Chapter 4: Scene Three

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Ch 4 Scene Three

Kyoko shows up on the set just as Ren arrives. It's a bedroom set-up. What the hell kind of scene are we going to be doing in this kind of setting?? the girl wonders.

"Tsugura-san, Kyoko!" Ogata says with a smile as he hands each of them some papers. "I'm sorry I'm late with today's last scene-pages. Do you two think you can memorize your lines by seven, right after dinner? That's when we're scheduled to shoot."

"Of course, Ogata-san," Ren replies, Kyoko echoing the sentiment. Both actors immediately silently read through their scenes to see what they are in for tonight while Ogata stands nearby, discussing something with a crew member.

Kyoko's mouth falls open. "O-Ogata-san, sir, pardon me, but uh...I can't do this! It's a love scene!"

"Oh, well you see, we only have this set for today so it has to be done today. Surely your experience has showed you that acting means doing many scenes out-of-sequence. I know you were probably prepared for more negativity, but this is the make-up scene we're doing tonight. We'll go back to the more dramatic stuff tomorrow."

"B-b-but...I'm only 18!"

"It's ok, I already have parental consent for your debut, which includes this type of scene. President Takarada saw to that. And I know you're nervous since you've never done one before, but this one isn't particularly racy or anything, so I'm sure you'll do fine. But if you do have a hard time with it, we will reshoot as many times as it takes, so don't worry about it, okay?"

Kyoko's eyes bug. "Re-reshoot?? Multiple times??"

"Whatever it takes to get the best scene out of both of you, right?" With that, Ogata disappears from the set with a mischievous smile.

" you think you can handle this, Mogami?" says Ren flatly, staring down at his pages.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean? Of course I can! There isn't a scene I can't do, no matter how distasteful and difficult! As an actor, I'm a better liar than you are!"

Punch in the gut. I guess I asked for that. But I hope that I myself can handle this scene with Mogami! I'm in love with her and she hates me. This isn't going to be easy for either one of us. I hope we're both good enough actors to do this scene believably. I haven't doubted myself as an actor since I first got into the biz--with the exception of the role of Katsuki—but this is the first time my costar is a woman I'm seriously in love with...who happens to hate my guts at the moment. He sighs heavily.

Kyoko, still reading her script pages, is walking angrily away from Ren, toward her dressing room.

"Mogami...wait just a moment."

"What is it?" the girl replies coldly, stopping to glare into Ren's eyes.

"I know how difficult this scene will be for you. But whether it's because you hate me or you're embarrassed, your cheeks will naturally flush...something the most seasoned actress can't do. You will shine in this scene." He dares to smile at her, a real one, because he really does believe in her.

Kyoko, still confused and angry and hurt, but weak against that real smile, thanks him simply; then runs away to her dressing room as fast as she can to escape him—her heart beating wildly. He...he encouraged me! And gave me a REAL smile! Could I be...going too hard on him? Well...if I can just get through this scene...I'll hear his story afterwards and decide then. Then she tries to put the matter out of her mind as best she can to memorize her lines.

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