synthetic nightmare

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[ encore - 2: ] synthetic nightmare

the city breathes through mechanical lungs

of brick chimneys and metal chutes

hidden away behind the shiny buildings.

we try to see through smoke and ash,

reaching blindly for any flaming torch,

fumbling for a way out of this darkness.

we are the youth, and in spite of all that is right, we hang on

to broken dreams and dead feelings,

trying to set fire to our insides - searching for that long-gone spark.

but he doesn't see you: you're a silhouette in the shadows,

a vague figure in the back of his mind. on a scrumpled piece

of lined paper you write his name in ink and throw it to the sea,

as though salt could burn the memory of him away from your scarred heart.

the night is busy and full of lights; there is no relief for the pain

in your soul. and he caused it; and you would forget him, were you able;

but in spite of everything you would still rather


late at night, you look out the window, staring into lamplit streets,

still stuck in your daydreams.


for round 2 of "encore", a poetry contest by dissonance_;

based on the song "youth" by daughter.

tied at first with the absolutely phenomenal philomania.

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