Chapter 6

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Ch. 6

*Valcarie's POV*

As I wake up the smell of bacon comes to my nose & my mouth starts to water. Rolling over I see a covered plate with the bacon smell coming from it on the table across the room.

Jumping out of bed I run to the table and yank the cover off and stare at the plate. On the plate there are 2 eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, & 3 sausage links. With a big glass of strawberry milk on the side.

"OMG ALL MY FAV BRECFIST FOODS!" I say jumping up & down clapping.

"I see you like your breakfast" I here Marcus chuckle from behind me.

Running up to him I throw my arms around him & give him a big hug. Jumping up and down I say "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!"  

Running back to the table I plop down on the chair and start eating the food.

"Your very welcome love. I'm glad you like it." Marcus says coming to sit on the chair opposite of me.

"While you eat I have something to talk to you about." He says looking intently at me.

"Ok" I say taking a drink of my strawberry milk.

"Well first I think I should inform you about your father-"He says.

"My father? What do you know about my father?! Do you know who he is?!!" I say jumping out of my chair cutting him off.

"Yes your father. His name is victor or I should say was victor & I hate to tell you this but he is dead." he says looking down with a frown on his face.

"Tell me everything you know" I say trying to hide my tears.

As he tells me everything about my father I try not to cry. I never know him. My mother never talked about him. She actually never really brought him up except one time she said that I got my stretch, brains and courage from him but I got my beauty from her.  

As a kid I never really understood why my father wasn't around but all my mother would say was that he couldn't cuss he had to keep us safe.  

But one day when I was 5 I went to the river near our home to play but when I came home my mother was gone. All that was left was a letter on my bed that said:

My baby girl,

I know you’re too young to understand this right now but I have to leave you. Someday you'll understand why but for now just know I love you very very much. I'll be watching over you so don't worry. Just trust your instincts and let your heart guide you.  

For now I leave you with my heart.

Take great care my angel, 

Mommy loves you.

With the letter was my mother’s locket. Still to this day I wear it & never take it off. It has been around my neck since I was 5.

Hearing my name I Snap back to reality & see Marcus looking at me.

"Did you hear me?" he asks


"I said do you remember your mother?" he asks

"Yes" I say looking down while tears come to my eyes.

"Do you remember her name?" he says taking my hand.

"Yes" I say pulling the locket from under my shirt. Turning it over I show it to him.

"Her name is Aphrodite" I say in a whisper.

After saying her name I see his eyes go wide...

*hey everyone I JUST fineshed writeing this chapter so I desided I'll post it now and edit it tomarow. Hope u like it. THX-JVO*

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