Chapter 9: Angst and Passion

Start from the beginning

Ren considers her words carefully, looking back down. When he looks back up at her, he admits quietly, "I'm scared, Kyoko. I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to lose you. I've heard so many stories...she's willing at the time, and then regrets it and blames him for taking advantage of her and stealing something precious and irreplaceable from her. I don't want to be that guy, or you to be that girl!"

"Oh, Ren, I'm not one of those girls. Those girls have doubts to start with! Then they blame the guy because they're too immature or embarrassed to take responsibility for their own mistakes! You could never take advantage of me, and you can't steal something from me that I give you willingly because I want to. Your fears are groundless. You know me better than anyone else, me!"

Ren looks up again. "Are...are you sure?"

Kyoko smiles reassuringly. "Absolutely. Zero doubt."

Ren stands up.


Kyoko leans down and presses her lips to Ren's, reaching both hands up to his head—slipping her fingers beneath his wig, sliding it off to run her fingers through his real hair. Ren simultaneously puts his hands on Kyoko's sides.

Then Kyoko pulls back from Ren's face. "Let me see your eyes," she whispers. Ren drops his hands from Kyoko's sides as the girl backs up, allowing Ren space to get into his bedside table drawer to retrieve his lens case. He takes out his lenses, and peers up at Kyoko again, with his real eyes.

"You're beautiful just the way you are..." Kyoko whispers, inching her face toward his again, "Kuon." As their lips meet again, her hands once again finger-combing through his blond hair, Ren reaches around her arms to her back and unties her obi. Then he pulls her hands from his head, placing her arms back at her slowly slide the robe down them. Kyoko pulls her head back from their kiss to look into Ren's shimmering green eyes. Ren then stands up, looking down into Kyoko's eyes, full of passion and love. He takes hold of her arms, now down at her sides, and bends in for another kiss. He rubs up the length of her arms, massaging her shoulders when he reaches them. His kiss turns more passionate, and Kyoko lifts her now-moveable arms up to place her hands on Ren's chest. She immediately begins to unbutton Ren's pajama top, and he moans into the kiss. Once his shirt is undone, Kyoko begins to glide her hands over his bare skin, working her way up to his shoulders. Ren responds to the contact by turning the kiss into a tongue-kiss, making Kyoko moan as she begins to rub his bare back through his open shirt. Ren moves his hands up into and through Kyoko's hair, enjoying its smooth texture. Then Kyoko gently forces Ren's arms down out of her hair to remove his top, sliding her hands slowly down the muscular limbs.

Ren then places his hands on the exposed part of Kyoko's chest, sliding them down to the top of the V-type neckline of her gown as Kyoko caresses his back. Then he bravely ventures to use those hands to cup Kyoko's breasts over the fabric, causing Kyoko to break from the kiss and throw her head back in pleasure with a cry, letting go his back. Ren's thudding heart races even faster, thrilling to her reaction to his touch and the feel of her upper body through the cloth of her nightwear.

Then Ren lets go Kyoko's breasts to wrap his arms around her and crush her body into his, letting her feel his arousal unabashedly, rubbing her back and bottom. Kyoko resumes exploring Ren's back and shoulders...and bravely ventures to feel his bottom through the silk of the lower half of his pajama set. Her breath is coming in pants, her veins flooding with a drastic increase of blood. Ren's own respiration is just as heavy, his pulse mimicking hers.

Then Ren takes hold of the hem of Kyoko's nightdress, sliding the fabric up her legs, taking in the feel of her bare thighs as he takes the garment up higher and higher. Then he moves his hands to Kyoko's front, his hands spreading across her stomach as he continues to lift the nightie. Kyoko "aaah's" in excited delight, as Ren "mmm's" his own pleasure at the feel of her bare belly. He runs his hands around to her back, and roams the bare skin there for a moment before returning to the front—to pull the nightie up to the gathered bottom of the bodice just below her breasts. Kyoko begins to pant furiously in anticipation. Ren pokes his thumbs just under the gathering, barely skimming the bottoms of Kyoko's breasts. "D-don't tease," whimpers Kyoko. With that, Ren pulls the nightie up over Kyoko's chest, taking hold of her bared breasts with his hands as he does so. "Oh, God," he growls, as Kyoko calls out his name—his real name—and digs her nails unconsciously into his back. He runs his fingers over her hardened nipples, making her utter almost inhuman sounds of pleasure. Finally, he lifts the garment up the rest of the way, making Kyoko's arms move from his body to raise straight up for full removal of the material.

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