "yeah I could miss to cool to date" I said he chuckled shrugging orochimau eyeing him "hm sasuke do u knwo this girl" voldemort asked "ahah freak" I whispered belatrix shot out a spell I held it in liek a true nin liek i always did rave looked down I looked she stoped when she couldnt get a scream outta me I dint stop "the akatsuk might want her" orochimaru thought "HAHAHHAHA U TRADERIOUS BITCH" i yeledsititng up weakly they eyed me "do not- 'SHUT UP U SILVER HARIED LAPDOG" i roared rave chuckled at that he funed and stabbed me "oh yeah im so fuckig hurt i member u hahhano wonder laldy hokage was pissed when she found out NO WONDER ANIKO WANTED TO GET AT U BITCH U A TRADERRRRR HHAHHAHAH' i yelled about it I stil had a moth even though i was weak when I got weaker i had the worrst mouth he fumed "thats how u been sending nin huh thts how u knew where to get sasuke u snake im sure he wipped ur mind but he dint wipe anikos mind did he that was how u got to the leaf all those times thats how u got to sasuke thats how u always knew where it was aniko and u kept it in ur mind u twisted bastard' I snaped at him he was stunned smart one she is" raves brother siad "AH SHUT UP LEAST I CAN EGT LAID" i yeled he fumed "why u- rave outched his shoulder "he sixx - i went on with names 'ocem on out u cannot be invisable" I said they turned visable "heh traders" I snaped at em rave was so hurt by that seeing me weak and pained hurt him badly sasuke looked at me 'serena stop this ur gonna get stabbed and hurt more" sasuke said "heh least ill go down liek a true BIATCHHHHH cuz u ur noseless prick doggy want a nose! u ur nothing but a snake- I went on "belatrix UGHHHHHHHHLYYYY" i said kabuto and sasuke chuckled at that orochimaru chuckled to she fumed "I dont see why u have sex with that hing HAHHAHAHA LOOK AT U omfg u ugly" I said laughing about it but u could tel i was weak "sasuke I hope u succeeed in kiling dat prick" I said he chuckled nodding "u kabuto u just a lapdaog like u" I said pointi gto raves brother "sasori... illlkeelsss u andd konan ill keeeelsss u" I said "u sitl havent learned to proply talk" no I turned in another cage was big sis i turned my other sister NO" i shreiked out they grinend at me "haha baby sis stil got a mouth" no thats it I shifted and tore through them all I tore their cages off they were shocked I was a beast i changed back and rave was the only one big sis eyed me "I want him" big bro said I cut his cages off I looked and cut hers off I took em all down all of my siblings weremissing becuz thye had em they had em! tears streaked down 'no" I said they turned I wlaked up "back up" I said they did I walked to rave them eyeing me backed up she stomped belatrix sasuke was playing like he wasnt awake and out "why" I whispered to him llooking down his eyes iwdened he looked i saw his sister I threw it it cut I touched his arm and took it off I sighed weak I walked to al of em and took it off I looked and was in the dooway weak "lets go" I said blowing out fire thy gasped knwoing who I was we walked in weakly we got into the gryfinndor commen room we layed there I smirked at big bro "heh told u im awesome" I said to mark weakly his eyes widened then I passed out bleeding again "GUYS" he screamed out they ran in they screamed running to me robyn walked in she screamed my name shooting ovr "look" big ro said my siblings layed there animals but they knew I looked nd got myself a tinybit awake I summoned all my power and hit them with it at once they turned back and was stunned by laying thee I oclasped again rave in shock he ad became one on his 4th year it was my first year and he fell in love with me at first sight chubby or not hed always watch me wadle by with books with my sisers as my guards and slytheran sisters aruond me id always be in their commen roomm ravenclaws or mine he left soon as he could with his sister them in their commen room "is ll rave fault i saw them attack her she took the blast for me" sumi said they were stunned they al shot up and out they openedi rave turned them healing his sisters him in shock "what" he said like he dint betray dumbledore or his house "u di this to serena" jack yeled his eye widened 'they had my family id do anything even use that weakling to get them back my sisters"he said "got wat u wanted hten heh" I said they all turned i leaned there weakly them looking for me he looked eyes wide 'serena" he whispered "u got all that u wanted I get it I was justt a toy in al of ur little games it was also a gaem to u guys the dark lord ordered u when he reported back jumbo I peiced it together heh and to think I thought u were diffirent"I said his eyes widened he shot up "serena I am dififrent" he said outloud "ur not diffirent u only used me liek tom them used me then threw me way when i wasnt useful u know i get to kill ppl likeu everyday as a living and each time I think of em as my exs and bring the anger out heh now i got one more to add the guy who finished my heart off the legendary darkrave" I said his eyes widneed i always caled him rave me and my buddies nobody but me had that barely any girls his eyes widened at his real name 'serena u allways aled me- I looked and shoved of it leaving weakly I walked in and went dow pushing myself I sat down beside jake and layed my head back me nad jake was alwyas mega close him stil injured healing i layed back after snapping my bones into place i looked and tugged his pillow down colasping my head on it soon leah walked in to see him healed him not seeing me "heh so u remmeber her now" she said he eyed her "u guys kn- 'u guys were arguing when u lost it all cuz of me anyway u guys were arguing badly over that rave guy who berayed her him she said she wanted to see him and then next thing u know she was in he trees hidng away wathing u knowing she could heal u and when u got injured she tired and u lost ur memory about her" leah whispered eh was shocked he looked down and ried he saw tiny bits of us together he saw me hugging him and grining renessmee eyeing me not in jealousy how she got when jake had other girls around him "thats why nessy wasnt jealos why she hugged onto me basicaly" he said elah nodded "hm i should go help em search for serena shes been missing since she lelft weakly" she said he turned "what" he said she walked out already she had ran out basicaly I looked he turned his eyes widened at me laying there unconious bleeding also in one spot he marks healing slowly he got out and puled me in I woke up 'wha" I said he eyed me we layed there being sick together soon I reached over and got the remote i put on batman i smiled mebering yuki them I sighed going invisable jake knew i wasnt supose to e in there him laying there smushing me i grunted silently I shoved him way he chuckled silently "stop it" I whined in his mind he laughed silently and rcrusehd me they left i shoved him off he bed he fel witha thud i began laughing sam stood there 'serena is this where u been" sam asked my eyes went wide "haha i sitl pwned u"i said hhe yanked me down if el with a thud "ow" I whined he laughed about it I joined in he chuckled "i be healed soon" Isaid they were stunend I stood up ad stmbled around i ihed night hit i was heeled them hiding they met up soon I saw it I stood up and waddled out jake alseep leah saw me though I put on my catowmen outfit my neko ears turned her watchig in shock I sighed and took ot my whip "whatcha want lealea" I said "wtf i that outfit" she yeled I turned "catowmen baka" I said she laughed 'wh the hel- I smield "i tell chu when i get back now watch my eic exxt" I said I saled up it like a cat I walked on the hogwarts roofs soon his brother saw me flip down he got a glimpse of my signature dot and I disapered on spot they were geting their asses whiped val them not into it I smirked and walked on the able line I disapeared I looked nad came down in a catllike way I took him out silently and disapeared robyn showed up she saw me walk on it her eyes widened i had my whip out it was sexy when rav showed up they fumed at th sight of him he span around and tok him out "u said serena would be here" he snarled in his brothers mind back off our baby sister U DI THAT TO HER" robyn roared at em soon I whiped em and hit their heaads together they turned as thye heard a purr thy saw me walk on it then pass a pole as a cat a girl in his car ksising on him my heart broken i came up them ins ock I disapeared "n-no" jack whispered i had been missing for welll two weeks I smirked  and then i saw them all lung in I took em all out I looked on the cable line I bent down and purred "easy prey" I said in my seductive voice thenNI lunged divig off I landed on jacks car and flipe back taking em out with cat like reflexs spilty abilty and flexabilty I was ina splir and then I wnent around KIcking her she hit the tree I tok em all out I went up and was on the cable line i shot it hit her cord taking her out their eys wide in shock I looked "ont he cablle line loook" alice said I stood on it I walked on it humming i fliped down landing i whiped down I ame down on it in this sexy ass flexabele way they turned i came into lght and smirked "sup" I said their eyes lit up "serena" robyn whispered "no shit