Chapter 9

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Ch. 9

*Marcus's POV*

Wakening up I see Valcarie’s head on my chest. She looks so peaceful & beautiful. After I told her I loved her yesterday we spent the rest of the day in bed talking and cuddling. After that we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Turning to look at the clock on the bed side table I see it's only 8:34 am. So I decide to let her sleep some more. Getting out of bed I walk to my closet and decide on a more cachawel look knowing that would make my love happy. That was one of the things she said to me last night when we were talking. She said instead of me wearing a suit all the time I should try a more laid back look because she said she’d like to see what I'd look like.

So grabbing a plan black button up dress shirt, black dress pants, & some dress shoes I walk to the bathroom and take a shower. As I'm getting dressed I feel soft warm arms rap around my waist from behind.

Turning around I pull Valcarie into a hug & kiss her on the forehead.

"Good morning my love. How did you sleep?" I say smiling at her.

"Morning. I slept great." she answers sleepily with a sweet smile.

"Glad to hear it. Now way don't you take a shower and get dressed. Then meet me downstairs. The chef should have your breakfast ready by then as well then we can get started with finding your uncle. Ok?" I say leaning down to press a kiss to her lips.

"Ok. But I think I have an idea where we can start." she says with a big smile.

"O really? Where?"

"Well you said that my dad was originally from Italy right? So maybe we should try there."

"Good idea. You go take a shower & I'll go call some contacts in Italy and see if they can give me any details." I say giving her a hug and walk out of the bathroom.

"O and your closet are on the left wall when u walks out of the bathroom. I've opened it for you. I'll show you how to open it yourself later." I yell back to the bathroom.

"Ok." I hear her say back.

Walking downstairs I go to the kitchen and have the chef fix Valcarie some breakfast then head to my office to make a few calls.

*Valcarie's POV*

Finishing my shower I step out and rap myself in a towel and go to my closet. Walking into it I see it's full of clothe.

"Wow" I mumble to myself.

Looking throw the clothe I find a plan black tank top, some blue plaid shorts, some black flip flops & a black/gray hoodie.

After getting dressed I head to Marcus’s office. Walking in I see him just getting off the phone.

"Guess what!" he says looking up at me.

"What?" I ask

"A friend of mine in Italy says your uncle has a house there & he just so happens to be good friends with him." he said getting up and walking to me.

"Really?!" I say smiling.

"Yes so it looks like we're going to Italy!"...

*Hey sorry for the wait. I haven't edited this chapter but I'll do it when I can. Enjoy!!!-JVO*

A Vampire Fairy love storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt