XXXI. Forgiveness.

Start from the beginning

"We're doing all that we can, Dudley. The leads we've had haven't gone anywhere. Kyra is a lot smarter than we all assumed."

He knew deep down that he would say something like that. A week had now passed and each day only got worse. He was worried massively about the woman he loves, but he was even more worried for the baby. What if something happened? No, he couldn't think like that. By allowing himself to do this, he was beginning to admit defeat and this was something he could not do. However, he was starting to lose faith. From Harry's tone, he could tell that his younger cousin was also exactly the same.

"Can nothing else be done to speed the process up?"

Again, Harry shook his head in the negative. Trying desperately to hold in tears. Yes, he knew Felicity quite well, but they were far from considering themselves family. Whether that be through law or not. They weren't that close unlike Ginny. His own wife was worried sick about her and this was coming across in her practises. She still almost always won in their practise bouts but it was clear as day she was nowhere near top form due to the amount of worry slowly overcoming her wellbeing.

"Is there nobody who knows this Kyra? Someone who is on the good side who can give more ideas?"

Just then, Harry froze on the spot. Why had no one thought of that previously? Yes, the majority of Kyra's family were horrible people, but there were few who were on her side unwillingly. He swallowed down a wad of saliva that had slowly built up and took a deep breath. There was no point getting in contact with anyone else in Felicity's family because neither wanted to worry more people over what happened the week before. There was no point in even attempting to get into contact with someone on the opposing side, nor was there any point in getting into contact with the divided side of the short blondes family. However, there was one family who were on their side but had inside information. Two were still locked up in Azkaban and another was in her home- that is, if she hadn't left.

"I think you might have just unintentionally given us another possible lead, cousin."


Damp was a smell that they were both accustomed to. They didn't have a choice in the matter considering every single wall in this filthy building was covered in the stuff. Numerous bugs crawling across the floors and their cell littered in rubbish. Neither of them had eaten in a couple of days now and their mouths were desperate for some kind of liquid to quench their parched throats, but there wasn't any. Neither actually found out where the food and water came from in here. That is, if what they were given could even be considered food and water. However, none of them got ill or had any side effects so it must have been safe to an extent to consume.

As each day passed, his sanity slowly disappeared into nothingness. The first year he had managed to keep sane enough by telling himself he deserved some kind of punishment. But as the dementors floated past them, these thoughts drained away. Leaving him with few happy memories and hundreds of disturbing ones he wanted to forget desperately. Defeat was something that a Malfoy was never raised to accept, instead they were always raised to always fight to get what they wanted whether that be fair or not. When this family trait was taken into consideration, it was a no brainier why almost all of them were placed into a house known for its ambitious and cunning characteristics.

Draco had lost count of the days long ago. He wasn't sure if it had only been a few days since he had really began to lose his sanity or if it had been a few years. Time was something that couldn't be told here considering there were no clocks and his wand had been seized the minute he was arrested. For all he knew, it was probably snapped into two large pieces and burnt. Despite him seeing the error in his ways, he was still extremely disliked. They all were. He wondered how his mother was doing constantly, he worried about his father. Lucius was placed in a cell at the opposite end of the corridor but a spell made it so that their own individual voices could never travel.

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