Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I have never ran so fast in my entire life.

Liam had to restrain me from jumping off of the roof of the three story building we were on, because I was in such blind panic. Then, we heard the gunshots.

I didn't know where they came from, and at the time, I didn't care. The horde was dispersing, obviously losing interest in the lack of activity in the area and enthralled by the new noise, so I took my chance. I could faintly hear Liam trying to talk to me through my tears, but I couldn't concentrate on anything except the blood pulsing in my ears. I had to get to Seth. I panted, watching the last of the horde fading away from the doors as I planned my escape from Liam's grasp. He was really, really strong.

"We have to wait until the horde is gone completely-"

I grunted at my brother and kicked my way out of his grasp, sprinting across the rooftop and leaping over the gap separating us from the neighbouring building, then sprinting across that roof too. It was quicker to get there by rooftop.

"Copsyn!" Matt and Liam echoed at the same time. I ignored them, and I kept running.

It became a pattern, sprinting for five seconds, then jumping, then sprinting, then jumping. My calves were burning, and I was running out of buildings. I panted as I leapt onto the last one, but lost my footing, my bare arm taking the brunt of the fall and getting scraped up against the gravel. It stung, but I reminded myself of the pain Seth must have been going through. I ignored the blood pouring out of my arm and stood up, sweeping myself clean. My walkie-talkie was blasting out, Matt and Liam screaming at me to come back. I turned around, and watched as they tried to follow me. They had barely made it to the second building. Catching my breath at last, I pulled out my own walkie-talkie and said firmly, "Tell Seth I'm on my way."

I tightened Senshi's strap around my torso, and rubbed my hands together. I took three deep breaths, and lowered myself down onto the windowsill, which was jutting out below the roof. I pounced down daintily and glanced below, spotting another one, identically placed. I made my way down the building that way, jumping and swinging from the balconies until I set foot on the ground.

Then, I ran.

I switched my walkie-talkie off, cutting off the annoying screeches from my brother, who was still trying to follow me. I kept running, not breaking the pace.

A few Reapers who were lagging behind switched their sense of direction to me, making surprisingly quick pace for the dead. I glared at them coldly, barley noticing the rotting flesh and smell of decay. I sliced Senshi through each of their heads easily, still not breaking my pace. Seth was all I could think about.

I got to the entrance of the building and saw that Abbie wasn't kidding when she said she was coming. The jeep was parked outside of the building, which I vaguely noticed was a restaurant. I rattled the door, almost breaking the locks with my fists. I was screaming at them to let me in, kicking at the door. Finally, Abbie unlocked it for me, and I almost trampled her because I ran in so quickly. I was sweating, my fringe sticking to my forehead, my arm aching. I ignored it though. I had to find Seth.

"Last door on your right." Abbie yelled, jogging after me.

"Right," I hardly uttered, before racing through to the room she directed me to.

I got to the doorway, and froze.

They had set up in a kitchen, Seth sprawled out on a stainless steel table where Callum was holding him down. Lyndsay (the most medically talented one out of us all) was leaning over his right shoulder, obscuring my vision from anything happening. Alex and Jacob sat in the corner, pale as ghosts.

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