shoreless farewell

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[ encore - 1: ] shoreless farewell

the blue silk of undying infinity stretches before us;
and above, as though in answer - a cloudless, endless sky reigns.

i look up at the sun - then ahead - then far, far out, but still
can't see where your ship is meant to sail.
the wind awaits, but the anchor has not been raised.
you're still looking for me. but i won't come.

the trumpeter has his eyes tightly shut,
and he breathes his music - a farewell to you - unhesitantly,
boldly. if i was more like this trumpet song - proud, unyielding,
unbending, strong - then perhaps i would be by your side.
but i'm not, and that's why you'll soon be gone, gone, gone
for always.

because the summer is ending, but the sun is high; 
you're leaving, but the sun is bright.
and i'll say good-bye to our summer, but i won't to you.
i'll say good-bye to summer,
but i won't
to you.

for round 1 of "encore", a poetry contest by dissonance_
first place! thanks, Jude :]

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