Chosen Participants

525 40 31

Hello writers! 

All of us here at the Writer Awards team were shocked to see how many of you amazing, talented people sent in a submission. Considering this is the first season of The Phoenix awards, it was crazy. So thank you! 

Now, with that being said, we could not accept all of you. We sadly don't have the time for that much reading! Remember if you were not accepted that you can always try entering next season. There were a few people who weren't accepted because they didn't follow the rules, so remember to read carefully next time. 

Without further ado, here are our participants! 

TBJess - Villainous Ventures

DivineReaderz - Born With Blood

AlyssaAfrica - Perierat

bartholomewthewriter - Renaissance

Oh_MsBeliever - Epileptic

druidrose - Rogue Assassin

-kyavhill - Society

theWandererMadness - To The Neverland

SunshineLola17 - The Anatomy of a Broken Heart

JayceJole - To Rescue a Villain

__Raqs__ - Collision

Writing5Temperament - Leah and Trent

MarcusBrutus1 - The Patterns of Darkness

AbigailCarlysle - Such A Beautiful Massacre

Prxncess_Tae - 10 Minutes

dampnoodles - Constricted

scratchnem - Why I Came Home

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