Although I had to agree with the whole Nicoletta being shallow, I had a gut feeling that something wasn't right about her. I was about to interject with some wisdom of my own when I was interrupted by Albus, who had just come down for breakfast.

"Blimey, Emma, you like hell." Albus said, as he settled down.

Emma turned her head to him and shot him a glare. "It's no wonder why you're single." She muttered under her breath.

Albus glared at her and I could tell that any minute he was going to say something awful. However, he stopped and stared at James.

"Merlin's beard, what's wrong with James?" Albus asked, genuinely seeming concerned for his brother.

If Emma looked like hell, James looked like he had lived in hell. His tie was askew, his shirt wasn't buttoned all the way, and his eyes had a sad, dejected look about them. Usually, he would at least come over to us to bother Emma, but today he just sat there picking at his food. Every so often, he would look up from his plate and glance at Emma with an empty expression on his face. Obviously something had happened between the two at the party but I didn't know what.

I turned to Emma, eyeing her suspiciously. "Okay, spill."

Emma acted nonchalantly, but I knew better." What do you mean?" She asked, innocently. Ha! The idea of Emma being innocent was downright hilarious.

"You know exactly what I mean."

"No I'm afraid I don't."

"Actually neither do I ." Albus added, appearing confused at Emma and I's conversation.

"Shut up, Albus." Emma and I chorused together, barely sparing him a glance.

I turned back to Emma, my attention on trying to get her to tell me what had happened. Emma wasn't the best at keeping secrets, and sooner or later she was going to confess.
"What happened between you and James?"


I arched my eyebrow and gave her a 'are you serious' look, to which Emma rolled her eyes at.

Emma mulled it over for a minute.
"Fine," she finally said. " I don't really remember but I think, and I'm not certain or anything, but I think I may have kissed him."

I groaned. Don't get me wrong, normally I would be happy for my friend, but I knew Emma well and I knew that guys who ended up getting involved with her never come out unscathed. The last thing I wanted was for James to be one of those guys.
"Emma, you didn't."

"I couldn't help it! He was there and I was sloshed out of my mind. I was so lonely and one thing led to another and then next thing I knew I was kissing him." She rambled, trying to find a way to defend herself.

"Hold on, you kissed my brother?" Albus yelled much too loudly causing several people to turn back to look at him. Emma and I ignored him.

I rubbed my temple. Merlin this was giving me a headache. "Emma, you can't go around playing with people's feelings."

Emma sighed. "I know." She looked at James, and bit her lip nervously. "I have to fix things, don't I?"

I took in James disheveled appearance and frowned. Emma was going to have a hard time talking to him.


A Rose in a Million • Rose Weasley Where stories live. Discover now