"Use a condom," Marley said before walking out the room quickly.

"Marley!" Her aunt shouted after her embarrassed.

Marley got upstairs and kicked off her shoes while flopping on her bed. She decided to call Archie to see how his sessions with Josie are going.

She picked up her phone and called Archie.

"What's up Marley?" He said as soon as he answered the phone.

"I just wanted to know how the sessions with Josie and the pussycats was?" Marley asked getting up and cleaning up her room.

"Really great, I can't thank you enough. They are performing a song I helped write at the Taste of Riverdale thing." Archie told her.

"That great Arch, so there's no reason for you to see Miss Grundy anymore right?" Marley asked Marley didn't hear anything for a few seconds.

"Oh god Arch, don't tell me your still seeing her." Marley said.

"I haven't seen her for a while, she suspended sessions because she was angry I told Weatherbee about the gunshot." Archie explained.

"Yeah well keep it that way Arch, she's a predator." Marley said while redoing her hair bun.

"Yeah yeah, well I've got to go Marls my dad grounded me I'll see you on Monday." Archie said before hanging up.

Marley was bored and decided that she'll binge watch a program on Netflix. She changed into her pyjamas and got her laptop before sliding under the covers on her bed.

Marley watched 8 episodes of The fresh prince of bel air before falling asleep.


Marley woke up at around midday. She brushed her teeth and walked downstairs in her pyjamas to have breakfast with her Aunt Gina.

"Morning," Marley said sitting on the dining table.

"Hello sweetie," her aunt said putting pancakes down in front of Marley  while moving a curl out of her face.

While Marley ate her pancakes she noticed her Aunt was dressed up and not in her pyjamas like she usually is on a Saturday morning.

"Why do you not look like a hot mess?" Marley asked her aunt finishing off her pancakes.

"Because I'm going on a lunch date with James," Her aunt said giving her a glass of orange juice and picking up her empty plate and putting it in the sink.

"You really like James don't you?" Marley asked sipping her juice while her Aunt blushed.

"He makes me laugh," Her aunt said blushing even more.

"So tell me about him." Marley said smiling.

"He's a dentist. He is 40. He moved to Riverdale two weeks ago and he has two children." Her aunt said keeping it short.

"He is 40?!" Marley exclaimed.
"He looks like he walked out of a Calvin Klein advert! And children?! How old are they? What happened to his wife or girlfriend?"Marley asked sipping her orange juice some more.

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