sherlock CATWOMEN BTICHS" i yelled hten I disapeared i hugged onto yuyu-bear "batigrlll" I said she laughed hugign me "we mised ya" alice said 'I knows right im just that awesome" I said they smiled mark zoomed up his eyes lit up he latched on liek drew rave leaning there in the alley I saw him I fumed he looked at me his eyes said plz talk to me i sighed adn walked off "wht u want i see ur happpy" I said eyeing the girl waiting on him her fooot there his eyes iwdened then i saw her she looked like me wtf thats twisted I looked at him "rave what dou want ur lucky i dint tell dumbeldore" I said he eyed me "im sorry I did that" he whisperd "ur not sorry u selfish prick" I snaped t him his eyes widened "serena" "darkrave" I said his eyes widened heart breaking moe he leaned bck tears streaming down "my name" he whispered I lookedup "what darkrave huh" i said to him using his name casually "u didnt u dint cal me rave rave im sitl  ur rave serey im sorry"  he srheikedout sobbing I glared at him "my sblings do not aproove of u even if i want ot be with u" I said he eyed me I eyed em "go on ahead"I aed they eyed me "i wanan talk to him lone" i said they left I waited then thye eally left i sighed eyeing him "do u wanna be with me" he asked me her in thecar in her own world not seeing me she saw me hse fumed "yes" I said his eye widened "why ant u huh" he said "how owuld it look id lose my family i jut found em over a guy who might betray me again shoot out an unforgivable curse at me" I whispered he eyed me in shock "I only did it for family i didnt want to I didnt ur ight im a pussy but im a pussy for u" he said brushing my hair back my eyes widened 'rave we cant plus u got ur slut in ur car im in love with you but we cant be ur the guy whos bad and everything I love the guy who also betaryed me n more ways then one the guy I love but cant be with and im the shy girl that has a wild streak and love to party alot and likes guys and the girl hat ur parents would hate" i said his eyes widened 'shes not" i sadi eyeing her his eyes widened "no  lurry" he said I lookd up my eyes shutting "do u love me" he said to me "yes i do ra-kun" I said as his brothers caled him "wt she said yes" he said I looked at him "i do" I whispered his eyes widened he turned to see me whip onto the buildig he climbed it shoting for me he turne me around huggign me to him "stop this darkrave u have this other girl on he phone stop it" I said his eyes widened he kissed me I looked in shock "he kissed her" he future seer said her eyes wdened "he kissed serena" he said their heads shot over "finaly" his big brother said thye laughed I kissed back now missig his kisses his sweet kisses and it had so so many sparks much more then dannys" I continued with him he looked and I realized it i shoved him away "sotp that now" I yeled at him he yee me walking up on em "r-rave stop that" I said he eyed me "no" he snarled at me he hung up ad grabbed me up "rave stop that I said no u cnt kiss me" I yeled at him as i went into our dorm "serena I love u to" he sid al thier heads shot voer my heart stoping "stop playing with my feelings" I yelled at him "IM NOT SERENA I LOE U" he yeled at me grabbing my hand "I love u to but we can neer be"I said kat whisperd wat i said to lena thm his eyes widnened 'we can make it be" he said to me I looked 'they wont accept this ra-kun they wil hate me" I siad 'so rill my sisters but u said u loved me was it a- "no it wasnt a lie was urs rave-ku be truthful are u toying with me again like trisha showed me ae u toying with me" I said o him his eyes widened "wa- "imma fuck her up" I said his eyes widened 'serena u hea- "trisha showed me it  are u stil joking with me" I said to him tears streaming down he was he looked in my eyes ad then he got a dazed imprinted look "no" he whispered their eyes widened it had came off no im not i love u serena" he said he was shocked at imself "I love u to" I said kissing him he kissed me back and then I walked inside him sad as helll eh realzed he wasnt acting "i wasnt acting guys" sixx said they caled her they got her to get at him when I went out with lena I was shocked "s-stop it nnow valissa" he said she eyed him "who is she im better then her" she purrd "u will never be better then serena" he snapped at her lena eyed me I looked down gripping m books when she kised him soon eh kissed back I shot back in lena fumed as she smirked "serena heh she saw u my job is down" she siad to his brother his eyes widenedhe pinned him them al around in the commen room he phased in I ran upstairs he wnt to go after me the stoped him soon night hit i