16. Your Parent's Reactions

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Anthony -

His Parents - thought you were a lovely girl and they were so proud that he had finally got the courage to ask you

Your Parents - were happy for you both, they both liked Anthony so were happy that it was him you were going to spend the rest of your life with

Ian -

His Parents - were ecstatic. They and your parents had wanted you to be together since you were younger and now you were getting married it was even better. They knew you would be a perfect match

Your Parents - felt the same way as his parents. They had thought you were perfect together from a very young age so were so happy when you told them your news

Joven -

His Parents - were really happy that Joven had found the person he truly loved. They knew how you met and thought that it was an amazing thing that you shared in common so you could help each other through difficult times when your eyesight was particularly bad

Your Parents - were happy that Joven was the one you would be with. Your dad especially thought he was perfect for his little girl and your mum treated him like the son she never had

Lasercorn -

His Parents - were so happy that Tyler had a mum figure in his life that they knew he loved. They believed that you and Lasercorn were made for each other and were even hoping for more grandchildren

Your Parents - were a bit worried that you were taking on the responsibility of being a mum, but had a change of heart when they saw you with Tyler. Your dad even went as far as to cry when Tyler called him granddad for the first time

Sohinki -

His Parents - were happy for you both. They liked you and you liked them so you got along well

Your Parents - thought Sohinki was really funny (they watched Smosh Games since you edited their videos) and they had met him many times before you started to date so were extremely happy when you announced your engagement

Mari -

Her Parents - were happy for her. Her dad at first wasn't too sure about you, but her mum softened him up to the idea

Your Parents - were happy you had found the one that you loved and could see how comfortable and relaxed she made you

Flitz -

His Parents - knew you were getting dance lessons off of Flitz and that over time you became his girlfriend but since you didn't see them much didn't know much else about your relationship so were shocked that you were engaged so suddenly

Your Parents - still weren't 100% sure about Flitz as he seemed like a bad boy. However, after a few family dinners and days out he charmed them just as he had you and they were very happy for you both

Wes -

His Parents - were so happy for you both. They knew how close you were growing up so keep on saying how they knew you would be together, it was fate

Your Parents - were happy that you were finally happy. They were there for you on the nights you cried yourself to sleep after a fight with Wes and knew how broken not being with him left you, so when you told them you had finally found your missing piece, they knew you were telling the truth

Shayne -

His Parents - were happy that Shayne had found such a lovely girl. They loved you and always invited the two of you over for dinner as they loved having you around. They saw the way Shayne looked at you when you weren't looking and were so proud that he had taken that huge leap into the unknown and that he was going to take it with you by his side

Your Parents - were thrilled that you were going to be with Shayne. They loved him and they also loved the fact that Shayne made a point of going to them before he proposed to ask for their blessing. He was such a gentleman and very protective over you and thats all they had ever wanted for their little girl.

Noah -

His Parents - weren't all that supportive of your engagement. They still had the idea in their heads that you were too young and that Noah's internet status had got to his head, making him think he was more grown up than he was, which upset the two of you immensely

Your Parents - were very wary of Noah. You were still their little girl. However, they soon realised that although he was young Noah was extremely mature and they truly believe that you belonged together and that he made you the happiest you had ever been. You restored their faith in young love

Courtney -

Her Parents - were proud of her for stepping up to the plate and being there for you when no one else was. They loved you like their own so were happy for the two of you

Your Parents - were not as wary as they were when you told them how you met. They had got to know Courtney and knew that she meant the world to you and you to her

Keith -

His Parents - were proud of Keith. They knew how much confidence it took him to carry out his proposal and how carefully he had planned it. They loved you and thought you two would have a long and happy marriage

Your Parents - were extremely happy for you. Your dad welcomed Keith to the family and your mum cried when you showed her the video that Keith had set up of your proposal.

Olivia -

Her Parents - were wary at first. She was their little girl and they didn't want her hurt again like with James. They came round when you explained to them that you loved Olivia with all of your heart and that she was your world

Your Parents - were proud of you. They, especially your mum, knew every detail of your relationship, so knew how you protected her and helped her with her nightmares. They knew that you would have the most perfect life together

Boze -

Her Parents - really liked you, they thought that you were perfect for Boze. They loved how you were able to calm Boze down when she got a bit excitable and they could see how much you loved her

Your Parents - thought Boze was the best girlfriend you had ever had. They thought she was very sweet and polite and they could tell that she thought the world of you.

Damien -

His Parents - adored you. From the moment Damien told them about you they thought that you sounded perfect for him. They were smitten even a bit more than Damien was and that is very difficult! They loved seeing the two of you together and after a few dinners together they even started to talk to you about grandkids!

Your Parents - thought Damien was the most perfect gentleman they had ever met. He charmed them just as much as he did and still does charm you. He helped your mum in the kitchen when you visited and talked about football with your dad so that was a big bonus in their eyes. They could see how in love you were and thought you were the cutest couple they had ever seen.

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