"Fine then. I really do appreciate your honesty. But as much as you want me to, I guess I will participate in this mess you made." He admitted. He stood up from under the tables and out into the open. What?! Is he actually going to food fight with everyone? Now this is very unexpected.

"Are you sure? Once when you do this, there's no tur---" I was interrupted when Neji threw some smothered burrito from the ground and threw it at a random student and a couple of students threw something back at him. You had no idea how much I wanted to laugh. Since it was Neji, it was hard to believe that he would go that far.

"Hey, you threw something and got payback for it." I joked, "I'm so proud of you."

"Don't act like that. I don't even see how this is fun. It doesn't even teach you any battle skills or attacks." He folded his arms.

"Just think of it as a battlefield and the food is an atomic weapon so you don't want it to touch you." I whisper in his ear, "of you hit someone; that's 500  points. If you get hit; that's minus 100. You think you're up to the challenge?" Neji knows me for as long as he can remember. But I know he's always up for it when I create the rules a bit to get my way.

"I'm so glad that you haven't changed a bit. Alright, you're on. Whoever gets the lowest points has to do what the winner says." Neji offers the deal as I shake his hand in agreement. Usually, this would be a little weird since we're kids since the last time we play fought. Now that we're grown, we have to do mature things and each of our little children inside us, is gone.

When I looked at Neji five minutes later, that little child is still in there. He smiled as brightly than I've ever seen before. Just like the Neji from ten years ago. I was so happy after all the acting mature act, he still hasn't changed. And I haven't either.

🕑🕠🕒🕔🕑🕟 TIME SKIP (5mins)🕚🕙🕡🕙

"The teachers are coming?!" One of the students called as everyone started to clean up very fast using their ninjutsu. I tried to get out of their and into the ladies shower room so I would get myself cleaned up. So did the others girls too. They were giggling and explaining what happened.

I do have to admit, I could get used to this. I mean, ten minutes of food fights and not get caught by the teachers. I took off my clothes and walked into the shower to turn on the warm water. Taking a shower after that whole conflict was exactly what I need. Now I got food debris every where. Hopefully the cafeteria is cleaned by the time the teachers get there.

And boy, if my brother find out that I was involved in this someone, they would totally be mad. And I'm not worried about Kimo, Makoto or Tsuki today. Kimo and Tsuki were trying to eat their lunch with Aki since other classes eat somewhere else. And Makoto were distracted by his phone, watching anime probably that he didn't even think the food fight was starting.

And with school on the other hand, it's already over. Even though it's very short, tomorrow are the other classes. Today was History, Science and English so tomorrow should be nothing but Algebra and P.E. The classes just depends on what day it is. Luckily, the announcements include today's classes.

I hopped out of the shower and grabbed the towel to dry myself. I walked over to my stack of clothes and got myself dressed. As soon as I was done, one of my scrolls were shaking. It was my washer and dryer scroll with Neji's clothes. The only reason why I made the scroll was because my brothers can't get their laundry done and for some reason they always complain to me. So I made my own washer and dryer so I could get stuff done.

That and I promised Neji that I would get his clothes cleaned somehow if he wanted to participate in the food fight, which he did. So he sent me his clothes while I was standing outside of the boys' shower room. I unraveled the scroll and pulled out the clothes all cleaned and dried. Go me.

I walked to the boys' shower to see if he was done with his shower. As soon as I did the secret knock to told him about before I left, he snatched the clothes out of my hands so fast, I didn't see him. I guess he wanted his clothes that bad.

"It was about time. How did you even get our clothes washed?" He asked.

"I have a scroll for that job, pretty handy huh?" I mentioned one of my greatest inventions yet, "what do you think?" He came out of the room with his clean clothes and walked into the hallway with me.

"That sounds just like you, what's wrong with your machinery?" Neji folded his arms.

"Grown men that still live in the same house." I explain to him, referring to my brothers.

"They still live with you? I thought they would have a life of their own. Don't tell me your going to end up like them." He giggled.

"Of course not, I'm 16. I'm not old enough to be out on my own. That's why after I graduate by the end of the week, I'll show all of them that I can be by myself." I told him, feeling proud of my future. Neji smirked as I looked over at him.

"You're still the same, aren't you? Graduating here will take more than a week." Before he contiued, he rapidly turned to me, grabbed my wrists and pinned my to the wall roughly. I didn't see it coming, as a matter of fact, it scared me to death.

"Why you little, what are you even doi--" before I could speak, his face was three inches away from my face as we looked into each others eyes. His eyes, they're different. At the food fight they were light and childish like the child he used to be. Now their confident yet dangerous and also seductive. I have a feeling they could be even more seductive. This isn't all the way, this is only the first stage. Wait....WAIT, WHAT AM I THINKING?!

"I-Idiot! Do you think you can just pin me up like this?!" I asked him. He dangerously smirks, making it harder for me to not madly blush.

"Hmph. Do you think you can just graduate from this school less than a week like that?" He asked back.

"Yes, yes I do. Well......not exactly. But that's why I will train harder and even drill everything into my body, until I have no muscle left. Cause that's what I will do to.." I was interrupted by Neji

"To what? Impress me? Doing something I've doing for years and shorten the time span?" Neji guesses, "tell you something, I'll take your word on it. After all, the weekly school challenges are coming every Saturday to test the S-Class and the Graduate Class. You better do your best and win it. However, I will punish you for getting me into that food fight."

Punish? What does he mean by that? Now I getting a little feeling. Is my crush on him rising because he's right there in front of me?

Then, he closed the gap between us and have our lips crashing into each other. My eyes were closing as I was enjoying the blissful kiss. My heart finally calms down and something else was beating against my chest. It was coming from mine, but....Neji's? His heart was beating so loud that I was feeling it. Does that mean he likes me too?

Before I knew it. He disappears. I regain my wrists and the blood flow reached to them. But, that kiss......it was a miracle that came out of no where....WHERE DID HE GO?! And he thinks I'm childish? He can't give anybody a warning when he's doing anything. And what did he mean by punish?

Now, now (Name), calm down. We can't get hyped up here. After all, today's tuesday and weekly challenges are Saturday. I must train non-stop in order to become fully prepared for the fights they will bring. And besides, Neji wants me to succeed just as much as I want him to.

He might've seen through me, but I'll be so high he won't even touch me.

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