Chapter 41: Professor Concetta Strega

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Dawn lay on her side on Rico's bed, his arm around her. They were both fully clothed, though she smiled to herself as she remembered Corrie's teasing about them having sex. She knew she wasn't ready for that, and thankfully, Rico didn't seem to be either--they hadn't gone beyond kissing and cuddling. Those activities seemed to be quite satisfactory for the time being (though she was still glad that Duncan was out with some other friends). For example, right now they were cuddling with his computer set up on his chair so they could both see it and watching the extended DVD of The Two Towers. Dawn had seen the movies in theaters and enjoyed them, but, as Rico had promised her, they were much better in the extended editions. Or maybe it was just that they were better with Rico's arm around her. Truth be told, she was almost having trouble keeping focused on the movie; laying down like this, with his warm, comfortable body behind her, she could almost fall asleep.

The first DVD ended and she had to sit up so Rico could get out of the bed and change the DVD. It was a good thing she did, because her cell phone--sitting on Rico's desk so it wouldn't be an uncomfortable lump in her pocket--startled her when it began to ring, and she was sure if she'd been as relaxed as she was a minute ago, it would have been worse. A vision of Corrie and Edie lost or scared at their party flashed into her mind, and she grabbed for the phone. "It's probably Corrie or Edie," she offered as a quick explanation to Rico, then pressed the button to answer. "Hello?"

"Hi Dawn! It's Roe," came the voice from the other end. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Are you?" Dawn had to wonder why Roe would call her at this time of night. Was her vision coming true? She didn't sound scared, though.

"Oh, I'm fine. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm with Professor Strega."

"Still?" Dawn glanced up at the clock. Between the kissing, the cuddling, and the movies, it had gotten quite late.

"Yeah. She's been teaching me a lot." Roe sounded very enthusiastic. "But she wants you three to come if you can--she wants to meet you, and anyway, she thinks if she can see some of what I saw, she'll be able to understand my vision better."

Dawn was surprised, but thought it probably made sense. And she really did want to get at the truth behind Roe's vision--not to mention Corrie's suggestion that she ask Professor Strega for lessons in the use of her Sight. "Corrie and Edie are at a party, but I guess I can come."

"Okay, just a sec..." Roe was apparently conversing with Professor Strega. Rico caught Dawn's eye and gave her a questioning look, the DVD case in his hands, and she held up a hand and nodded to show she'd tell him later. "Dawn?" Roe was back. "She wants you to come anyway. Is that okay?"

"Yeah. Where are you?"

"The magic building. Her office is room 110."

"Okay. I'll see you soon." Dawn hung up and turned to Rico. "I have to go meet Roe and Professor Strega. It could be important. I'm sorry I have to run out on you."

Rico sighed and put down the DVDs. "I guess it's okay. I mean, I understand why you have to go." He walked the few steps over to her and offered a hug that she gladly returned. "Do you want me to come with you?"

She smiled and shook her head. "Not unless you want to. I don't think I need my knight protecting me."

He smiled back. "All right. Since I haven't met Roe I think it would be kind of awkward."

Dawn put her phone, keys, and card in her pocket. "I'll come by when I'm done--maybe we'll still be able to watch the rest of the movie." They kissed goodbye and she left.

Though the sun had set hours ago, the temperature was still balmy, and with the lights illuminating the paths, Dawn had an easy, if oddly-colored, walk to the magic building. The class buildings in the middle of campus were all dark, but there were a few lights on, including some in the magic building. She wondered if other professors were meeting with students or just staying late to catch up on work. Well, at least the magic building didn't lock at night. She let herself in and turned right, toward the light that she'd seen.

Before long, she'd found room 110, which had a small nameplate on the door reading "Professor Concetta Strega;" the hall light was on, which would explain why she'd seen more than one. The hallway seemed to be devoted primarily to offices, since all the doors had nameplates like Professor Strega. The one directly across the hall read "Professor Marie Lal."

Dawn knocked on the door. "Come in, it is not locked," said an accented female voice. Dawn opened the door and nearly slammed it shut again.

Professor Strega was also a faerie.

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