was asleep when rave woke me 'lurehh" he whispered i turned "what the fuck" I yeld sixx them sotod there i looked up and ad them all n the wallls wth a huge ass hand "we came to say sorry and thnak u pyscho" sixxs friend siad i droped em and rushed him he screamed out "soundpoof" I chirped and grabd him "what" I roared as a gil walked in in kitty heels an something seethrough I loked "hahahahhaha least i got the girl i love on my arm and shes not running to other guys for sex" he snaped at me my heart shattered I kiled him "get out" i said their eye wide rave n shock they left "lu- "U SLEPT AROUND DINT U RAVE DIDNT U HUH" I screamed is ees wide "lu- I shot my gun "ddid u i yeled he looke dwn m heart stoped he heard it "when" I whispered his eyes wide "serena dont do this' he said "IM SERENA NOW SICE U CAN CAL ME SERENA I CAN CALL U UR FULNAME" I yelled at him "serena" he whispered "yes darkravenit" I sid his eyes widened "s-serena" he whispered about that so so hurt "what darkraveit huh huh what THE FUCK DDO U WANT FROM ME HUH WHAT DO U WANT FROM ME" i screamedout 'i want that soft sweet girl with a cold side" he yeled "I am that girl u crossed me u broke my heart ddr- "no dont cal me it dont call me it rena rena-bear ont cal me that dont" he begged me "rdark" I bega 'DONT DDONT DDONT DONT dont break my heart serena" he said I looked at him inn shock him sobbing hugging my knees when sixx peeked in he was stunned 'why huh why u broke my heart- "dont plz plz anything but y true name serena jakass ddickwad anything but it u u said if i call that name u know its thruogh dont do this I love u i dnt want this to end us to end"" he said my heart beated for him i looked at him in hsock him looking at me a ear slid down 'stop mes- "iM NOT MESSNIG WITH U DONT DUMP ME I love u dont dont dump me serey mary me MARRY ME I LOVE U MARRY ME' he yele sixxs eye swidened ht shot out "whats-- "he asked serena to marry him" he said "wat" they chroused they ran up "serey we can be happy family or not marry me" hesaid to me I was n shok my eyes wide ''hey arry him" sixx mouthed thye chukled i looked down "why do this now huh to get me n bed" I barked "serena no" he aid "ask me another time" I whispered my hansd in his his eyes widened "u saying- "no i want ot hear u say it without this lusty look ur gving me nd cheat on me nad my anwser is no  isaid he nodded he looked at me I crawled p into bed he left wih em i woke up and sawmy hair vomit green I gasped nad made it my own a girl lughin gabout it I walked down ppl turned I was sporitng this sexy green with an amazing outfit they were in awe as I waked in smirking them pissed i snaped it hanged I looked sitting down rave eyed me at his table him in awe irl dnced in in short mini skirts ne caled dibs on him "I woulnt touch rave" ansy sai they fumed why" she barked thinking she owned my turf "rave and serena may be arguing butt she wont want anyone touching him u do that u get ur head clawed off" another slytheran said thy looked pansy eyed me she walked up umping spghetti down my shirt pl gasped I stood up and put some food o a bplate i threw it it flung she turned it lal hit her I looked "cheers" I id poouring pumpkin juice on her "desert time" I siad I smashed it in her face I fucked her up she wiped it away I did it she fumed I smirked and sprayed whpream ontop of her head putitng a cherry i smiled "see now dats a good breakfest" I sang and looked I sliped my bra of and then I took my top of rave eyeing me she lnged i ha her pinned "thi sis my school not urs mineeee so keep u eyes away from rave and u wnt get hurt otherwise ur ass is mine do u hear me mine" i snaped at her "yeah" she said scared I shoved her away walking off I twirled around and kicked her so fast it made no sense i smirked razor coming out she shreiked i laughed and let her go I turned around jerking at her she screamed running out "heh" I said sitting down in my seat smirking  ava walked in her skin rainbow ppl laughed I stood up "QUIET" i roared they shut up so fast i walked over my eyes pure red I yanked her out whistling lena them ws beside us "wtf who di this" eni roared "some chick and her bf" ava said "w- "she wants to be a gryfinndor goddess" she said I clipe y siscors she walked in looking sexy with rainbow in her guys drooled her jaw droped in shock I smirked breezing in i looked and walked over u could telll I was on a blood pathI grabbed her slamming her head on the wall so hard she fle I was fighitng em I punched her she flew hitting the teachers table with a huge thud I grabbed her and slammed their heds together i ocntinued I slid under