Chapter Two

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Previously- Without hesitation Abby cried into the phone. I could picture her sitting on her bed arms wrapped around herself and tugging on her hair like she does when she's upset.

"Jordan... I need your help."

Now- "Excuse me!?" I yelled into the phone. How dare she. Months she went without calling and now she needs my help? She never even bothered to send me a text. But now sense she needs help she contacts me.

"Jordan, please. I need you." I glanced over at Maddie and Holly who wore the same bewildered expression I did. "Need you for what?" Holly mouthed to me. I cleared my throat calming myself down.

"What do you need me for?" She sniffled. "Abby, what do you need?" I was getting impatient. "I can't explain it over the phone." "Oh my god." "Jordan!" She cried, "I'm sorry, it's complicated and you will think I'm crazy." "I think you're crazy right now." Maddie slapped my shoulder. "What?" I asked her. "Be nice." She whispered, "she seems to be a wreck." Abby coughed, reminding us we were still on speaker phone.

"Sorry!" Maddie yelled to her. "No it's fine, you're right. I'm a wreck." I rolled my eyes at her self pity. "Abby, even if you can't explain it over the phone, how do you expect us to meet up? You're states away."

She sniffled again.


"Jordan I need you to come to Nashville." Holly choked on the popcorn she was eating hearing this. "You can't be serious." "Jordan!" She whined. "Listen Abby, you went months, MONTHS without contacting me leading this little perfect fantasy life you live. But the second you- YOU have an issue you contact me?! Seriously?!"

By then Abby had stopped crying. The phone only spit out silence. Moments passed before she took a sharp sigh.

"Jordan," she began, he voice totally changing from a crying wreck to stone face and outraged. "It may 'seem' like I'm leading a 'perfect' life- but you're wrong. You're so wrong. You haven't a clue of the issue I have." I let out an eye roll at this thankful she couldn't see me. Her? Issues? Like what, picking out what nail polish she's going to wear because the paparotzi are outside her house?

"Jordan please, you're my sister, I need your help." I finally caved.

"Abby, look at it from my view. I don't get a call from you in months, then all the sudden you call me saying I need to drop everything and go to Nashville for reason you won't tell me? Do you even realize how absurd you sound?"

She let out a huff, hopefully finally coming to her senses. "Fine, I will explain. But I can't tell you everything." "Please just explain." "It's a long story." "Well, I have a lot of time."

I walked back over to the couch settling back down. Holly and Maddie jumped down next to me eager to hear what she has to say.

"Jordan... Hunter and I...this whole relationship... It's not real."

"WHAT?!" All three of us exclaimed. "Please just let me continue." We all shut our mouths but our eyes spoke pure curiosity and confusion. She continued;

"Hunter and I started as friends. We met one day at Atlantic, where I work as an intern, and decided to go out to eat. Naturally, the press ate it up. They told news writers everywhere we were a thing. Instead of his managers telling everyone it was a rumor, they thought it would be great for publicity. Hunters a nice guy, but I need a break. Everywhere I go, cameras follow. I never thought being 'famous' could be so awful. It's not like I even sing! I'm just a 'girlfriend'!"

She stopped talking, breathing heavily getting this huge rumor of her chest. No one said a word. What was there to say?

"Please say something." She begged. Holly was the first to speak, "But, the engagement..?"

"It's fake." "That's illegal!" Maddie screamed. Abby started to cry again. "Exactly... In all this mess, Hunter I guess fell in love."

I was stunned. I couldn't find the words to say. I managed to choke out, "What do you expect me to do?" I heard Abby take a shuttering breath and say, "I need you to take my place."

"Absolutely not." I stated bluntly. Was she crazy? I was going to go marry someone I hardly knew! No matter who it was!

"Please Jordan! It won't be forever. I just need to clear my head." "Abby I said n-" "Wait!" Maddie cut in. She took my phone at out my hand before I could stop her. "Abby could we call you back?" She asked. "Ya, sure." She replied. Without saying goodbye she shut of her phone.

"I am NOT switching places with her!" I yelled to them. Holly and Maddie shared a look between each other." Holly was the first to speak. "I think you should do it." She stated simply. "Are you crazy?!" I asked her getting frustrated.

"She's not crazy," Maddie began. "how bad could it be? A couple of weeks? Of fake bing engaged to Hunter HAYES?" Holly laughed, "Seriously Jordan do it. It will be so much fun."

"What do you mean 'so much fun'?" I asked her, confused. "Because we're coming with you!" She yelled back, "Did you really think we'd leave you to go alone?" She rolled her eyes at me. "Right Maddie?" She asked. Maddie nodded in response, handing me back my phone.

"Call her." She said simply.

"Awe Hell." I muttered hitting redial. Abby picked up first ring.

"Yes?!" She asked quickly.

"I'll do it."

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