Chapter 6

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"I found out who they are." Amauri said.
"This isn't about revenge." I said sternly nearly slamming my hand on my desk.
"They started a rumor and then beat you up for it." Rena jumped in the coversation.
I just wanted to move on from this. I just wanted to live my life normally.
"Its not serious! Jeez. There's all this time spent on planning a revenge that you never decided to realize how I felt about it! I'm the victim and yet I've already moved on!" I sat down.
Rena sat on the desk top and lifted my head. She caressed the bottom of my chin.
"I hate seeing you this way. I can't just sit back and watch it all play out. I know you would do the same and never let it go. I have to at least get them to tell me why." Rena leaned and gave me a kiss.
All this rage for just a couple of bullies. I only wish that all of this could be over with. They just want revenge, but there is no need. I just wanted to be home.
I saw Amauri from the corner of my eye and felt my face grow red. I felt embarrassed but more so scared than anything.

The bell rung for dismissal of that school day. Rena said she had to go somewhere with her mother and I walked Amauri home.
"Brad listen. Rena and I both are scared for you. We know you're not the strongest guy and we like that about you. We just don't want this to happen again because it was ignorant to begin with. I wont bring it up anymore and neither will she." Amauri explained.
Finally. I thought.
The streets were littered with students leaving school. We nearly got separated through the dense crowds of the boardwalk.
It was nice to live on those beach homes that line the outside of the boardwalk. They were fancy and yet somehow affordable to my mother.
"It's just right there. The big green house." Amauri pointed.
Something about walking her home made me feel a little uneasy.
"Did you ever want to talk to me in our old school?" I blurted out.
"Yes, but I was afraid that it would come off as weird." She responded in a soft voice.
"I had a big crush on you. It was. . ." I stopped talking.
"It was what?"
I looked down at my shoes, "It was difficult having to not talk with you. I wanted to really badly but never has the confidence to do so in fear of overall rejection. So I kept my feelings to myself until I moved and found Rena."
Amauri was left speechless. She couldn't believe what I was saying and I almost didn't believe it either. She stopped walking and I did as well.
"What's wrong?" I asked trying to get a look at her face.
She let out a soft chuckle and raised her head to expose her crying face. My heart skipped a beat in fear.
"What did I do?" I said.
Amauri grabbed my face and pulled me in for a kiss. My mind went blank. This is the first time ever something like this has happened.
Amauri what are you doing? I thought.
Before I could say anything she was already inside her house with the door locked. I could only stand in shock.
What did I do to deserve this? A conflict among friends. A broken love that was forgotten among a new love. I only wish I knew why she decided to kiss me. . .I thought.

There was a large storm that came the next day and locked most people from the outside. Streets were flooding and I was just sitting in my room. Rena happened to be at my house when the storm came and she couldn't leave without being hurt. I only thought about telling her what happened yesterday.
My mind raced whenever she got close and I was afraid of possibly losing her.
"I'm surprised my mom is okay with me being here." Rena said. "She would've said 'no' to me staying here in a minute."
"I called her when the storm was announced in case. Said I would take good care of you for the time being." Jessica explained.
I fell over and put my head on Rena's lap. I let out an elongated sigh.
"What's up?" Rena poked my face.
"There's some bad news I have for you." I said
"Amauri already told me."
My heartbeat stopped. I was scared at what might have gone through her mind.
"Don't worry about it. I'm okay with it. You did tell her about your feelings and that is a big thing for girls." Rena told me. "I let it slide now because she was just caught up in emotions."
It didn't feel like it. I thought.
Rena smiled at me and started to rub my head. I started to fall into a daze and then into a deep sleep.
When I woke up I was in my bed next to Rena. She had her hand on the side of my cheek and smiled at me upon my awakening.
"Had a good sleep?" She asked.
"Hey you." I poked her nose. "Did you bring me here?"
"Somehow Jessica managed to do it." Rena let out a soft giggle. "I couldn't leave you alone so I hopped in bed too. Luckily I had an extra pair of clothes from Gym class."
What time is it? I thought.
I turned to my nightstand and saw the clock. It was nearly midnight. I turned back to Rena and wrapped my arm around her.
"I am exhausted." I yawned.
"No really. You knocked the fuck out on the couch." Rena said. "I didn't get much rest."
"Why not?"
She moved her face closer, "I was worried about you."
I felt my body heat up from my heart rate.
"There's nothing to worry about." I poked her face.
"I'm just afraid of what might happen if this whole bullying thing doesn't go away. Could they continue? Could they get even more violent? I wi-" I stopped her with a kiss.
"Rena, do what you want but do not tell me about it." I said.
She rested her head upon my chest and fell quickly into her sleep.
Do what you want. Do what you want. Do what you want. These words ring around in my head and I don't know why I said them. For all I know Rena could be a saint or a demon. She is in a deep love for me and I can clearly see it. I only hope she does not do something wrong. I thought. Im overthinking too much. I watch too many movies.
I stared at her as she was asleep. Her face was almost too pure to look at. The way her body hovered up and down with each breath was relaxing to me.

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