kcking her lena smirking sitting there watching amused she had a sword to my neck "immortal" I purred "yep" she saidtrying to scare me as his friends saw rave kissing some girl "DUDE DONT U WANT SEREY" his brother yelled she turned it was trisha yui took pictures "why she doesnt- "dudes come on sereys kicking ass" his friend said his eyes widened they walked in to see yuni whispering to the girls their eyes widened their eyes turning red knowing id be heartbroken I looked up "but if she does knows shes gonna be our serey" lena said "and boy did we miss her bitchy rampages" ava said they chuckled I looked and then I di it I snaped her neck with my legs and slowly slid under her slamming her against the wlal yuni walked up whispering in my ear noding to trisha then rave his brother looked "that yuni chick saw u and trisha" his brother said "wha" rave said "THAT YUNI CHIK IS TELLING" he yeled she cotinued whispering in my ear my grip slowly releasing her eyeing me pain flashed ini my eyes she eyed me "wy isnt she doing anything" she thought  my heart stoped I droped her she eyed me "why why why" I mouthed shaking my head yuni continued whispering I ran out she was stunned "SEARCH" lena roared girls stood up and went out seaching that girl and her crew eyed ech other she came back to life "whoa what a rush hahha lets go mess with her- "she ran out before she kiled me then that lena girl yeled search after she ran out so something is up that yuni girl nodded to trisha" she said eyeing trisha not searching it shook violently soon her chiar disappeared she fel on her ass "u r striped of ur gryfinndor goddess title" lena snaped at her her jaw droped in shock "w- "DONT SAY WHY U BITCH U BACKSTABBING BITCH U WERE MAKING OUT WITH RAVE AND U KNEW TRISHA" eni roared at her kami smirked "ud be lucky if she doesnt kick ur ass herselff" kami snaped "oh she will" kat said laughing walking off her eyes wide afraid of me afraid id do what i di my third year his third year away this was raves 6th year that girl used her powr they shot fo me in the woods "why dint u do anything to me" that girl asked then they saw me crying mom sighed showing up "UU FUCKED UP WITH MY DAUGHTER' she yeled his eyes widened he kneeled to mom my fake mom came out "its time she knows about u" my fake mom said she nodded I told em they gasped and sat around me comforting me "I know what that feels like i just got dumped by my bf for that trisha skank to" she said I smirked slyly "I got a new target" I said stanidng up lena them dartd in stoping "back away" ava barked "its good their now with me" I said lena eyed me "u okay" she muttered robyn flliped down "no" I said they patted y shoulder she walked up patting my shoulder "no sitkig things on me" I said she eyed me "dont worry im not" she said I looked kat shook her head no shes not I nodded and we left we walked into the commen room girls turned they crowded around trisha walked down in raves birthday shirt i bought him I shot u lunging at her I beat the shit outta her "U SLUT" i roared at her she laughed "so what" she said thats it! my hair turned this angry ass white my tips black and dark pure red my eyes dark red also I looked at her she shook in fear "rave" she roared he showed up at vamppire speed trisha chuckled I smirked "u think u can face me do u rave" I said hsi sword slid out I smirked i merged em mine slid out his eyes widened "u u have the- I laughed "u cant face me ur weak" I snaped circling him "me im not im not afraid to kill somebody I love im not afraid to smile while i Kill them u u will do anything to plz ur mommy and daddy even marrying that half breed whore" I said his eyes widened "heh u think i dont know u slept with her and marked her cuz ur parents told u to I was just someone they wante to toy with but now im sick of being toyed with soon u will face ur match so have a nice war with my kingdom cuz i will make sure u dont live lets go girls" I snarled we walked away upstairs his eyes wide shaking in fear of me "she has two kingdoms on her side the fake mom as she calls her and her real mom if her fake moms kingdom is going under her real mom will jmp in for her we have no say rave either way we lose this war" his brother said soon my real brothers walked through hogwaarts with alo tof my real sissters I sat there at lunch shdes on silently crying hiding my tears my brothers breezed im their eyes widened they kneeled who knew em I sat there they eyed me smiling hugely at the sight of me val them realized it they gasped I was looking down rave had trisha on his lap she smirked at me I smirked she screamed out I chuckled