"You can fix King plate but not mine?"

"I like him, I don't like you," she said then walked away.

I shook my head and started laughing.

"You need to hurry up and wife that girl, Y'all ain't even together and she forever looking out for you, get her before I snatch her"

That made me stop laughing instantly and look at him.

"Yea, Aight get bodied" I said looking at him

They all started laughing.

"That boy got serious quick as hell," Tevin said in between fits of laughter.

I really don't see what's so funny. Dee can play with me if he wants to.

Chanel walked back over and handed me my plate and placed the bottle of water on the table.

"Thanks, Ma"

She nodded then sat on my lap and started eating her food.

"What Y'all plan on getting into after Y'all leave here?"

"No plans I was just finna go to the house and Kick it"

"Drop Jakia off at my Mom's house cause she been
bugging me to bring her over all week, no plans after that"

"I don't got shit to do"

"Nelly your parents home?" Dee asked

She took a sip of her Sprite then spoke.

"Nah, why?"

I looked at him because I was wondering the same.

"Can Gang spend the night?"

"Sure," she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Mind if we bring females?"

"As long as it's not some bitches I don't like "

"Coo, I guess we're having a sleepover then"
He said rubbing his hands together

I shook my head at this fool then finished eating my food.

Chanel Rhodes | Nelle

It's around 7:30 and Tyree and I are on our way to my house after leaving the reunion. Another 5 minutes or so went by and we finally pull up to the house.

"Aye imma go to my house right quick to get a few things then I'll be right back"

"Aight cool," I said grabbing my things and getting out of his car.

He waited until I unlocked my front door and went inside before he pulled off.

I locked the door behind me, placed my keys on the counter then went upstairs.

Since I've been out all day I decided to go take a shower.

After my 30 minute shower, I hopped out and put on some Calvin Klein underwear and the bra to match and some sweat pants. I wrapped my hair up into a bun then laid across my bed.

Just Bestfriends? [Urban]| UneditedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum