From: Elizabeth

Sent at 10:30: I didn't see you in the common room today :(

Sent at 13:00am: I asked your aunt where you are and she said you were at home. Get well soon x.

Marley quickly sent back a reply.

To: Elizabeth

I'm fine Betty. Thanks for the concern see you tomorrow.

Marley then opened Veronica's text.

From; Ronnie.

Jughead told me you got drunk yesterday. Without me? Good luck with the hangover see you tomorrow x

Marley smiled at Veronica's text before responding.

To Ronnie

I would say next time but I don't think I'm ever drinking again. I'll see you tomorrow Ron x

Marley then opened Joise's text.

From: JoJo.

Didn't see you in school today. Everything okay?

To: JoJo

I'm fine just was feeling a little under the weather. I'll see you tomorrow x.

Lastly she opened Archie's text.

From Archibald

I may have been a little shit in the past few days but I hope you get better soon. See you tomorrow Marls.

To Archibald

Did you actually think I'll hold a grudge? It's fine Arch! I'll see you tomorrow x

After Marley replied to all her text she decided she wasn't going to call her aunt back because she wasn't bothered so she just shot her a text.

To :Aunt Gina

Im fine. Not dead yet. See you later x.

After Marley sent the text she went back to watching friends for another hour before there was a knock on her front door. She got up and answered. When she opened the door she saw Jughead holding a milkshake and a Pop's to go bag.

"I thought you might be craving a banana milkshake and a burger." Jughead said letting himself in the house.

Marley led him to the living room sitting cross legged on the couch while Jughead handed her the milkshake and a straw.

"Thanks Jughead." Marley thanked him while he just smiled.
"How many burgers did you get?" Marley asked him.

"Two." He answered getting up and going to the kitchen to get plates. A second later he emerged from the kitchen with two plates. He placed a burger and fires on one plate and placed the same thing on another plate.

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