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Day 11: Becoming Best Friends with God

God wants to be my best friend?

Duh. This has got to be one of the most astounding thing I have ever come across. Imagine God Himself wants to have a deep relationship with me, a certified sinner. Not me, ladies and gentlemen, wanting to come to God and have a relationship with Him. God Himself doing the first move, going down to my level and, in fact, wanting to befriend me big time. Astounding, really!

If this were really so, then I am so blessed. We are all so blessed. A best friend is a best friend and I'm sure God is the best of best friend anybody could ever have. If a best friend could die for me, what else can I ask from him?

So then I accept His invitation. I also want to be His best friend.

What then must I do to preserve, even to deepen our friendship? Warren writes through 1. Constant conversation and 2. Continual meditation (on His Word, that is the Bible). I think No. 2 is easier to do; No. 1 is easier said than done.

Indeed, most of the time I only talk to God during prayers and inside chapel/ church or during Feast. I realize I should talk to Him more often. Always, every time, 24/7, 365 days. In everything that I do, with every thought, with every problem, with every emotion. I realize yes, He should not be my last recourse. Who is he who has a best friend who learns last of his concerns? Yes, God must be my first recourse. Even before my family, my wife, my friends – God must know first about everything that impact me at any given time at any given day.

It feels so empowering that God is my best friend. At once, affirming the thought blows all my fears and worries away.

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