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Dear Lux,

I encountered a small problem today. Nix found this notebook and read everything. He was furious with me for keeping the fact that I was a Jedi from you, especially since it was me that "hooked up" with you according to the news. I haven't told him my real name until now, you see. Ever since we first met, I've been Ashla to him. We fought for a good 24 hourse before he finally pulled the plug and ended our relationship.

"You never liked me in the first place!" He said. "You were just toying with me, second best, while the dream guy was off galavanting around a palace!"

I remember sobbing in a heap on the floor begging him to listen, but he didn't care. According to him, I was selfish, greedy, deceitful, and completely hung up on you. The galaxy really is a cruel place.

Sorry about the tear stains all over this piece of paper. I'm writing this from my quarters on a Republic Cruiser on my way to Mandalore. Maul is there, and Master Skywalker recruited me to lead the attack. I don't know why I agreed, but it will take my mind off of things like Nix. I shouldn't feel this upset over him, should I? I liked him enough to date him for a long time, though... I can't make sense of any of my feelings anymore. The whole ride to Mandalore was spent writing this letter and bawling my eyes out. I'd be surprised if there were an ounce of water left in my body.

Maybe this means that we can talk more now? Master Skywalker has the means to reach you, assuming you aren't too busy for me.


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