gold eyes iii

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gold eyes iii - mindless illusions

Lines blur between fast-paced days
and I’m lost without you but it’s even worse with you.
Every conversation burns as acid does
but every blade of prairie grass whips my cheeks,
cuts deep,
and draws blood.

If you’d understood our language I wonder what you would’ve thought.
There’s countless irony to be found in the fact that our mothers
don’t rule here
and yet today we sat side-by-side in invisible thrones
as they spoke those foreign words.

The clock couldn’t tick fast enough
and the ache deep within me grew with every passing second;
but I waited it out to the end, as much as I could,
and then you turned
away from me.

So what do I take from your wordless eyes?
What do I take from their whispered words?
How am I to read the way you speak, you move—
if there are no clues clear enough
to be pure and honest?

The pendulum pulls me two ways
and both ways I love, and both ways I hate.
I wish I could erase the whole board, for once,
but then I remember and then I don’t wish.

So put me in a coffin and push me downriver
and I’ll gladly sleep for all ages
if it means your gold eyes won’t burn me anymore.
But then I’ll miss all the cosmic glory of this world,
and I’ll miss the way your gold eyes burn.

I wonder if I am one who has seen the stars
yet understood none of their dreams
and saw only their light.
Or am I as blind as Ceasar is deaf...
or is it just the bitter chill of winter’s end
painting hallucinations in my mind?

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