oh darling

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oh darling

Everyone’s always talking and thinking but nobody’s ever doing because we’re all so—too afraid of our demons and skeletons and even our own damn shadows but,

— oh darling –

Don’t you know

the stars are watching over you?

The moon’s so full and fat and bright

and so brave to be up there,

all alone

— so lonely –

night after night after night after night

for all days.

She doesn’t need your grandiloquent words

and I haven’t got a catechism for you to follow

nor a chart for you to sail by.

– oh darling –

Don’t you know

you’re so strong and beautiful and good?

It’s enough, love,

it’s enough—it’s always been enough—

you just have to believe it.

Those aces aren’t going to jump out of the dark

if you keep them back with your own heart,

if you keep them in your heart with your own will,

if you look to your soul for guidance

instead of everybody else’s


– oh darling –

we all have to go sometime

and it’s not quite your time to fly just yet,

and you can’t soar if you can’t fly,

so just stay awhile and watch it snow outside

and let the stars watch over you for a little while more.

— don’t feel so lonely –

You’ve got the wishes and dreams and secret


of everyone on this earth with you,

hidden in those stars;

and they’re watching over you, love.

– oh darling –

They’re right there

– they’ve always been –

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