Chapter 2: Scene One

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A/N: For the next three chapters, there will be a little bit of repetition because I wrote three actual script scenes, then how Ren and Kyoko actually do them with their ad-libbing to show the difference. These scenes are short, though, so please bear with them. There will be more scenes later, but they are short too and only reference the script; I didn't write actual scripts for those. But for those of you who don't know: scripts are not written the way a story is. The character name is given with only the most basic emotions and body movements in them, and the spoken lines are indented. I could not figure out how to indent the dialogue, so I put the names/instructions in bold, and italicized the text. Best I could do!

Ch 2 Scene One

When they run into each other at work the next day, Kyoko goes into actress mode, and uses the fake smile and false politeness she had learned from Ren, but he can feel her iciness behind it. Nonetheless, they had both been summoned to Takarada's office.

Greetings out of the way, the President gets right down to business. "I've called you both in here today to tell you about a new project I want you both to consider. Kyoko, if you accept the part, you'll finally get to make your debut as a leading lady in a movie!"

Kyoko jumps to her feet, thrilled, forgetting about the man seated beside her. "R-really?! I'll do it! I'll do it!"

"You'll be working opposite Ren here," Takarada adds. The smile she had when she rose to her feet disappears, and she plops down into her seat.

Takarada knew something was wrong between them when they first came in, both looking miserable. But he thinks making this movie together could be the answer.

"It's going to be directed by someone you both already know, Director Ogata. However...Ogata-san feels that the characters are too two-dimensional. He's says it's a good story overall, but too lifeless. So he has asked for the two of you in particular to liven it up. The both of you impressed him with your performances in Dark Moon, so he has asked for you in particular. However, he wants to film this one differently than usual—as in, never been done before—in order to get the freshest and most unique takes on the characters as possible. Even with me supporting him, we almost didn't get the go-ahead from the producers, it's such a radical idea."

Kyoko and Ren are more curious than ever now.

"Instead of getting the whole script," the President continues, "you'll only get a summary of the storyline and a basic bio of the characters, and the pages of the scenes you'll be filming that day—you'll have to be quick about learning your lines and how to portray your characters. This is an experiment, you see, for a lackluster script. I know it will be quite the challenge, especially for you, Mogami—but if you two in particular don't sign on for it, it won't get made it all. Ogata will not take anyone else but the two of you. What do you say?"

"I accept," Ren says plainly.

"I can do it if he can!" Kyoko replies, forgetting to disguise her anger.

"So...what can you tell us about this movie, President?" asks Ren.

"It's a drama called 'The Truth Comes Out,' about a couple struggling with infidelity. The husband cheats on his fiancee one week before they get officially married, lies to her about it when he's spotted, and then only reveals the truth to her the day they sign on the dotted lines joining them legally as husband and wife. You'll learn more in your summaries and bios."

"Takarada-san, I assure you, this is a role I will definitely be able to play!" says a determined—and obviously angry—Kyoko.

"I will do my best, sir," answers Ren.

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