darkly his brother threw hs sword I caught it twirling it around I threw it it went around them and blew out fire burning em all he was stunned i laughed smirking I turned away his brother saw a tear drop I sighed when some wedding planners walked in "my aldy" they said to me "who ow" I said looking around "anyone their ladys" I called out pl laughed at that "boom" I mouthed it went off draco ran in screaming my huge ass snake chasing him it slithered to me and turned to a kitten and was laying on my lap draco looked jaw on the ground i laughed highfiving robyn them in shock I looked time to stop being a pussy I looked "we would liek to welcome new- more zoomed in in cars 'sweet paintjob huh" jay said sitting down "hell yeah but i can do better" I said eyeing it making up new ways sending it to their minds "now that would be badass" tay said i Nodded pointing he laughed us talking about paintjobs the girls joined in throwing in ideas "omfg what about ur new car doors on that babby" aa said "that shit would be the most epic car i did" I said they nodded laughing about it "nah u got more cars that are more badass member that one car i crashed" rrobyn said "how can i forget" I snarled slowly glaring her down "a hehhehehehe" she said they began laughing about it me just glaring at her she looked eyes shifty she mouthed is sthe stil glaring they nodded laughing about it she turned I was glaring I began giggliing breaking she hit me i laughed so hard she began laughing "now that shit would be awesomessss" lena said "i Know right" I said she highfived me rave looking at me watching me basically jay looked up he glared at him the guys turning joining in he turned he looked down quickly luna and I was hwipsering "wait for it" I said trisha screamd bugs in her food I laughed silently "checkmate" I whispered snickering about it she looked up I was nodding to music seh thought i was nodding cuz I did it like hel ya i did it she pointed to me nodding to music reading their lips "hiv makes da world go boom boom-  I went on with the song them eyeing me i looked up "wha" I yeled to loudly they began aughign lena took it out "stop yelling" she yeled I jumped away "not cool lena" I yelled she laughed i put it back in his crew him and she stormed over me noding to my music making dumb comments at times that was to loud pl laughing "den she was like boomshakalalalkakakaa" lena sadi 'OMFG U CANT DO THAT SEREY" yuki yeled "haha she had to many willy wonkas" I said they alughed so hard ppl laughign hearing it cu well i said it to loud "so u said- "so when she walked i whisperedboomshalakkakakak and when she went by a car i said vavavavroooooom run her over" I yeled to loudlly ppl laughed so hard at that them laughing also them standing behind me peeved I was still noding to music shaking my head "haha member when u were hosting that thing and a girl comes on and shes like unh unh and doing a weird dance and u walk up and the judges are just staring at her like no comment and shes lik to u how was i and ur like hahaha that was just.. terable unh unh unh bowchika AHHAHAHHAH UR TERRRBLEEEE whoever said u had talent was lieng like ur mom when she said u were beautiful hahaha look at that look at that ur terrbleeeeee hahahhaha the judges had that look like omfg i cant believe her and then they began laughing" ava yelled in my ear i laughed so hard "that was a fun night" I said they laughed so hard "HAHAH SHES TERRBLE" we all yeled then laughed ppl had heard so they laughed rave fumed thinking it was about trisha she thought the same "ur only ad cuz rave wants me now" she yeled "who said a wat now" I yeled to loudly they eyed me "take it out stupid" tay mouthed dI took it out "wha" I said them in my  lap "UR A BITTER SLUT" he said "says the one who slept with ur friends guy" ava said "now thats a real slut" lena said she fumed them eyeing me like defend her his brother them laughig silently "what u got to say" rave snarled "sixx is more better looking then u" I said sixx chuckled he fumed he fumed "HE IS- "hahhahah cocky much" tay said "yeah ava lieks sucking ur cocky get it" I said they began laughign ava hit me i laughed "someone had to make a sexual comment okay" I said lena laughng she poointed I pointe back  "wtf s wrong with u putting bugs in trishas food" he roared at me "who did a wat now" I said "u put bugs in my food and was noding like i did it" trisha screamaed "uh no I was noding to music" I said showing my ipod her eyes iwdened "then u caled her terrable" he roared "hahaha oh no no no that was a story lena them knows it ppl heard it also cuz lena told em to hahahhahah