
512 19 14

Dear Lux,

My master and I saw you at dinner last night. We decided to go out for a bite after a long mission to the diner by the Senatorial apartments, and there you were. You tried to disguise yourself so the press wouldn't be on to you, but I knew it was you. I wanted to talk to you before we left, but your girlfriend kept glaring at me when I looked over at your table. Have you told her about me, the girl whose heart you broke?

You left before we did. We made eye contact as you held the door open for your girlfriend, and your cheeks flushed. You looked sad. What's that supposed to mean?

I wish I could tell you how much I miss you. By you, I mean the sound of your voice, the way you'd laugh at my terrible jokes, how you would lean on the wall with your shoulder and your hands in your pockets, the glow in your eyes when you smile... If only I could tell you.


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