Chapter One: The New Girl

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3rd POV
All was normal in Raven Class: Rinslet and Claire were at each other's throats, Kamito was right in the middle of it, and everyone else was watching in. Just as Claire and Rinslet were summoning their Elemental Waffes the teacher walked in followed by a hooded girl. Tapping her book on the lectern the teacher shouted:
"Alright, calm down now, don't make me dock all of you!" After everyone had taken their seats she turned to the girl next to her.
"Go ahead and introduce yourself." She said calmly.
"Yes," The girl responded in a dark, cold voice as she reached up to remove her hood. Once she had removed it Kamito's eyes widened in total, utter shock. Standing in front of the class was a girl about Claire's height with raven black hair in twin-tails that were similar to Claire's and navy blue eyes. Clasping her hands in front of her she smiled sweetly and said,
"Hi, my names Ren Ashbell, it's a pleasure to meet you all."

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