Killing Corpses

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I just want to let you all know that this story is completely my own, i made up all the characters, so please don't steal them. Also, this is supposed to be more of a novel than a short story, so don't expect zombies in the first three sentences. Its slightly slow, and it takes a while to get to the zombies, but i feel like its important to have a backstory to these kind of stories, just to make them better.

Just wanted to let you all know that!
Thanks for reading,
H x

The groaning was horrible. The rasping was morbid. And yet, I couldn't move my feet.
"Come with me if you want to live." The guy said firmly. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Excuse me?" I protested. "You tried to kill me a few minutes ago and now you want to save me." I concluded. The guy rolled his eyes and sighed. "You're being so difficult. Just accept my help. Jesus!" He yelled, drawing the flesh eating monsters closer. He held his hand out but I turned away, my heart pounding by the small distance there was between us and the things. I felt a sharp pain on my wrist and squealed thinking it was one of them. But it was only him. "Come on," He urged, attempting to drag my defensive frame away. But I dug my heels into the gravel, standing my ground. "Bite me." His eyes widened as the hoard shrouded us. "That could be arranged."

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