Chapter One

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Tucked back in the corner, forgotten. Hidden from the light, but that's exactly where I wanted to be. I was never a sucker for limelight, I was fine with riding the shadows, but unfortunately, that wasn't the life I was going to lead.

I was a twin. A twin, to Abby Clark. The famous girlfriend of country sensation, Hunter Hayes. The voted "cutest country couple". Their opposite looks complemented each other. Her dark brown eyes against his light blue eyes. His blonde hair against her dark chocolate hair. It just worked.

Besides the fact my hair was blonde, we were identical. Same face and dark eyes. Same height, same clear light skin.

Abby and I weren't very fond of each other, we never have been. We always fought growing up. Our tastes were a solid opposite. She was a country loving girl, while I, loved the country- but not the music. It was too hillbilly for me. I preferred a fast tempo jam session.

Luckily Abby and I didn't see much of each other. She lived with Hunter in a big fancy home down in Nashville, while I lived in a quiet area on a lake in Michigan. Surrounded by good friends, I lived a quiet average life and I was ok with that.

"Jordan!" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a pounding at my door. "Jordan seriously let us in." "It's cold and dark out here!" I had invited my two best friends, Maddie and Holly over for a movie night at my place. "I will only let you in if you have proof of bringing food!" The thwacking sound of a bag of pretzels hitting my door answered my question.

"Welcome!" I said jokingly, unlocking the door for them. "Yeah, right." Maddie grumbled stepping inside, whilst Holly took of straight for the kitchen- hopefully getting bowls for the snacks they had brought.

"What movies do you have?" Maddie asked looking at the stack of DVDs I had set out.

"Um, some Disney movies, nemo, -"

"Jordan." Maddie cut in, "you're 22. Disney movies?"

"Hey!" I cut in, hurt. "You're never too old for Disney movies."

"True that!" Holly said, returning for the kitchen. "Whatever," Maddie grumbled. "I want to watch 21 Jump Street. I wanna see me some Tatum." Holly said wiggling her eye brows at us.

"Oh my gosh." I scoffed. Throwing the disk into the player and hopping onto the couch. Maddie and Abby sat on either side of me. We each had a big bowl of snacks and blankets thrown around us lazily.

"Jordan, have you heard from Abby lately?" Holly asked me suddenly. "No,..." I said curiously. "Why?" "You haven't heard?!" Maddie asked me, clearly surprised. "No," I repeated even more confused. "Oh my gosh." Holly said jumping up from the couch running to get her phone.

"Guys, what's going on?" I started to panic. I hated to be left hanging. "Look." Holly said returning with her phone in hand. I snatched it and started reading the article she had pulled up.

"Country Cuties Tying the Knot?"

-Sources have stated the young couple Abby Clark and Hunter Hayes are newly engaged! The couple has been spotted walking down the streets of a Nashville holding hands, and on the hand of Miss, or soon to be Mrs. Clark is nothing less then a ring! When will they officially announce? Stay tuned to find out!-

Under the article was a picture of Hunter and Abby walking past a cafe in what I assumed was downtown Nashville.

I didn't know wether to be happy for my sister or mad she didn't tell me. I felt angered and confused at the same time. Differences aside, we were still sisters.

"Jordan, are you ok?" Maddie asked, taking a step towards me.

"I'm fine." My best friends knew me well and took a step back. They knew that tone in my voice.

"I mean, she's only my sister. Why would she tell me she's.... Engaged." I choked out the last word. "Forget it. Maybe she will tell me. Forget it. Let's finish the movie eh?" I said, calming myself down.

"Please, let's get this girls night back in order." Holly said cheering, picking her popcorn bowl back up. Maddie gave me one last sympathetic look and followed me back to the couch.

Sitting back down I tried to clear my mind. I just couldn't understand why she didn't tell me. Whatever, I was here at home, perfectly fine, with my best friends. THAT'S what mattered. With Holly admiring Channing Tatum and Maddie throwing popcorn at the screen laughing Abby was at the bottom of my importance list.

"You should totally just crash the wedding." Holly laughed. "Just run in there screaming at both of them. It'd be hilarious. I'd film the whole thing."

"Yes, and get arrested, it'd be perfect!" I laughed back at her.

"No, just burst in when they say, speak now or forever hold your peace, it's be a total Taylor Swift moment." Maddie added.

"Should I ask to preform at her wedding and sing "Speak Now" ?" I asked them, laughing.

"PLEASE DO." They both yelled back to me. "I'll get right on that." "But seriously don't stress over anything, maybe it's all a rumor. Who knows. Maybe Hunter just gave her a promise ring or something." Holly said shrugging. "Or maybe she just didn't get around to telling anyone." Maddie said turning back to the tv.

"Yeah," I said quietly, "who knows."

When the movie ended we just put on the classic girly night chick flick "The Notebook." Fully engaged in the movie I hardly heard my phone ringing.

"Hey." Holly said absently mindedly throwing my phone at me. I picked it up and glanced at the caller ID.

"Oh my god." I said whispering. "Who is it?" Maddie asked. "It's... Abby." I choked out. "Put it on speaker phone. Holly said, crawling towards with with her strawberry blonde hair falling over her shoulders.

Clicking the speaker I asked, "Abby?"

Without hesitation Abby cried into the phone. I could picture her sitting on her bed arms wrapped around herself and tugging on her hair like she does when she's upset.

"Jordan... I need your help."

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