Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm not moving" Satarou said firmly, refusing to even budge as he got whipped by the vampire.

"Any day now I will have permission to kill you, so I suggest you try listening!" Yori hissed.

With a cocky smirk, Satarou replied, "you can't kill me."

Snarling, Yori put his whip away and roughly dragged Satarou out of the tent by the arm, leaving a shocked Leon behind. Satarou was led to another tent and shoved into it. The force of the shove caused him to land on his hands and knees.

Satarou looked up to see Casper had just taken off his shirt, revealing a mark on the shoulder. It looked like a bite mark, but it was all black and tightly stitched with what seemed like some sort of black thread, though he's never seen thread like it. The stitchwork didn't seem like anything he's even seen before, yet the whole thing seemed vaguely familiar to him. The whole situation felt like it was a curse.

"Where did you get that bite mark?" Satarou shrugged, figuring he'd ask.

Casper hated remembering it, so he snapped, "a stupid wolf gave it to me! Who knew that wolf had such powers? He had just randomly came to my camp and started attacking me, but I don't even know what he wanted! And now i'm living with the curse for it!"

"Did you ruin his life like you seem to ruin everyone elses?" Satarou asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"I don't know! I have never seen that wolf before" Casper hissed, his wings giving a slight flap in irritation before they went back to laying flat against his back.

"So why am I here?" Satarou asked darkly, moving closer to where Casper is standing.

"Because you are going to entertain me" Casper gave a sadistic smirk, "I couldn't think of a better punishment for you."

Satarou hadn't thought of this before, but now the thought occurred. If he seduced Casper, he might have a chance of getting close enough to kill the Angel.

Deciding to give it a try, Satarou walked close enough and pressed their bodies together. He didn't like doing this, but he would do anything to get his revenge. He would do anything if it meant that Casper would end up dead.

So swallowing his pride, Satarou wrapped his arms around Casper before softly speaking, "entertain you? I can do that."

Casper seemed a little bit shocked when Satarou pressed their lips together. The whole time Satarou wanted to puke, and the feeling only got worse when Casper started kissing him back.

Teasingly, Satarou pulled back just until their foreheads touched, "and that's just a taste. Want more?"

Casper's eyes were darkened with lust, "yes!" He was about to strip off his clothing when Rou walked into the tent.

The two broke apart, though Satarou wasn't worried of what others thought. He was willing to do anything to carry out his revenge. He would do anything if it meant that Casper would end up dead, and that was final.

"Yes, Rou?" Casper asked the lion.

"Oh, um, just there is a meeting! Yori wanted to speak with you!" Rou told Casper before leaving hastily.

"I guess we will just have to finish this up tomorrow, yeah?" Casper told Satarou before his eyes darkened, "I will allow you to walk back to your tent. Don't even think of trying to escape. You will get shocked, and you don't want that again, do you?"

Satarou nodded and watched as Casper left the tent. Satarou felt completely grossed out, but he couldn't allow himself to throw up, as he was afraid that would be a complete giveaway. He didn't want Casper to know that he felt disgusted, even if it were more than true. There was plenty of other people he'd rather be kissing than his parent's murderer!

Satarou froze at that thought. When he thought of who he would rather be kissing, only one person came to mind, but he refused to admit it.­

"Stupid thoughts, go away!" Satarou muttered to himself before entering the prison tent.­

When Satarou had entered, Leon was asleep. Yori was gone for the meeting.

"Let's try to free you all now!" Satarou whispered. He willed his cobra's to go into their collars and break them like they did with princess Marina's collar. It took about five minutes before the cobra's were able to break through all of them.

Satarou gestured all of the wereanimals to follow him, and they did.

Once at the border of the camp, Satarou decided to give a quick goodbye to them all, "Bye everyone! Don't stop running until you leave Moonstone territory!" Immediately, they all began running in the same direction, all heading towards the exit of Moonstone territory.

An hour later, Yori returned back to the tent. Leon was still asleep in a corner, but he tensed up when he realized that all of the other wereanimals were missing.

He ran over to Satarou and lifted him roughly by the collar, "what did you do?"

"They escaped" Satarou stated bluntly. The end of Moonstone territory isn't that far. They had to have left the territory by now if they didn't stop running.

"I don't know how, but you helped them escape!" Yori hissed. He was about to just bite Satarou in the neck and kill him right there, but Casper walked in.

"Don't kill him, Yori. Not tonight, at least" the Angel stated. "The two of us have some business tomorrow. I need him alive until then. After that you can kill him because the wereanimals escaped. Feel free to punish him as much as you want, as long as he doesn't die."

Leon's eyes fluttered open before he began to assess the situation.

"What happened?" he mumbled.

"Nothing that concerns you!" Yori snapped at him. He roughly threw Satarou onto the tent floor and began to whip the half-naked teen. Satarou made sure to keep his feelings in check. If he gave into his dark feelings, he was afraid that he would completely ruin his mission. He could not afford to fail.

Satarou curled up in a ball as he continued getting whipped, the blood mixing in with the dried blood and dripping down his side to join the bloodied floor. It smelled strongly of Satarou's blood, as he had gotten frequent beatings ever since he ended up in the Moonstone camp.

Leon had no choice but to watch as Satarou got beaten over and over. There was nothing Leon could do to stop it. Leon wished with all of his heart that there was a way to stop the beatings, but Leon knew the only way was to escape, and Satarou was not willing to escape just yet. However, Leon couldn't bring himself to leave the spoiled teen behind.

So, watching Satarou get beaten over and over again was just something he would have to learn to endure until Satarou succeeded in whatever mission he was trying to accomplish.

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