The Voices - part 5

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November 1933

"Child, how exactly did you ended up out here?"

I pause what I'm doing and turn my head to look at Sara, who is kneeling at the river bank next to me.  The two of us, along with many of the other women, are washing clothes today.  It's hard to stay clean, always living outside and with everything being so dry and dusty lately, but we still make an effort.

"Why?" I ask simply.  Sara had never cared or questioned me before and I didn't like to think too much about where I'd come from. 

"Well... You saw those new fellows who got here on last night's train?" I nod and she continues "They seemed a bit too nosy, askin' questions and peerin' at everybody."

She glances at me again but I stay silent, unsure why she's telling me this.  With a sigh she continues, "And I happen to notice that they were payin' extra attention to you."

I suddenly feel uncomfortable and shift my weight, frowning down at the wet shift still dripping in my hands. 

"Now I know what yer thinkin'," Sara continues, "I thought the same thing at first." She says, raising her eyebrows meaningly.  I'm not exactly sure what it is that she's saying but I nod again anyway.

"But then I be noticing something odd. Theys were lookin' down at this piece of paper, then lookin' at you, then back and forth just like that!"

"What does it mean?" I asked uncertainty when she didn't say anything else.

"Well how should I know, child? I just be thinkin' it mighty strange is all."

I was relieved the next day when the strange men left.  The fact that Sara was worried, worried me.  Soon, though, I had forgotten all about them.  

It was nearly a week later when the group of uniformed men burst into our little camp.  They shouted and blustered around, knocking things over and tearing apart our makeshift shelters.  Most of the people scattered, grabbing what they could and then taking off into the trees.  I was terrified and started yelling for Sara.

"There she is! That's her over there!"  I see that the men are pointing at me.  They rush over and grab me, and I fight them screaming and crying, but I can't get away.

"You're lucky your family put out such a big reward for you," grunted the man holding me.

I sit up with a start, awaking from my nightmare.  I look around, disappointed to find myself in my old bedroom and not in my tent back at the camp.  I can't help but start to cry.  I miss Sara and I miss the peace that I found with her.

The voices are back again... I can't get away.  "Make it stop!" I scream, but they don't.  So many voices - all so loud... So, so loud. 


"Please hurry!" Mrs. Camberley urges the driver, as she glances out the car window.  She hadn't meant to stay out as long as she had and now the sun was already beginning to set.  She bit her lip anxiously, silently praying she wouldn't be too late. 

The black Ford motor car pulled up to the large front entrance to their estate and Mrs. Camberley was out the door before the butler, Peter, had time to open it for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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