Worldly vs. world-class

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Day 38: Becoming a World-Class Christian

Here Warren takes a breather to name two kinds of Christian. One looks to God for personal fulfillment. He says they are saved, but self-centered. "Their prayers focus on their own needs, blessings and happiness. How can God make my life more comfortable? They want to use God for their purposes instead of being used for his purposes."

I must say those words hit me in the eye. I must be honest. Indeed, I was like that, the worldly Christian as Warren calls the likes of me, for the most part of my renewed life. I was asking God for comforts and riches. I wanted to live more comfortably and I thought God could help me in that department because I was having trouble doing it on my own.

Then I made the choice of leveling up. I wanted to do more. Not just for myself and my family. I felt the passion to serve others as well. I felt the pangs of mission/ misnitry. In this sense, I am delighted that maybe I am on my way to becoming a world-class Christian as Warren calls the better kind.

So now what do I need to do to continue on my path to becoming a world-class Christian?

For one, the Bible says we must think like mature people. And maturity calls for other-centered thinking. God even wants us to care for the entire world, and not just for our own countries. Indeed, God is a global god long before our concept of globalization entered the milieu. But God prods us to go further still. He wants us to think eternally and not just focus on the "here and now". Because if our vision is focused on the eternal our values would necessarily be different than were we to see only the present urgencies.

It is also heartening to realize that up to this point I may indeed be giving God all the plethora of excuses not to be able to do this or that. I may be doubting myself more than God believes in the abilities He has gifted me with. I may be too old to join Radical (an alibi which Coach Obet obliterated in a few seconds). I am not good with people. I do not have the gift of gab. I am too busy with other concerns. I don't have the time.

Lord, even as I often tell myself and others that you will provide, please give me the time to serve you. Give me the time to fulfill my mission in concordance with your purpose for me on earth. Amidst all my concerns as a father, husband, and working professional, please help me find the time to offer in your service. 

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