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Dear Lux,

Everything was for nothing. The whole war was a waste of millions of lives. It was all the Chancellor. He engineered the war and used us all as pawns. The clones turned on us, and the Jedi were slaughtered. I can't feel anyone through the force anymore. The light has been snuffed out and extinguished. Darkness prevails.

This explains the gray haze I was seeing a while back. I don't know if it's over or not yet. I have a feeling that something bigger is coming. In my dreams, I see a green flash of light followed by an explosion. The Emperor is just getting started I fear.

Not me, though. Captain Rex helped me to escape. Everyone else is gone. Anakin, Obi-Wan, Master Yoda.... all of them. It's not fair that I live while they're dead. I'm not even a Jedi anymore.

Ashla is all that remains. Rex and I staged my grave so it would look like I was dead. I can't have the empire looking for me. I'm sorry we never got to talk again after I left the Order. I really am. Now, even if you did decide to call, I can't answer. I'm dead to the galaxy now, which unfortunately means I'm dead to you, too. If you wanted to find me, you probably could if you tried hard enough.


Dear LuxHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin