shifting world

539 22 0

[ pâro - 1: ] shifting world 

You look in his eyes as though

they could tell you who he is, as though

you could see through the film

of misty-dusky-shadowed white

that clouds them, as though you

would not be blinded by the electric-


blue behind them.

                                  I open my mouth

and I speak to you and let me tell you

this now: he cannot be bound.

Living or dead his eyes were stars

once, before they fell, plumetting

from sun-lit skies as angels do in

disgrace; but their light survives,

and lives on, and day by night it

refuses to dim. Two pinpricks

of jewel-light, their surface scratched

and tarnished beyond repair, full

of strange veins that resemble the

unpatterned cracks in a sheet of ice

just mere seconds before it shatters

into infinity and oblivion.

He had the kind of voice that would

grate against your very soul, and pull

you towards him, towards his soul

and his mind and his will; and

even as you try to fight back and

tell yourself to close your ears

to his soothing caresses of hollow

promises you are falling and you fall

into his trap and you become his.

The looking-glass had a smooth surface

that he would disturb, every once

in a while, by dipping his long fingers in

and skimming across ths surface of it.

And the sun warmed his skin and burned

on his dark hair, but his eyes never left

the white rock ahead.


for round 1 of "pâro", a poetry contest by wildsorrows

first place. i can't even.

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