They had been running for an half hour more before they had to stop because of Satarou's bleeding shoulder. They found an empty, abandoned cabin and decided to camp out there for a few hours. Everyone looked away so that the princess could change into a spare outfit one of the female escapees had with her.

"Don't change back, Satarou. Shifting may cause you more damage" the princess smiled, "here, I will get rid of this arrow for you." She looked at the wound and realized she'd have to push the arrow all of the way through. "This is going to hurt, Satarou, so just bare with it." In one quick movement, she pushed the arrow all of the way through, making the boy howl in pain. But she managed to get the arrow out. "Alright, let me heal you."

She hovered her hands over his bleeding wound, and a light, faintly blue tinted magic formed around her hands. The wound began to stitch itself up and heal. In the blink of an eye, Satarou was able to move again with only a faint trace of the scar from where the arrow had pierced him.

"It is okay to change back now" the princess smiled.

Satarou, still in wolf form, walked over to where everyone else is. Everyone but Satarou was in human form.

However, Satarou was shocked when he looked at Yorrel. It was like looking into a face purely identical to his own. They had different hairstyles, but there was no denying it. They were twins.

Still in shock, Satarou changed back. Not bothering to change, he looked at Yorrel in complete shock, "Y-Yorrel?"

Yorrel was in just as much shock, "Satarou?"

Aero and Allen looked at each other before looking to the newfound twins, "you guys are twins? And you are saying you just discovered this?"

"I was abandoned when I was two!" Satarou let out a small growl, looking away from Yorrel.

"But you weren't abandoned! You were taken from mother and I! We were so devastated to have lost you!" Yorrel replied, "your name would have been Yoshi. But, I think Satarou suits you much more, you know."

Satarou doesn't always feel like crying, but right now he wanted to become a sobbing mess. However, he would keep his cool in front of everyone because he was not one to cry in front of others.

"I need to be alone" Satarou stood up, his face becoming stone cold.

On the way out of the cabin, Satarou heard a small conversation start between Sparrow and Yorrel.

"Were you the one who burnt down my village?" Sparrow asked, frowning.

"Yes" Yorrel replied, full of regret and sadness.

That was all Satarou was able to hear because he exited the cabin and sat by a nearby lake. He immediately began sobbing.

"I was abandoned!" he sniffled, tears hit the floor, mixing in with the leaves and dirt. "Why was I abandoned and you were kept, Yorrel? So my parents are still alive? Why?"

"It wasn't your fault, you know" Satarou was startled. He turned around to face one of the female escapees. This one wasn't Allen. He could tell by the smell.

"What do you know?" Satarou glared at the floor. He suddenly found his feet very fascinating.

"So why do you think you were abandoned?" the woman asked, "if you want to tell me, that is. You don't have to."

"I was found on the beach of my village back home. I was bloody when I was found, and it was a miracle that I had survived. I was only two" Satarou muttered.

"You know, I felt abandoned once, too" the lady replied, "I had been a baby and I was dropped off at someone's doorstep. For years, I was raised not knowing who I was or where I came from. All I knew was that I was a werebear, and I hadn't even known until I was five and accidentally shifted into a bear. One day, my parents came back into my life. They found me and claimed to be my birth parents. They said they hadn't meant to abandon me. They were forced to give me up as the other creatures were threatening my life. They did it to protect me."

"What does this all have to do with me?" Satarou asked, scowling.

"There's always a reason. Maybe your parents didn't intentionally abandon you. They could have had a very good reason as to why you grew up without them. The only way you would find out is if you met them" the lady responded with a soft smile on her features.

"Thanks, but the only family I know are my foster parents, and they are dead" Satarou told her, "who are you, anyways?"

"I am Elly, Sparrow's mother" the lady smiled, "the other guy with me that the princess helped escape is my husband, Marco. He's also Sparrow's father."

"Oh, so he found his family?" Satarou mumbled, "must be nice, having good luck on your side."

"Do you have a family you could go back to?" Elly asked him, curious.

"I have a younger brother named Yui" Satarou replied, "I guess I have a twin brother now, too, but it might be a while before I actually accept him as my brother."

"Well, good things take progress" she spoke truthfully, "come on, let's go inside. It's getting cold out, plus the princess and everyone else must be really worried. Also it's not safe to stay out here too long when the palace is on the hunt for us."

"Okay" Satarou mumbled, walking back into the cabin where everyone looked worried.

"Satarou!" Yorrel said, relieved. "That was reckless to go out like that!"

"I'm back now, aren't I?" Satarou gave him a small warning growl.

"So, what are we going to do about the clans now? You should join the Amber clan since your family is there!" Yorrel exclaimed.

"My brother is in Bloodstone" Satarou glared, "and we aren't leaving. Bloodstone is my home."

"But, Satarou-"

"That decision is final, Yorrel!" Satarou snapped, "if you want to make things work, then maybe the leaders can talk about joining clans. However, I am not leaving Bloodstone to be apart of Amber."

"Speaking of clans" Sparrow interjected, "mother, father, what do you think about joining Bloodstone? It is my home now. They promised to help me find you, and I can't imagine that you two have much of a home!"

"We would love to, sweetie" Elly smiled, "Wouldn't you, Marco?"

"Of course" Sparrow's father answered with a soft smile, "we would love to be apart of your clan, Sparrow."

"Great! I am so happy to hear that!" Sparrow spoke excitedly.

"Well sorry to interrupt your lovely conversation, but I just wanted to talk about something important" the princess interrupted their conversation, "we will sleep here today, but we need to leave first thing in the morning. We are too close to the castle that they'd still be able to find us."

"I guess we should go to sleep now" Sparrow exclaimed, "goodnight everyone!"

"Goodnight" Satarou mumbled, finding a corner far away from everyone else and drifting off into a light slumber.

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