i said shes terrble to some chick who could dance or sing woth a shit aka me being cruel now i i was gonna insult her ud know cuz i would be cussing up a storm haha lena them knows i have a trucker mouth and when im pissed that trucker mouth gets worser and worser and worser like u u- I went on with my trucker mouth pl watching sluytherans laughing about it "haha u go girl" pansy yeled i continued thenI began cussing in french trishas jaw on the ground I spit a word out her yes widened "ONT CAL HIM- "u biatch u" i said in itlian she looked curious "heh faggot" I said about him in spanish she fumed lunging she stoped and hit the walll I looked over bending her to my will "hmph serena" umbledore said I stoped and layed back "get awa from myf ucking table" I snaped at him his brothers enjoyed it his brother eyed me yanking me out rave fumed sereney why dint uaccept it nd why arre their weding planners in there" she said ""how the hell am i supose to know haha oh yeah those are the two chicks that fitted me fo some white dress hahahah they said if I got fitted I could get burger king so i got fitted there was a shit load of burger king on my couch" I said he eyed me "wtf U DI THAT FOR BURGER KING" he yelled "yeah I liek their burgers" I said I took one out and handed it to him he ate a peice he looked away "okay I see why" he said I pointed liek right he laughed I began laughing "hmph we miss u as his girlfriend u know" his besty said coming up as he walked out "it all good im used to jerks hating on me hahaha but if i get moe burger king id do anything" I said "my lady we have ur burger king u requested we would like to know what flowers u like" she said I looked at her "show me how much" I said she looked them eyeing each other he went up also I looked rave followed we waddled in "DAMNNNN i yeled it nearly filed the commen room I grinned hugely and told em "can u take em up though" I said they looked guards went up taking em their jaws droped shaking in fear of the guards they eyed em and kneeled to me I waddled down with some bags I handed soem burger king to em they eyed me "muggle food" his besty snarled "haha eat it its good" I said he eyed me "pweaseeee" I chirped he did they loved it "wow thisis good" his friend said I pointed I waddlled down with some burger ing bags liek them them also flowwing me eating some fries "wtf is going on" rave said "oh were eating some thing caled burger king it muggle food but its really good" his brother said "if its so good let me try" blaise said I handed him a ppeice of fmy big ass burger he ate it his eyse widened 'got any other bags" he said I handed them alll out to the school I sat down and ate some them al eating it loving it to I continued eating harry eating burger king also "what is going on" dumbledore asked "burger king get it da way u want it" ava yeled out they cheered at the word burger king son yuki pulled out some taco bell "yuki" I whispered she turned eyes wide liek oh shit she hid it i ddragged her out "how u get taco- "I snuk out last night" she said "take me nexxt time" I whispered she eyed me "im going tonight" she whispered I put  my thumb up waddling inside with her we sat down eating them in shock of us eating she threw me a ubrrito I ate that and my burger lena saw the burito I hid it so fast as I noticed her eyeing it she mouthed wtf I shruggd giggling i sldi her some burger king she got it eating itt I grinned hugely "lunch is done come on we gotta go work out" elna said and boy id we I was lifting weights with koneko who poped up outta no where i had to do this stupid conert for the new kids who were being sorted soon some durmstrings came in jack crimson hem also and rave them trisha on his arm giggling him chuckling I continued working out not minding them stil pained soon his brother saw me his eyes widened at what i ws lifting lena running on track with kat listening to music 'dude look" his brother said to his buddies who always hated on him they looked their jaws droped "is that serena" tey mouthed he nodded I stood up and changed I was in a sports bra and some jogging pants I walked back in my peirrcing showing my hair in a high ponytail my bangs covering on high a streak going down on one lien of hair i left down I continued lifintg weights more comfortablel now "damn serena has one sexy body" his besty said about me he turned "huh" rave asked they scoffed turning away watching me lift weights trisha turned she fumed at this I stood up as lena nodded up lena lifted it up al of us doing pushps heavy shit on our backs I continued my muscles showing off as usual ugh I continued  I