I shook my head, "No not that option." I looked up at him before speaking again. "I meant abortion."

He just sat there, not moving a muscle. His face softened as he processed my words. He looked down at my hand and played with my fingers.

"Is that what you want?" His voice was soft and I heard a small crack in it.

"I'm not sure. I just think that at the moment its probably  the best choice. Personally I don't think that we are emotionally, let alone, financially ready either.  I mean, with your career and all you wouldn't always be there and that would be a pain in the butt when I'm alone. Your management, your fans. I don't want to complicate your life anymore than it is."  

He looked up and shook his head, "You know I would make enough to support you and a child. Every chance I get you know I would fly home to you, even if it was only for a day. I told you I don't care about management. If they ever threated to do anything, I know the boys would stay behind us, and the idiots that those men are they wouldn't risk losing all five of us. As for the fans, they warmed up to you eventually. The true fans would be supportive of us too." He sighed once he was done pleading his case.

I sighed. I know he was right about all of this.

"Would you be ready?" He asked.

"Yes, to be honest I've wanted a kid since I was like fifteen." I laughed, "But now that I have you and now that its real, I'm not so sure anymore."

"If you did have an abortion, what would we tell the guys?" He thought aloud. That is a good question.

"I mean, the only ones that should know is Mady and Louis, so I could tell them it was a miscarriage. That's why I don't really want to share it with the others until we make a choice." I answered.

 He grabbed my face and stared me straight in the eye, "I will support any decision you make." I detected a little hint of doubt in his voice, but I nodded my head in understanding. He pulled my face closer and placed a loving kiss on my lips. He pulled away and rubbed his nose against mine before pulling me in for a hug.

I groaned as our chest got smashed together and Harry pulled away looking at me with concern.

"My breast are tender." I mumbled and I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment. A huge smile graced his face and he laughed.

"Oh that's too bad." he kissed me again, but was interrupted by his phone ringing.

He checked his phone, "It's Liam, I better take this." He sighed and walked up the stairs to take the call.

I laid down on the couch and closed my eyes. I'm glad I finally got that off my chest. I can tell Harry is not 100% on board about the possibility of the abortion. I think in the end it will be the best decision for both of us. 

Harry's POV:

I sat on the bed after ending the call with Liam. All he had to tell me was that we had a meeting with management tomorrow afternoon. Why couldn't he just text me that?

Anyway, I was still perched on Leah's bed thinking about what she said down stairs.

I really hope she doesn't go through with the abortion. I know she thinks its best but I can tell that there is a part of her that will greatly regret it later on.

I really hope she changes her mind about the whole thing. 

 Leah's POV:

Harry came back down stairs and went to the kitchen. "Do you want ice cream?" since when do you eat ice cream in the morning?

"That sounds good." I opened my eyes and sat up.  I heard him open the fridge and groan.

"I'll go to the store and get some. Need anything else?" He slipped his shirt and shoes on as I shook my head no, "So no pads or tampons?" he smirked.

"Not funny." I rolled my eyes at him as he went to open the door.

"Love you."

"Love you too." I said back.

Once the door was closed and I heard the car leave the drive way, I pulled out my phone and went back over to my laptop. I opened it up and click on a tab I opened earlier. I scrolled down to find the number I was looking for and dialed it on my phone. I held it to my ear while it rang. Finally a voice sounded from the other end.

"Yes, Hello...I need to schedule an appointment...for an abortion."


Should she really go through with it? I want your opinion.

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