I could feel the tears start to well up in my eyes as I heard the tour bus door slam shut, “Midnight, what happened?” Jeremy questioned, appearing in the doorway. As soon as he saw the tears pouring out of my eyes, his brown knit with worry and he knelt down on the floor. He wrapped me in a hug and let me cry into his chest.

“I…I t-told him…and…and he ran away,” I stammered. He took his thumb and wiped away some of my tears. After a few minutes, he stood up from the ground. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was going to yell at Ricky.

I brushed at the tears on my cheeks and slowly stood up. When I made it out the bus, I saw Jeremy talking to Ricky, well, yelling at him.

“How could you run away from her like that? She was so nervous about telling you because she thought you’d be mad and I thought you were better than that,” Jeremy shouted, getting seriously close to Ricky’s face. I don’t think I had ever seen my best friend so angry.

“What so you expect me to do? Do you expect me to be ecstatic about this? I don’t want a kid,” he yelled back. He pulled out his carton of cigarettes and a lighter. It was obviously he was feeling tense.

“I don’t care if you don’y want that kid or not, but its yours, so man up and you need to help her. If you walk away from her because she’s pregnant with your kid, you’d be the biggest asshole in the world. Midnight loves you and I thought you loved her, but-“

“I do love her, Jeremy. I just need some time to take this all in,” Ricky cut Jeremy off loudly. He then stormed of with his cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

Jeremy then spun around angrily. He was about to run on the bus, but stopped when he saw me. “He’s being an asshole. You need him right now and he’s only worried about himself,” he muttered. I think he was more upset about this whole thing than I was.

“Jeremy, I know he’s being ridiculous, but it’s a lot to take in. I mean, I cried for twenty minutes. I guess this is just his way of dealing with it,” I replied with a shrug. I knew I shouldn’t be defending, but, well, I think it was one of those things that took some time to get used to.

“How can you say that? If I found out my girlfriend was pregnant, I wouldn’t be running away from her,” Jeremy argued. I really wished he’d just calm down.

“Ok, you’re right, but there’s nothing we can do about his reaction,” I admitted with a sigh. To be honest, I just wanted to talking about this baby with Ricky right now, but I couldn’t do anything about that.


A few hours later, there was a knock on the bus. I had no desire to get up so I let Blake answer it. “Midnight, it’s Ricky,” Blake announced before letting Ricky in. When Ricky saw me sitting in the front lounge, he gave me an obviously forced smile and say down next to me.

“I’m sorry I walked out this morning,” he apologized, taking my hand in his. “I just needed time to take it in, but now I realize I need to be there for you and that I shouldn’t have ran away,” he added. As much as I wanted to yell at him, I knew for this baby’s sake I needed to just forgive him.

“It’s ok. Just don’t go running out on me again,” I replied with a smile. Now with this baby, it was more important that we stayed together. I needed him and so did our child.

“I promise, I won’t. You’re not getting me rid of that easily,” he responded. He gave me a quickly kiss on the forehead before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him.

“So, do you want it to be a boy or a girl?” he asked as I rested my head in his chest. I couldn’t help but chuckle at the question. One moment he was upset about the baby and the next he was acting excited about it.

“To be honest, I haven’t thought about it, but I guess I want it to be a girl,” I responded thoughtfully. Girls were always cuter. The clothes were much more adorable. “How about you?” I asked, glancing up at him.

“I think a girl just so she can be as badass as her mom,” he replied, making me grin. I could already imagine our little girl rocking out in a band.

“We should start thinking of name,” Ricky suggested. I was so happy that his attitude about this had changed so drastically. I thought he’d remain upset my whole pregnancy.

“I haven’t even went to the doctor’s yet,” I laughed, looking down at my still flat stomach. I seriously couldn’t imagine having a big stomach. I had always been relatively thin so the thought was foreign to me.

“When are you going?” he asked. I was half hoping he would want to go with me. I had always hated the doctor’s and him being there would help my nerves a bit.

“This tour’s done at the end of the month so I was going to try to make an appointment for then,” I replied I had tried to put off calling the doctor, but I knew I needed to eventually.

“We get done around then, too. Maybe I could go with you,” he suggested. I internally let out a sigh of relief. I was so glad he was on board with this now.

I Need To Be Loved (Ricky Horror Fan Fic) [Book #1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin