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Dear Lux,

Fun fact of the day: your ex-girlfriend, Tessilya, is the Sith Grand Inquisitor. Or, to be more accurate, was, the Sith Grand Inquisitor. She found me today while I was doing mt daily supply run. We dueled it out, and I was victorious. Sure, I might have been a bit hard on her, but I needed the practice and she needed to die. The fact that she used to date you was mostly irrelevant. Mostly. Okay, not really.

I just worry about what you could've told her. Did you have any idea that she was force sensitive when we were younger? I sure didn't. If I would've taken the spotlight off you for a moment and thought about my surroundings, then maybe I could've warned you. Sorry for being a lovesick idiot.

She said that she hated me for loving you. How did she even know in the first place? I never told anyone about it in hopes that it would remain my secret. Why do I even care anymore? I'm old enough to put this behind me and move on with life. But I can't.

With love,

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