Chapter 8

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*Pic of Alistair (king of Tpolemos) on side*

Ch. 8

*Valcarie's POV*

Holy crayons!!! My mother is a fairy queen!! Which means...

"Am I a fairy?!" I ask Marcus.

"Your actually part fairy on your mother’s side and part vampire on your father’s side." he answers in a matter of fact tone.


O my god this is totally weird. I can't believe this. I'm a vampire fairy. My mother is a fairy queen and my father is or was from what Marcus says a vampire. WOW

"This is a lot to take in." I say to myself walking to the bed and sitting on the edge.

"I know it is but I will help you to understand. If you'll let me that is." Marcus says coming to sit by me on the bed.

"Ok. Oddly I trust you. So I'd like you to tell me everything you know." I say looking into his eyes.

"Ok-" he says with a smile before continuing. "From what I know, your mother is the queen of Falay & has the ability to control all the elements. All fairy’s can control only one element except the queen who can control all. As for Falay it is the dimension where all the fairy’s reside. There are two parts of Falay. Eros & Tpolemos. Your mother is the queen of Eros which in Greek means love. While Alistair is the king of Tpolemos which means war in Greek. Alistair has tried many times to get your mother to marry him and combine Eros & Tpolemos. But your mother kept refusing. So Alistair decided if he couldn't get her to marry him willingly he would try to fors her instead by killing her son-your brother-Lamonea. But he failed so he started to take aim at any of your siblings he could knowing that that would hurt her. But he was only able to kill one of your siblings. Your sister Alesa. Her death greatly hurt your mother because Alesa was her first born.

Unable to cope your mother ran to the human dimension to morn. And that is I guess how she met your father victor & had you. But I'm not sure about what she did while here and how exactly she met your father. But I think if I can just find your uncle Gabriel." Marcus says finishing with a sigh.

Lisaning to him I can't help but feel fascinated. I mean it's actually pretty cool to know that my mother is a queen & a fairy. Which means if she can control the elements then I wander if I can to?

Turning to Marcus I ask "If my mother can control the elements then can I do it to?"

"I’m not entirely sure if you can control all or just one of them. But I do know that you will be able to control something." he says with a smile.

"AWSOME!!! THAT IS SOOOO COOL!" I say jumping off the bed.

As I'm jumping up and down squealing like a crazy person Marcus get off the bed and wraps his arms around me. I stop jumping and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Now that I've told you all I know we need to find Gabriel. He is the only one I know of that can be the key to finding out what you can do. But first-" Marcus says leaning in and kissing me.

Pulling away we look in each other’s eyes & he says the 3 little words that I swear made my heart skip a beat.

"I love you"...

*Hey everyone i haven't edited this yet cuzz I'm on my itouch but I'll edit it tomarow and probably add a pic. But I hope your enjoying this story so far and for those of you that have already read the other chapters I've added & gotin rid of some stuff in them & I've added some differant pix so check it out. Anyway hope you like this chapter and PLZ vote and Comment!!!! LOVE U ALL XD THX -JVO*

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