looked and used one hand them watching me they put more sutff on "oi oi u guys trying to kil me" I said they began laughing about it "U know u can do that chicka stop being dramatic" lena said "I love u to" I said they laughed and we continued rave turned knowing my laugh them in awe of us durmstrings waatchign jack them in shocck of me I continued vla hem joined in we continued "haha look no hands' I siad using air to come back up they turned thye began laughing about it "stop joking around" lena said I giggled and continued koneko eyed me I used my work out methods madde myself phaseable I got outta it jogigng on the track not minding guy drooling over me I got so fast not even using a percent "what- "nada shes grown more stronger" kat said "mmm always do" lena said watching me and koneko race I looked and got faster she ran faster I won it she eyed me like damn I laughed shurgging she giggled we fistbumped and set it up we looked doing handsigns together "shadow cclone jutsu" we chorused one clone soon I set it up us doing situsp our way when dusk them breezed in they fistbumped crimson them "hey neko" dusk yeled "baby sis cool it with da situps" mark yeld I came u fliping him the bird they laughed he cuhckled neko laughing also soon I slid out "showers then sparring" lena roared we were kneeling to her "yes lena" we chorused we stoodup and walked out I walked through guys drooling over us my hair in a highponytail one wolf whistled at me as his brother ran up I kicked him he fel with a thud i laughed hihgfiivng ava they grabbed me back "u work out" his brother asked me "yep apart of training" I chirped "for what' his besty asked me "be outside after i ge my shower u wil also see why were not trifled with other then the praks" I said walking off we went upstairs and got showers we put on our nin outfits mine was mega sexy I put on my boots and straped on my pouch and sheathed my sword my machetes and stafff al ready I loaded my guns utting em n and loaded em I twirled em and shot it it hit the dartoard soon I stood up I walked out my hairr in pigtails which looked sexy on me two strands hanging down my bangs were the strands they were white my tips was this firey black it was mega sexy on me I continued walking the pack jogged sat there the cullens darted out 'rosealie" i yelled she turned she latched onto me instantly i huged her back i hugged alice dem "wheres bel- "home taking care of renessme nessie sick" alice said rosealie nodded "hehehehhehe dont worry rose if I ever have a kid u got the god mother spot" I mouthed "why not me" yuki yeled 'u can be to" rose said she nodded fitbumping rosealie waddling away I looked "haha gotta go" I said disapearing them in shock I howled wildly and  dived off "hehehehhee guess serenas here huh" ella said his bestys turned rave and trisha was there to I landed ina  crouch I looked up "hell yeah i am" I said walking up ella fistbumped me I hugged luna "what u hoes doing here' I said "u shoulda got it when jay and kain was here baka u know we never go anytwhere without them and them us maybe when u egt a husband or a bf u wil know" luna said "go screw jay luna" I said she hit me I laughed ella laughing "haha burned' ela said "go screw kain" luna said she hit her we laughed we trained I was on water sparring with kat she flew hitting the wal kunai by her head she sighed like damn yuki smiled when andy ran out robyn them sat down like the cullens and jack them they saw me in the lline up I kneeled to lena like the others yuki to busy messing with my pigtails me tyring not to giggle or smile lena eyed me my face became blank yuki got it she backed away "sparrng time girls heh I been wanting to see ur new moves though serena so im putting u against one of the best other then aya" she said I snickered "heh good job ur becoming smart lena' I said she chuckled 'wel u gotta be when thirs a tough oppnent and make the battle last I wanna see u truly fight" she said "heh" I said she smirked "go" she said we backed away "okay yuki u be fighting- "high" I mouthed "hmph ella" she said ella walked up "no" andy yeled "SHUT U AND SIT DOWN" megan yeled "ugo girl" I yeled her head shot over "HEEEEEEY RERE" she yelled i Laughed waving she laughed "when u get here I caled "today" she called I smirked SHUT UP" she yelled i Laughed hands up turning away his bestys got it they laughed like the others rave awtching in awe of how strong they wee i was noding to my music mouthing along "haha memebr stupid hoe" ava said "hell yeah I wrote it" I said laughing thye began laughign with me 

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